<<@edcoffey208 says : It sure beats open borders, you absolute idiots>> <<@frankm7707 says : First month in his second term, there will be Mass deportation of illegal aliens, more anti-Muslim policies, sending troops to Gaza to help Israelis to end the conflicts, stop supporting Ukraine fighting Russia. Like it or not, it’s happening.>> <<@garydudley7339 says : CNN and communist democrats admitting to their Immigration Chaos>> <<@bluver209 says : This is what 🇺🇸 voted for 🤷🏽‍♂️>> <<@dockellyobgyn6480 says : Illegal immigrants, not just people. The elections are over, CNN should learn to say the truth as it is>> <<@chrispowers5568 says : I just want to see the deportation train pulling out with just one person wearing a Trump red MAGA hat. 🤣>> <<@Ben-en4yb says : CNN NEEDS TO STOP SCARYING PEOPLE OFF... WHAT IS WRONG WITH WHAT HE SAID? YOU GUYS ARE WEIRD>> <<@johnward43 says : “This Captain Dover on route to Washington, DC. Air Force One will now use the call sign Trump Force One. I repeat, Trump Force One.” 😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@illnessshaw says : What could happen is Trump can blanket deputize verified Trump loyalists and patriots to voluntarily start rounding up those they believe to be immigrants at their discretion. That’s what they are hoping for>> <<@Bidenisacriminal-ch2dp says : I don't understand why they got to go to court they're not supposed to be here in the first place having said that hint the word illegal they're not supposed to be here so the court system shouldn't even have to tie into this I don't want anybody to say it would cost too much because it didn't cost too much when Biden was flying these said illegals into the United States>> <<@lumber-jack-8822 says : Why do you think I voted for him?😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉>> <<@roderickhoggett192 says : Not only Hispanics but Black's also.>> <<@lumber-jack-8822 says : Why do you think I voted for him?😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉>> <<@TUSK-TUSCC says : Alright stop, collaborate and listen.. ICE, ICE BABY! 🇺🇸🪖💪❤️>> <<@dont4450 says : Only part of the country that needs help is you, Donald.>> <<@pinbruh says : Kind of anticipating massive human rights related lawsuits from this action.. but guess we'll see.>> <<@realitynow4342 says : Task Force of retired police officers around the country working their old areas. Pay them a lower wage. No taxes on the second paycheck. Stop all federal funding for law enforcement for cities that refuse to cooperate with the task force. Stop all federal roadway funding other that what is required by the constitution-Federal Roadways designated as military routes.>> <<@danaspidle7760 says : This is disgusting>> <<@shellycrivolio9091 says : CNN, YOU ARE COMPLICIT.>> <<@grevisse6757 says : Anyone who is undocumented needs to be deported. But the Israeli lobby wants American citizens who criticize Israel to be stripped of their citizenship and deported as well. And Trump is not intelligent enough to understand how dangerous that is. If it does happen, all deported citizens need to be brought back as soon as trump's term ends and the israeli lobby investigated and put on trial.>> <<@Vosovogalsyncope says : Youngins voted for Trump to spite their elders.>> <<@metalmaniac788 says : The kids shouldn't be a US citizen is the parents broke the law and illegally came across the border and had them!>> <<@brandigan56 says : Dems are low iq just like this reporter. A child can do her job. Fire her for misleading and lying to americans>> <<@cjumilla1 says : lol come on guys this happens every damn election nothing will happen>> <<@JayBirdGuitars says : this will be the biggest shitshow in american history>> <<@realitynow4342 says : Promoting crooks and degenerates that have skeletons in the closet and can be controlled, bribed, and blackmailed. Promoting race bater and racists. See who you have been voting for. This is Hollywood. Bill "I was on Jeffrey Epstein's plane 35 times" Clinton.   Bill "I orgasmed on Monica Lewinsky's dress, and had a CIGAR with her" Clinton.   Bill and Hillary "Whitewater" Clinton. Hillary "Bengazi" Clinton. Hillary “Russian Collusion Hoax” Clinton. Hillary "I illegally maintained and used a non government sever to keep my illegal dealings private, and destroyed the evidence" Clinton. Senator Joe "I plagiarized others speeches daily" Biden. President Joe "I molested my daughter" Biden. President Joe "Barrisma Scandal" Biden. President Joe "My son illegally was on the Barrisma Board and made my family millions" Biden. President/Senator Joe "I'm a Bullshitting Pimp and Liar" Biden. Democrats supported Al Sharpton. Racist and race bater. Democrats supported Jesse Jackson. Racist and race bater. Democrats and Hollywood Supporting Jesse Smollett who orchestrated his own assault, and blamed MAGA supporters. Barak “My Two Male Gay Lovers Turned Up dead with gun shots to the back of their head and committed suicide” Obama. Barak “I accused a White college police office of being racist to a Black professor, and was proven wrong when the officer provided an audio tape of the incident,” Obama. Barak “I accused a White LAPD Officer of being racist to a black actor couple who were having sex in a car parked on the street in daylight and was proven wrong when he provided an audio tape of the incident” Obama. Barak “I wrote in my book, I was born in Kenya and I made fun of Trump for saying I was not born in the USA” Obama.