<<@gordonwells1626 says : The ALP/Greens….Marxists in our midst. Un-Australian ideologues scamming the country.>> <<@DrewPortman-x3q says : Shows how stupid Albo is, he’s going to loose the federal election big time and he can’t even see it coming, just like the voice. Can’t wait to see the end of Albo and Labour and the greens. Albo your place in history will go down as a sham of a PM, Albo the pretender, and Albo the spineless schmuck. See ya later Dick Head and I hope your new house gets termites!>> <<@JamieWalkley says : Half of Mackay are MEU members, when Burke taken political donations from companies such as BHP and given them all the concessions they wanted during the closing loopholes bill, member realised that labor is no longer the party for workers. Also, there was no appetite for putting a superior race in the constitution (the referendum), that was received as the ultimated betrayal of viter trust. Unions need to show some leadership and spill Albo for someone who is recieved well and doesnt have dirty laundry.>> <<@debbiefisher2921 says : Go coal>> <<@kungalofofamww2anzacroylen413 says : LABOUR PARTY LIKE LIBERAL PARTY IS IMPLEMENTING WEF WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM WW2 NAZI FATHERED KLAUS SCHWABB FASCIST POLICIES . SERIOUSLY LIBERALS BACK ISRAEL AND UKRIAN JEWISH SABOTAGE OF CHERNOBYLE AND ISRAELI GE FUKUSHIMA NUCLEAR POWER PLANT SELF SABOTAGE JAPAN 2011 TELL THE WORLD NUCLEAR POWER IS NOT SAFE NUCLEAR POWER HAS GIVEN US ALL CANCERS ALONG WITH MONSANTO SANDOS TOXIC CHEMICALS. MOST OF THE WORLD IS NOT ABRAHAMIC INDO PACIFIC REGION IS HINDU BUDDHA DOMINION. LIDIA THORPE SO CALLED MIXED RACE ABORIGNEE IS CONTROLLED OPPOSITION BELOW IS AUSTRALIA AND INDONESIAN ECONOMIC AND SECURITY INTERESTS WE ANTI ISREALI AUSTRALIANS NEED TO BE TALKING ABOUT.. GENERAL PROBOWO IS GOOD FOR INDONESIA AND RUSSIA BAD FOR POST WW2 ZIONIST/NAZIS IN AUSTRALIA WHICH IS VASSAL STATE OF ISRAEL THESE NAZIS BAVARIAN ILLUMINATI ROTSCHILDS ATTACKED RUSSIA IN NAPOLEONIC WARS ENDING 1815 AND AGAIN HITLERS NAZIS ATTACKED RUSSSIA IN WW2 1939-45 AND FAILED SO AUSTRALIA AND ISREALI JEWS AND UKRAIN JEWISH ZELINSKY ARE ATTACKING RUSSIA FOR UK ROYALS AND UK LORD PALMERSTONS ZOO BEAST FREEMASONIC LODGES FOUNDED 1843 CALLED BNAI BRITH YOUNG ISRAEL, YOUNG TURKS , YOUNG AMERICAN KU KLUX KLAN, WHO TOOK OUT OTTOMAN ISLAMIST EMPIRE , AUSTRO HUNGARIAN RC HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE, AND BRITISH RAJ EMPIRE IN INDIA VIA LORD MOUNTBATON AND WIFE EDWINA SEDUCING ISLAMIST LEADERS. SO DUTCH EAST INDIA COMPANY HAS ALSWAYS SUPPORTED ISLAMIST FEUDAL SHARIA LAW OVER ANGLICAN PROTESTANT BRITISH COMMONWEALTH WHICH FOUNDED CONSTITUTIONAL PARLIAMENTRY DEMOCRACY VIA OLIVER CROMWELL PURITAN PROTESTANT REBUBLIC 1640S-50S WHICH WAS SO BLOODY UK ROYAL KING CHARLES 1 LOST HIS HEAD BUT PARLIAMENTRY ROYALS KING JAMES 11 KING CHARLES 11 WERE RESTORED AS HEAD OF ANGLICAN PROTESTANT COMPASSION DRIVEN EQUANEMOUS CHURCH TO BE RESTRAINED BY PARLIAMENT FROM SUPPORTING FOREIGN NAZI ORGANISATIONS LIKE KLAUS SCHWABB WW2 NAZI FATHERED WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM AGENDA21 AGENDA2030 GENOCIDE OF HUMANITY PROMOTING ROYALS LIKE KING CHALRES 111 AND PRINCE WILLIAM WHO BELONG IN JAIL FOR TREASON FOR SUPPORT OF WEF AND ISREALI ROTHSCHILDS ZIONISM POST 911. .. BABYLONIAN BANKERS HEBREW PHONETIAN VENETIAN 'BLACK NOBILITY" MOVED MOVED NORTH INTO EUROPEAN KINGDOMS DURING CRUSADES BUT THESE PHONETIAN DUTCH EAST INDIA COMPANY ALSO FINANCED WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR 1066 TAKE OVER OF UK AND 1095 WILLIAM THE CONQUERORS SON KICKED OFF FIRST CRUSADE THEN THESE CRUSADERS LOOTED CONSTANTINOPAL OF GOLD AND SILVER AND CRASHED BYZANTIUM GREEK LANGUAGES ORTHODOX CHRISTONDOM AND