<<@lesleyosborne9319 says : About TIME! VIC is SECRETLY SHIPPING GAS IN. And Runs the SOLAR on DIESAL, when there's No Sun!! Its Beyond a Joke. 70% of FARM Land, NO Food for solar and wind..>> <<@clydesimpson1462 says : Bowen doesn't care about the pain renewables have caused or the cost. He's got his 3 big pay rises..>> <<@ELPRES1DENTE45 says : "Good to see?" Your generation is the absolute WORST.>> <<@miked5789 says : There is nothing renewable about electric vehicles.>> <<@alastairgair7504 says : You can't run renewable power without reliable base load power! Just ask Dick Smith! A>> <<@raygiddings2715 says : Its about time these off shore gas companies were made to pay Royalties and taxes instead of taking our gas and selling it without having to pay for it because if the Government was collecting this money we would be one of the richest Countries in the world not our people finding it hard to pay their energy bills and wandering how to make ends meet and our manufacturing closing up because we have an abundance of gas and we can afford cheap energy instead of going down this road of green energy crap considering Australia only puts out 1 percent of the worlds carbon emissions.>> <<@brettchristoffel6391 says : Remember ALL life is carbon based and Co² is plant food.>> <<@NeverAgain316 says : Woke religion must stop!>> <<@michaelpercival7981 says : Fossil Fuels is a made up expression. Our Planet has unlimited oil. It's natural and will renew itself.>> <<@chopperking007 says : Our coal plants are already hooked up to the grid ffs>> <<@chopperking007 says : Rebuild our coal n gas ffs>> <<@pookeyhutchison7838 says : For gods sake use common sense and build some coal fired HELE plants . Renewables are nothing of the sort and are just gimmicks of the elite leftists . Nuclear is not needed now but maybe in a thousand years .>> <<@KF-bj3ce says : Absolutely nothing wrong with renewables in combination with nuclear base power, and fossil fuels where electrical or clean fuel energy can not be applied or is economically not viable yet. Only fools will see it the other way.>> <<@mi8344 says : Even Trudeau is going full on nuclear along with gas. And Albow and Dumbo want fairy dust and farts>> <<@johngeier8692 says : The widespread inappropriate and uneconomical use of renewable energy equipment has actually increased carbon dioxide emissions due to the massive waste of resources incurred with the manufacture and installation of this equipment.>> <<@larrylongprong5219 says : If only there was a tax to the super profits of the fossil fuel industry>> <<@jayhellyer5406 says : There'll be no transition to renewables, the transition to fusion will stop it.>> <<@mervynborjanovic1374 says : It's about time we told the donkeys to piss off and to get back to a practicable energy policy.>> <<@ianenglish123 says : The fossil fuel industry will be held accountable.>> <<@BretLoydREAL says : No substitute for what gets results 😉 Not that the left can comprehend that.>> <<@guffawersyd5582 says : The greatest hoax perpetrated in the world ever.>> <<@awc900 says : Build new coal plants that are readily upgradable to nuclear at a later stage.>> <<@LuciferBlack-j1k says : The hypocrisy of Chris Kenny... Abused a 16 year old girl for her effort to protect the planet but supports yet another child molester for Murdoch's greenbacks..🤑 How low will a checkbook journalist go.....?>> <<@Tom_Mel2000 says : I supported energy independent.>> <<@outlawbillionairez9780 says : Not unusual for this corporate media being for oil and coal corporations and their profits, while hating the good people of Australia. Yer scum. As usual.>> <<@primrose62 says : What no Alan Jones arrest news ???>> <<@Hallonyancat says : It's not good, but without it we are in trouble. Meanwhile China is experimenting with hot fusion and carbon blade batteries,>>