<<@annviolet4727 says : Here we go! SkyNews doing its bit for their US overlord! WE are 'handcuffed to the hegemonic US who is going to cause Australia to be the the next Ukraine here in the Pacific! BTW, when will SkyNews dare speak of Israel's nuclear weapons? Israeli nuclear technician, Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu, spoke out about Israel's nuclear program decades ago and look what happened to him! The crazy fascist politicians in Israel and US are more to be concerned about than China!>> <<@bloodlove93 says : ok?....and?, so what? we (usa) are already doing basically the same, they hate it but can't control it just like we have zero right to stop or control their nuclear abilities. i don't understand where we get off telling them what they can and can't do.>> <<@danbanks1010 says : Maybe we should be talking of joining brics instread of going to war?....the US has been an allie that acted in their best interest first. Why shouldn't we at least see the offer before we fight over it?>> <<@Didigetitwrong says : You can look at it 2 ways BRICS will be a success and its likely it will be which will mean America will shut down a lot of its 700 military bases around the world as it will no longer be able to afford them which will leave us in Asia with no protection. Or we can ween ourselves off the west and align with our immediate partners, like Japan.>> <<@sthnguy779 says : 5 Cougars thanks 😎>> <<@AWT8900 says : Ah.......world peace....what a beautiful notion.>> <<@scratchdog2216 says : Like a bunch of toddlers squalling over a sandbox.>> <<@Kalb_Allah says : Can't defeat trump so leave him with a global conflict to sort out>> <<@Pet-rf6rh says : While most scholars are reluctant to estimate a total number of "unnatural deaths" in China under Mao, evidence shows he was in some way responsible for at least 40 million deaths and perhaps 80 million or more.>> <<@blimeylimey13 says : Don’t worry we have the largest trans army in the world. 😂😂😂>> <<@larrylongprong5219 says : I reckon Erin is a dud root.>> <<@AussieDanceBreaker says : China will annihilate Australia. Who owns most of the homes here in Australia anyway? Everyone has a Chinese Landlord. Australian Political Parties sucking off China and USA at the same time. We are doomed if shit goes down>> <<@Ingoldby7Aus says : Oh!, did I forget too Mention!!: I'm a SKYNEWS YEARLY SUBSCRIBER!>> <<@Ingoldby7Aus says : Here we go again!: Erin Great Work! Your clear clarification on factual account basses is exemplary: I applauded you!! I, too, am Extremely Sick'n Tired to point of shear disgust, that ANY SORT of TERRORISM CONDONEDMENT'S are being "INSTITUTIONALISED as the NORMS!" Sadistically, NOW being taken up by these So-called Democratic Nation's Worldwide, as their Newfound Modus Operandi Following's! Netanyahu is Unequivocally, Unwavering, Undeterred in his actions (I find only practical solutions)! That totally shows his Supportiveness towards ALL Israeli Jewish communities, be they Native Israeli, Arab and Palestinian. Undertakenings by his Governance Securely protecting them ALL against Barbaric Islamic Muslim Terrorism! Oh Gee!!; I shouldn't forget Australia's, America's, France's, Great Britain's and rest of Europe's SOCIALISTIC COMMUNISTIC ELITIST Leftistism led governments, who've conveniently FLIPPED positions!>> <<@happy1feather449 says : Fear Fear Fear>> <<@freespeech7747 says : Tax payers money should go on public services, not wars machines>> <<@Ingoldby7Aus says : Erin, why has my initial piece been removed!! I WAS ONE OF THE FIRST TO COMMENT! ALL positive towards yourself and your articulated piece's!! Extremely disappointing, just disgusting, and I before presenting my opinion's, I prepare outside this forum! Have the copies!! This AMOUNTS TOO: "Illegal Tampering, on One's FREE SPEACH!" I thought SKYNEWS WAS ABOVE THAT!, Maybe NOT! You're ALWAYS GOING ON ABOUT FREE SPEECH!! There was no treatening or disrespectful commentary!>> <<@mohameddidi2460 says : 😂😂😂 u people Breakfast.. China China China Lunch… Russia Russia Russia Dinner.. Iran Iran Iran>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : This is all the West Fault>> <<@Ingoldby7Aus says : Hi Erin, I apologise because I left off their many incompassing, Suchon-cupped LEFTIST MEDIA TYPES! (You're definitely not included!). Who're always taking the same Heavily Supportive APPROACHE'S towards ALL these WORLDWIDE TERRORISM ACTOR'S! Who sprout Misinformation and Disinformation, and just lies, that's stopping FACTS from getting out!! Its major portion of this media reporting that's falsified, ending up with inacurate and lying reported pieces!