<<@cathyr2419 says : First pResident to host a Drag/Trans party at the WH...Joe n Jill..the worst EVER!>> <<@FredWilliamson-r4d says : Now Trump will buy the rain forest and bottle the water and sell it at health food stores because its cool to drink something the mainstream doesn't. 😅.>> <<@srb2591 says : Trump crossing the DMZ by himself with no protection was historic. This was pathetic and creepy the way he just walked into the forest>> <<@srb2591 says : Historic lol>> <<@whackamole4909 says : amazing how chipper he is after his handlers stopped drugging him>> <<@DMTme0 says : Just leave him there with the monkeys, they have the same IQ and he should be fine.>> <<@cmadinga says : The man who cant run for presidency but can make decisions on wars issues. 🤣>> <<@cmadinga says : Anything for the cameras>>