<<@Vientomeyer says : Quien puede decir cual grupo provoco>> <<@roshniebishesar3283 says : Dutch government is responsible for this!! They knew since 6 november that jewish people cant walk on the streets like this!! They knew that jewish people would come for the football match!! But still they didnt do anything about the safety!!!>> <<@hashmanishahjahanredchilip3855 says : This is not nice. Civilians must not be physically harassed or harmed. Judaism is as respected religion as another like Christianity Islam Buddhism Hinduism Stop genocide Support two state solutions Allow food and medicines into Gaza>> <<@_wokeweaklingscryoverwords_ says : Religion of Peace in Action.>> <<@shavezkhan0 says : What you give to the world. World will give back same to you.>> <<@ricyman5110 says : 8 march 2024 : "football fans assault man with palestinian flag in athens" goggle this news>> <<@ahmadfadli5059 says : i wonder why the natzi hate them? is it because they are a good neighbor? later they play the victim again>> <<@WackyBlack-ju2yp says : See now two coward talking about police caming too late>> <<@Gerdevriesse says : There are probably people who filmed this and sent it to the police!!>> <<@indranilmukherjee35 says : Who were behind the attacks 😅😅😅? Are you kidding ???😂>>