INSTALLED ISLAMISTS IN ISTAMBULL THEIR GAME IS ILLUSIONS GAME BASED AROUND MKULTRA TRAUMA BASED MIND CONTROL AND FALSE FLAG TERROR SUCH AS 911. CONT HOLLOGRAPHIC HOLLEYWOOD SPECIAL EFFECTS HAVE GOT SO GOOD THE JEWISH COMMUNITY OF NEW YORK DANCING ISREALI TWIN TOWERS SABOTURES CIA MOSSAD MI6 ASIO CANADIAN INTEL FIVE EYES OF G7 NATIONS FAKED 2 ALLEGEDLY HIJACKED ARAB BIN LADEN CIA PAID TERRORISTS FLYING INTO TWIN TOWERS 911 , ITS A PAGENT , THEATER AS WAS AFGAN TALIBAN BIN LADENS DEATH AFTER HAVING BEEN PICKED UP BY "LAW ABIDING USA ZIONISTS" THEY ALLEGEDLY THREW BIN LADEN OUT OF A USA HELICOPTER WHICH IS A GENEVA CONVENTION WAR CRIME SIMILAR TO "COLATERAL MURDER IRAQ" KISSENGER AND ISREALI ROTSCHILDS ZIONIST FREEMASONIC CABALISTIC KU KLUX KLAN CONFEDERATE SLAVERS ALBERT PIKE AGENT JOHN WILKES BOOTH ALSO ASSASINATED PRESIDENT LINCOLN AFTER HE WON USA CIVIL WAR AGAINST SLAVER 1860S AND BUSH CIA DID SAME TO JFK RFK WITH NO CONSEQUENCES THEN DID 911 VIA DANCING ISREALI TWINTOWERS SABOTURES DEMOLITOIN EXPLOSIVES EXPERTS AND DEW DIRECTED ENERGE EMP ELECTRO MAGNETIC PULSE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION WEATHER CAN BE TESLA TECH GEO ENGINEERED , EVERYBODY KNOWS DANE WIGINGTON IS CORRECT BUT GEOENGINEERING WEATHER IS NOT ILLEGAL BUT SMOKING CANABIS IS THERE IS SOMETHINK WRONG WITH AUKUS NATIONS PROHIBITIONIST LAWS ON CANABIS THEIR PROHIBITIONS SUPPORT CHINESE OPIUM WARLORDS MAFIA DUTCH ANGLO FRENCH EAST INDIA COMPANY KISSENGER USED WITH RUSSIA TO PROMOTE VIETNAM WAR AND TURNED THREE INDO PACIFIC REGIONAL BUDDHIST KINGDOMS INTO COMMUNIST STATES THAT IS AGUNG RAI ARMA MEUSEUM UBUD SAID TO ME VENETIAN "BLACK NOBILITIES WORK" THESE JESUIT VENETIANS MOVED NORTH INTO EUROPEAN KINGDOMS/NATIONS DURING CRUSADES AND BECAME JESUIT PRINTING PRESS DRIVEN BAVARIAN ILLUMINATI OF ADAM WIESHAUPT FREEMASONIC CABALISTIC ROTSCHILDS ISREALI ZIONIST BANKING CARTELS CREEDS WHICH ARE IN MY OPINION CONTROLED BY MALEVOLENT BEINGS FROM OFF PLANET C S LEWIS TALKS ABOUT IN NARNIA BOOKS ALSO RULE EARTH MARA IS THE NAME GIVEN THESE BEINGS IN BUDDHA DOMINION INDO PACIFIC REGION. THIS IS THE OPINION OF SURROGATE GRANDSON ANZAC WW2 ROYAL ENGINEER GENERAL SIR CLIVE STEEL , MYSELF CLIVE JELBART. ALSO CABALLISTS LIKE BURLEY GRIFFIN LAY OUT CANBERRA ACCORDING TO CABALIST FREEMASONIC JEWISH OCCULT SIMILAR TO WHAT GREKO / EGYPTIAN PHAROES PTOLEMY DYNASTY USED AND EGYPT HAS FALLEN TO HEBREW PHONETIAN VENETIAN SLAVERS CREEDS . CONT WATCH MOVIES UNDER BRENDON OCONNELL NAME OR SEARCH ON Traitors To Trump (1 of 3) - Mike Flynn, Roger Stone & Their Links To Sex Orgies & Neo-cons Traitors To Trump (2 of 3) - Mike Flynn, Roger Stone & Their Links To Sex Orgies & Neo-cons Traitors To Trump (3 of 3) - Mike Flynn, Roger Stone & Their Links To Sex Orgies & Neo-cons Mad Monk 37 - Zionists Go after Australian Union For flying Palestinian Flag Israel And Gaza, How Likud & Russian Intel Controls The World - The Talpiot Program THE VIDEO THAT LED TO THE ARREST OF BRENDON OCONNELL BY AUSTRALIAN ZOG PUT IN " " QUOTES TO SEARCH>> <<@speakupriseup4549 says : So proud of Cairns dumping our Labor parasite>> <<@ma3stro681 says : I despise the LNP but despise woke identity politics and feminism even more! And I was a rusted on Greens voter for decades until recently …>> <<@MrProsailor says : Labor, Greens and Teals are a disaster for Australia, unfortunately LNP has also sold us out to foreign entities like UN, WEF and WHO. This can be clearly seen with their push for digital id and allowing digital currency instead of cash. I don't have any confidence in either of the main parties. LNP got slapped hard in the previous election, because of their b**sh*t, now it's Lavors turn. The Trueman show just goes on and on. Boot all the major parties out, and let's get some fresh blood in, like One Nation or UAP. LNP, Labor, Greens and Teals are too woke, too lost to foreign actors.