>> <<@LovelyLass-nb8op says : The biggest threat to the world has been America under the democrats>> <<@Scotty123-o3u says : Amazing how trump has divided normal and traditional national unity in regard to foreign threats. Disgusting to see so many trumpers supporting Putin while being hostile towards their own government.>> <<@larrylongprong5219 says : This guy https://youtu.be/j1BeztKNoBQ?si=aUxkctTM06X8P3a7>> <<@longjiangzhao2548 says : 澳大利亚根本没资格上桌,没资格谈核武器,照照镜子吧。>> <<@SpikeProtein-c3p says : Israel in spotlight too much…what can we do to make people look away from the atrocities we endorse.>> <<@BigRed1af says : Looking stunning in Black Erin! ✨🌹. The Chinese Navy is built with Australian iron ore?! Thanks for target practice mate😅🇺🇸. That’s ok the US has a very accurate large bomb that can sink an aircraft carrier in one hit! Tested on the old USS Tarawa. Delivered by its B2 and eventually with new B21 stealth bombers.>> <<@AAAA-vu7fp says : It would be nice if paul keating could comment on this issue and whether he thinks china could attack>> <<@dennislam2340 says : The world is round.Anyway,take turn.It's fair.Ha! ha!>> <<@OpenWater-ny2ty says : Erin's fear mongering campaign... Currently there is enough nuclear weapons to destroy the planet 1000 times over.... Sky's getting worse if that's even possible.. Lol>> <<@pkwong1940 says : China has only 1000 nuclear wespons? Are you crazy. And ignorant. Happily China have at least 5 times that amount!>> <<@Gavin-qh7li says : Did anyone find the Weapons of Mass Distraction ????>> <<@AddlyJenesma says : Believe on ur own propagandists. So confused and dangerous.>> <<@Super_Mario128 says : Wyllie Oriental Gentleman>> <<@JsckSzx says : usa is the biggest threat facing the world. thank god for china and russia>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : 🤣😂🤣😂 nazi comedian this woman really is, ffs stop reading a propaganda script, no one's buying it>> <<@abelgeorge5728 says : Not only China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Pakistan are also expanding their Nuclear stockpiles. 🇮🇷🤝🇰🇵🤝🇨🇳🤝🇷🇺.........🤜🤜🇺🇸>> <<@queenofnevers6990 says : Who are all the sad trolls in the comments? You rule, Erin.>> <<@terenceosullivan7846 says : Don’t worry Lobsters and property sales are going well.>> <<@Super_Mario128 says : Only a Trump Presidency can bring peace and prosperity to the world.>> <<@LuciferBlack-z9f says : NRL players is Erin's Forte not conflicts.... 😆😆😆>> <<@harrysmith8515 says : I heard China already had 2000 nuclear warheads already.>> <<@ricky6864 says : Our politicians have already sold a lot of Australia to china......>> <<@ricky6864 says : Who has started more wars? China or the usa?>> <<@nanowolf3718 says : The US does say a lot 10 days before a election. I probably wouldn't believe anything for a few months.>> <<@bestestusername says : Nukes are a deterant, those that have them know mass use is mutual destruction>> <<@nikakiskainourgios2227 says : China has the right to protect itself.>> <<@oceanbreeze89 says : Australia and Japan should both acquire nuclear weapons capabilities as a deterrent. Japan is constantly threatened by China, Russia and North Korea next door whom they all has nuclear weapons. Australia on the other hand should also be a responsible player in the global security to counter balance the threats and face the fact that in our region China, North Korea, India, Pakistan whom all have nuclear weapons capabilities and we need it for deterrence and we should also have a voice at the international political arena.>> <<@SirOppenheimer says : The good part about believing in the electron is that you acknowledge that every action is a reaction of a previous action and even your own actions are out of your control, so when the electron wants me to die I will and no other superior power can control the fate of my disease.>> <<@2CabrasLocas says : The world's new leading super power.>> <<@ImPlaatje says : Expert? Expert of propaganda.>>