>> <<@MN-Jim says : The claim that migrants are coming here as criminals is a lie. The fact is the majority of immigrants in United States legally are illegal do not commit crime. It is less than 1/10 of one percent so this is a lie that the Trump administration and Trump campaign pushed on the ignorant American people and they’re gonna find out these claims are complete BS.>> <<@meovietnam000 says : Americans want mass deportation this is what we vote for>> <<@sureshtharakan535 says : Bidenwaboundbyoathofofficetoprotecttheborderwhichhefailedtodoandthatwasadisgraceandtheelectionprovedthepoint>> <<@realitynow4342 says : Substance Abuse Statistics-NCAS Among Americans aged 12 years and older, 37.309 million were current illegal drug users (used within the last 30 days) as of 2020. 13.5% of Americans 12 and over used drugs in the last month, a 3.8% increase year-over-year (YoY). 59.277 million or 21.4% of people 12 and over have used illegal drugs or misused prescription drugs within the last year. 138.543 million or 50.0% of people aged 12 and over have illicitly used drugs in their lifetime. Usership among people aged 12 and over is down 0.4% YoY. 138.522 million Americans 12 and over drink alcohol. 28.320 million or 20.4% of them have an alcohol use disorder. 57.277 million people use tobacco or nicotine products (vape). 25.4% of illegal drug users have a drug disorder. 24.7% of those with drug disorders have an opioid disorder; this includes prescription pain relievers or “pain killers” and heroin). I wonder how many are democrats?>> <<@alasdair1571 says : Concentration camps?>> <<@bigdog1311 says : Trump said he wants to start with the thousands of illegals that are known criminals. You clowns still don’t get it - your lying does not work and the people that voted should be legal citizens so they have nothing to worry about?? Right?? Trump won big time LOL!! Go hug your support pony and get over it!!>> <<@aimeerice4687 says : I believe they'll make deportation camps slave labor camps as was done by their hero 100 years ago.>> <<@akram151 says : Ha the democrat media propaganda machine>> <<@brandigan56 says : Your liars Your reporting is bs>> <<@Mk7519 says : 2 Thessalonians Chapter 2 talks about trump. It also offers words of encouragement. Please read I hope whoever does finds peace and energy to stand despite how things may look.>> <<@aimeerice4687 says : Just imagine how many US criminals in foreign jails will be deported BACK to the US in response to this Trump foolishness>> <<@anthonettedavis244 says : Please people don't even know what they got their self into. Lord have mercy on the USA>> <<@MkMoufa says : CNN talk about kamala lost. let the fox news talk about Trump plan😅😂>> <<@JamesJosephKendall says : Yeah… seal up those borders. How you gonna do that? Sounds so easy, but it’s not. The way to prevent illegal immigration is not to just simply “seal up the border”. The illegal immigrants will still find a way in.>> <<@jasonthompson6267 says : Quit spreading this crap already. he said he would deport ILLEGAL immigrants. That's it. Quit spewing your crap news. Obviously, the American people do not beleive a word you say..>> <<@edechikendrickajeh5389 says : Democrat should not fight for them they should enjoy their vote>> <<@jayal4897 says : Can someone be deported if they were given 3 weeks to leave the US?>> <<@arupguhathakurta1460 says : Trump would enforce the law that Dems refused to do.>> <<@DavidSeat-yl5ss says : Money spent to eject illegals is money well spent.>> <<@tiffanyalberti2029 says : When Jesus was on this earth he preached in fields and those who wanted to hear listened and those who didn't walked away and he did not stop them and he did not go into pagan temples where people were having sex with animals and tell them to stop it. God gave us free will for a reason. If they walk away and don't want to listen then leave them alone. Leave them alone. Mind your own business. Get a life. Worry about your own sins that you are trying to avoid by focusing on the sins of others.>> <<@JusticeforPeanut-t6x says : The spaces aren’t being used so the question of space is moot. Then the statement of “millions” is an exaggeration. This is the bs rhetoric that lost the election. Anyone with half a brain and listening skills hear this kind of reporting and agenda push and switch parties.>> <<@963ag says : Everyone is talking about costs - but this would be balanced or even outweighed by the amount of money saved on social services, healthcare, law enforcement, etc.>> <<@tiffanyalberti2029 says : When Jesus was on this earth he preached in fields and those who wanted to hear listened and those who didn't walked away and he did not stop them and he did not go into pagan temples where people were having sex with animals and tell them to stop it. God gave us free will for a reason. If they walk away and don't want to listen then leave them alone. Leave them alone. Mind your own business. Get a life. Worry about your own sins that you are trying to avoid by focusing on the sins of others.>> <<@odin5395 says : What about Trump? He has 34 Felonies ! He need to be remove.>>