<<@senseicorey9979 says : Trump is out of this world!>> <<@bullfrog9698 says : Eventually, they used the email to send the ballot.>> <<@albynotreallysure746 says : It’s actually not literally out of this world it’s actually still in the sphere of earth, it’s not actually in outer space>> <<@UNDERWOODTRUTH says : The only thing stuck is the female astro-nots hair with aqua net hair spray πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£>> <<@JesusDiaz-sh4jv says : Who did they vote for? I just want to see if I his video is worth watching.>> <<@CodeResp says : Did u know that being woke is a joke>> <<@anchoimaimai says : How did the votes physically go from the ISS to Johnson Space Center? She did not say? Did NASA beam them down? πŸ€”πŸ₯ΈπŸ€ͺ>> <<@L.LGodwill says : I wish that they will return back to Earth as easy as they cast their votes . Peace on the Earth, I pledge to God>> <<@hochinglee8966 says : Showing off HiIGH TECHNIC let SHIT Xie J.P. juming up and down.πŸ˜‚>> <<@rosadelamanecer1 says : Tenemos el Cosmo lleno de mierda . Donde defecan esas personas .?>> <<@cmvamerica9011 says : Would be sad if the election came down to who the astronauts on the space station voted for>> <<@HeartlesSv420 says : It's *off* of this world, but Idk that I'd say it's *out* of this world since it's technically just always falling back to Earth & missing. πŸ€”>> <<@therealnickroberts says : This video told us literally nothing at all..... They cast their ballot to the space center how?? Electronically with a voting machine? They mail a paper ballot via Elon's space Tesla? Why would it go to the space center and then to the clerks?>> <<@connieborjal1141 says : Amazing!>> <<@NostradamusJr says : Trumps gonna sue the ISS for election interference.>> <<@TuLiPgrl says : Omg fake voting!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Just kidding. This is A FREE AND FAIR ELECTION COUNTRY! HEALTHY MINDED PEOPLE KNOW THIS IS VOTER ACCESS. NOT CORRUPTION βœŒοΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’™>> <<@johnnyr9122 says : Why no livestream 😒>> <<@MrBoomer-k6v says : fascinatingπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>>