<<@marcschaeffer1584 says : Lol>> <<@croiners4166 says : This is ridiculous ❤>> <<@Leodiazz says : suspicious>> <<@raylynch5098 says : Come on MAN ❤>> <<@ChristaFree says : This is Sweden's best, huh? Smh gender minister? Ah,b that explains it all lmfao! 😅>> <<@AEAFSMA says : Gender equality minister 😂 Women got equality, it's just that they want men to feed their egos and they want to be dominant and put on a pedestal regarding their appearance.>> <<@nafspliffster3527 says : Yet again wion with breaking news ,.,.,.>> <<@tedjuniormichael1083 says : Wow. That's all the news you got?>> <<@cstan8165 says : What about sausages?>> <<@democraticthinker-Erk says : oky in her work space she can as long as it is not affecting public....>> <<@befeleme says : Being a Minister of Gender Equality obviously does require a certain degree of mental disorder as a prerequisite for the job.>> <<@sumi8899 says : 😂😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@Paul-ou1rx says : And now she's getting emails and texts full of banana emojis. What are her thoughts on eggplants?>> <<@aayushshrestha9312 says : If she has fear of bananas, her husband must be having a very hard time feeding her one. IYNWIM !>> <<@spikeymonkey2257 says : I guess she not a fan of 'Minions' =(>> <<@berkvjli says : Really? how bizarre, they are a great source of magnesium and potassium which are essential nutrients for health and well being.>>