>> <<@liabilitymate4750 says : These Labor idiots were never voted in anyway, don't think that F Wit Traitor Liberal grub will do any better either.>> <<@sejamstihm says : STOP! THEIF! "Net Zero" is a thief that will steal our jobs, steal our money, and steal our freedom if we don't tell our government to STOP it!!>> <<@daveevans4260 says : Australians want their country back we don't want labor anymore>> <<@chuxxsss says : The Uni party is over. Dunn is a death duck.>> <<@davido3395 says : I am one happy Queenslander today! Another term of labor is too depressing to contemplate.>> <<@ape2969 says : Don’t assume it’s all about coal. I voted LNP for the first time, not because of the energy prices- I actually agree with clean energy and it will come - but because of all the woke crap that Labour is bringing in. There are inly two sexes and we can’t change.>> <<@glennschadow-gw7qc says : The poor and middle income will be worse off if the liberals win , but whats new unfortunately people have a short memory or are just plain stupid. 2024 😢>> <<@countyorga764 says : The irrelevant, whining murdoch turd threesome and their mining industry connected, braindead nasho dropkick boyfriend caninavan 😂😂😂😂. Piss off 🚽👋👋👋👋.>> <<@afterburner3999 says : When Politicns LIE They Are Causing DELUSION DELUSION, They DELUSION The PPL Into BELEIVING The FALSE REALTY They Are PEDDLING, All To Get ELECTED and Have The Perks That Come with The Job, Its A Fact, Having The Job of Being a Politicn is MORE Important Than The TRUTH To SO Many Of Them, NET ZERO Is A LIE, Like The JIBS WERE, TRIPPLE The PRICE for Electricity is What They GAVE YOU, From The DELUSION They Caused You To BELEIVE, By Their LIES, and They Arfe Still PEDDLING DELUSION To You, With The LIES of Achieving Something That Other Countries Are NOT SUPPORTING, INSANITY Does NOT RUN A NATION, it DESTRYS It, PRACTICALITY Runs A NATION NOT LIES From AMBITIOS Politicns That are Just There To Have The Top Paying Jobs At Everyon Elses EXPENSE, They Are MURDERING YOU All With LIES.>> <<@politicz1973 says : Muslims for Trump. It looks like the monkey and the plywood violin of identity politics driven psychic terror is going pair shaped for these players in the West. The message is clear “Crazies for Kamala” Vote now for the Middle East to be turned into Ukraine.>> <<@fisho2620 says : stop giving away hard earned tax $$$$$ to the lazy and weak. They will get a job when they get hungry>> <<@seancurran4451 says : To busy uptown with corporate Auz, they have forgotten Labours routes, working Aussies, loseres.>> <<@robn2497 says : I mean every single word: The GREENS are a ANTI HUMAN death cult.>> <<@jamesyuille9534 says : The ALP's BS is slowly unravelling. And about time.>> <<@sejamstihm says : QLD ALP loses by Miles!>> <<@centurionkvc says : When Miles ran his campaign on abortion God took his hand off of them>> <<@davidhepburn9328 says : Melbournians are looking on with envy!!!>> <<@TheAustralianbogan says : Well put.😀😀😀>> <<@allanbudge-sb9zj says : Thats QLD now for the other states.miles should have met the King.Such arroganse from labour premiers>> <<@LindaHolmes-q8f says : Alba Sleazy is shitting himself>> <<@jase0140 says : All sounds great, lets hope they work hard to look after Australians!