<<@yowten8994 says : Well they can afford to pay them how much money did they make last financial year.>> <<@jeffallen981 says : Guess what pride month is over. Lose the rainbow crap 💩>> <<@JohnsonCranium says : Go ahead. Strike 🪧 Woolworths is crap anyway. Fresh fruit and veg is usually old at my local… never seen such crappy produce… I rarely go there as it’s so chatty… and the staff are all old fat blue haired miserable grubs on a loud mouthed power trip about masks 😷 I’d love to see my local Woolies close down/ total arseclowns that work there.. they all should be in welfare pension payments and hidden from society. If it closed… no one around town would miss it 💁‍♂️🤣>> <<@blackcorp0001 says : Hope your shelves are full of stuff going off that you cant sell ... thats what greed gets you ... enjoy>> <<@bryanpetersen1334 says : The UAW has ensured that vehicles can’t possibly be manufactured in the USA, their victory was akin to a suicide bombers “victory”. Unions have eliminated their own ability to exist in the West, but maybe they’ll have better luck in Mexico and Asia.>> <<@carbonite1999 says : and when that's still enough money what then? threaten the Australian public with empty shelves ? unsustainable wages mean we all pay more !>> <<@RaisinBran-ir4iq says : Striking when the economy is this bad is never a good idea. Any company's first reaction to unrealistic pay raises is to have layoffs in order to maintain their stock value. However, if a 30% pay raise over 3 years, I imagine they'll try to meet it during the holiday seasons. Still a bad call on the union's behalf, IMO.>> <<@tomjones5338 says : There Woolworths the ripoff people overinflated prices on you>> <<@Psittacine-pp5yd says : Don't shop there they are thugs ,Why give your hard earned money to a company that treats farmers and suppliers like dirt not me👍>> <<@davinsustak4398 says : Who cares never stocked properly anyway so.... Always ALDI or Coles lil convict...>> <<@Apex_wolf says : Trying learn from America to use their voice>> <<@SleepyDaisy-ub9wt says : Woolworths is still around?>> <<@peterstevens2027 says : The shelves are empty already and have been for a while, pick it up woolworths! Thinking might have to go to coles.....urghhhhh>> <<@ainsleybarnard9594 says : Gyatt>> <<@UltraPerception says : WULSENWURT REPLACING THE WORKA WITH AUTOMATED MACHINERY? WHAT DOES IT EXPECT THESE IDIOTS TO DO? GO AND GET A JOB FOR NASA OR ELON MUSK? WULSEN YOU MUPPET. FUCKED IT UP AGAIN>> <<@MullockHeap says : Go ahead, strike, that industry is seconds away from automating human beings out of the warehouses anyway…..>> <<@UltraPerception says : WULSENWURT BACKING THA VACCINE?>> <<@msrcoldrooms8754 says : Probably All vaccinated>> <<@andi9161 says : Just to clarify they're on 50 to 55 dollars an hour Source? I'm a former employee and family work ar these sites Automation will probably come for these people shortly>> <<@LuciferBlack-k6m says : Excellent.......🎉>> <<@oldnutta7611 says : All staff at supermarkets have to do is stack the shelves, we customer have to do everything else.>> <<@UltraPerception says : Always causing trouble woolworths didn't it do some other trouble aswell the woolworth gettin IS Wools WorF'h is he Always causing trouble Wool WurFL what else did it do when it caused toruble now threaten cor what a news>> <<@saltyreesescup3104 says : And Stay Out Of The Woolworths...😶🧂>>