<<@sayithowitis1 says : When's China going to pay the worlds economy back after COVID>> <<@17th_Street_Preacher says : Crash the dollar>> <<@Sigma-66 says : They're going to give Taiwan a bit of stimulus.>> <<@freedommm6403 says : China salve Australia so excited 😁😁😁>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Mitch McConnell will be moving to China πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†>> <<@sunyata4974 says : China is sliding into oblivion. There is nothing they can do. Australia must kick out the Labor party for squandering our strong position.>> <<@krumplethemal8831 says : Stimulus means printing money wrecklessly..>> <<@harrysmith8515 says : Do you know China is only developing country which can manufacture 2 types of stealth jet fighters J-20 and J-35, aircraft carriers with electromagnetic catapult and send crew into its own space station? China’s big advantage over India and other developing countries is its one party system: very efficient and always choose capable leader.>> <<@arturobayangos1223 says : China will never tell the truth and if it does it is the opposite . Proof ? India Galwan River massacre . Correct ?>> <<@luckyjinx9474 says : Tim Walz should be happy since he'll need a new job.>> <<@Infectedrone says : We all need a strong China to stay healthy.>> <<@zigzag420mf says : Nice dick. Shut up.>> <<@zigzag420mf says : Hail trump>> <<@KingAlphaOmega says : China is a big jail country like north Korea>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : The sign of a failing economy, pump with cash!!!>> <<@ewokYT117 says : China will be fine, they are very smart and hard working people. The issue for China is that they have very little natural resources to support their growing economy. Working with other countries is important for their growth.>> <<@AmberMichealsCholeNicole-cj7sy says : What is really going on over there WTF is happening, How is China keeping up with the US>> <<@Tonatheos says : STIMVID>> <<@LuciferBlack-k6m says : Good afternoon subscribers and welcome to another episode of... 🎣 with 😈 On today's show I'll be fishing for the slimey Spotus, ( you may know it as the sexual predator of the United states...🀒 Suggested lures.. The cheeseburger...πŸ” πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†.... let's go 🎣>> <<@turtle-frogs says : How much is Australia getting. πŸ₯•>> <<@Bricklick says : Sky Zionists? I thought China was our Enemy?>> <<@evolgenius1150 says : I guess Brics don't float, they sink.>> <<@joelrudzinski6829 says : This is Freakin Stupid! When will the World Learn that $.84 Cents of every Dollar China takes in goes directly to the Chinese RED ARMY for weapons that the Red Army has sworn to be used on the Free Nations of the World.>> <<@tadeuszmichaelwlodarczyk3120 says : As the saying goes. Give them nothing take them nowhere. China πŸ–•>>