>> <<@kpopandotherplaylists2518 says : Good bye Greens. ( reds?) Liars. ( from a life long greenie. But not a fake green moron...) Tar tar Labour. Fascists ... ( ex life long labour voter ... working class... labour betrays us. Go fk yourselves .. AND you want to rob our free speech, Albo.? Peopld go hungry n homelesz while you give our housing n jobs to immigrants .. ? And bought youself a mansion ? NOW you re cooked, Albo. Stick a fork in his ass, and turn him over. Done. Albo, and federal greens ..Our traitors, You re next mateys. F u>> <<@grahamjohnson7383 says : Worst thing miles could have done, is have albanese next to him,no wonder he got booted out>> <<@mr.gilbert2790 says : Queensland was the only good state left in terms of living standards. Goodbye to that idea. I don’t think Queenslanders understand the magnitude of their decision. Queenslanders can also say goodbye to to their lower rent, lower energy bills and all the progress made by labor. Everyone was moving to Queensland, but there’s no point now.>> <<@mr.gilbert2790 says : Queensland was the only good state left in terms of living standards. Goodbye to that idea. I don’t think Queenslanders understand the magnitude of their decision. Queenslanders can also say goodbye to to their lower rent, lower energy bills and all the progress made by labor. Everyone was moving to Queensland, but there’s no point now.>> <<@mikewilcox5284 says : Well done Queenslanders you didn't buy the woke BS - good on you>> <<@ralphsimpson4593 says : Woke is Marxist rubbish>> <<@venderstrat says : Miles got thrown a hospital pass by Anastasia.>> <<@BobSmith-ew5oi says : The only way to drop power prices is to again have a healthy surplus of generating capacity. The state urgently needs four new new generation coal plants that last a hundred years instead of 20 year renewable life. It will pay for itself when southern states are having rolling blackouts every day because in there green madness blew up coal power stations we can make a fortune selling them electricity from our healthy surplus at a huge profit as our generating costs four times as low as renewables.>> <<@DavidOlver says : this is fantastic news>> <<@AnonymousDisparity says : And America is currently in energy crisis mode... Highest prices seen in years (still a 1/3 of our costs)>> <<@Denito451 says : Get the radical left out of the Socialist Republic of Victoria. The next government there will have to have deprogramming clinics to help the general population of Victoria escape from the cult they have been in!>> <<@rayweh-bfa4966 says : Greens are watermelons 🍉 green skin red labour inside with pipps>> <<@TheToledoTrumpton says : A free market economy driven by supply and demand, and adequate competition, is the most efficient way to run things. If you have too much capitalism, money fixing things, too much fascism, the government fixing things, or to much socialism, identity groups fixing things (like unions, cartels and all the other -ists), you get an inefficient economy that makes everyone poor. You can have a little bit of all that, but we have so much interference in the economy it just gets strangled. And that is the entire developed World.>> <<@paulstandbridge7411 says : Thank god the greens are out>> <<@rayweh-bfa4966 says : Whoever voted for albo hope you are happy worst pm in Australia history>> <<@robertnelson1526 says : Yes and don’t forget about our oil and we could use a cupola large oil refineries not to mention the revival of our textile industry and the list goes on.>> <<@NoelyBob says : Get elected become the uni party.>> <<@francesfallon8121 says : The Greens were anti Christian at least twice when I listened to them. Goodbye Greens. To @G42J3T. Lol. I am 81 and I am afraid that I spell Labour with a " u " in it. Tut tut hey?>> <<@Pureblood_65 says : Lib /labour doesn't matter how you vote it's a uniparty. Wake up Australia they all work for the same masters like all the media does.>> <<@Kim-q8x says : Well said, Matt. Australia first 🇦🇺>> <<@JPE90 says : Steven miles is miles from being a reliable leader, get the fuk out of politics a**wipe>>