<<@lornacarlos says : Albo is taking the country down by being recalcitrant or just being plain ignoramus with his head in the sand.>> <<@dinkydi172 says : They need to get out of Australia's way. They are nothing but filthy traitors.>> <<@noweternity3101 says : WE DON’T NEED TOXIC NUCLEAR!>> <<@lydia3098 says : When Richard Marles said that electricity will be $1000 more under Dutton, did any journalist ask him how he came to that figure, or did they all stand silent?>> <<@littlelotta7975 says : Nothing Wong with coal>> <<@Ingoldby33Austn says : So TRUDY, toeing LEFTISTISM Line, just Parroting same RHETORIC, produced by: ALBOZOSOSLEEZIE, BOWLESS, PSOWRONG, MIRALESS! This just PROVES, EVERY SINGLE One of them, DEFINITELY AREN'T anywhere near being AUSTRALIAN! ALP, in name only, as Commrade's, been operating under New Pty Ltd (See My Below): Communistic Socialistic Leftistism Totalitarian SUPPRESSIVE Dictatorship! NOW called THEIR AACCP: Albozososleezie AFFILIATED COMMUNIST CHINA PARTY! New AACCP Supporter's Business: P: POLITICO T: TYRANNIZER Y: YARDSTICK L: LEFTIST T: TOTALITARIAN D: DICTATORIALIST Getting their wish of running on one's own "Battery Power!": 2AA Main Batteries and Supported by 2CC POWER BACKUP Battery Supplies! As they say: ITS ALL in the NAME! Enabled them, running an additional powered Mantra! NEVER CONTROLLED, but are the CONTROLLER'S, of EVERYTHING, and this of course, MEANS EVERYONE!😢>> <<@JohnHeenan-cy3ce says : I suggest that you google a BBC news article titled “Rolls-Royce plan 16 small nuclear reactors in the UK”>> <<@lancetuckey6403 says : Australia should have gone nuclear 40 years ago....>> <<@St.Thomas-er9iu says : Nuclear roads are produced in Russia as controlled by Russians... St.Thomas>> <<@philipgould4438 says : Labor dragging its knuckles in the dirt when they walk.>> <<@St.Thomas-er9iu says : GUS / LPG is the best answer for energy issue resolve... St.Thomas>> <<@paulfri1569 says : Economic treason?>> <<@paulfri1569 says : Selling out to Red China comes with comquences...>> <<@bemusedone162 says : Good onya pete I'd much rather hear you than a childless kat lady😊>> <<@aoca3817 says : Orrrrrrrrrrr, le war that MARKUS alway's wanted. Look at this non-existent electorate ov Cunit in an election yr. What koruption u talkin about Willis? Ask le Ukrainian's with this Blonde in Blue. Stay on TARGET. It's AWAYYYYYYY!!!. SHoOONK . Did it go innn? Nahhhh, just a peckin on le surface, ov a fkn ZAPORITZA NUKE REACTOR COMPLEX!!!!!!!>> <<@andrewblackshaw10 says : Allen jones where’s your coverage bloody pedo>> <<@kaynine31 says : I suggest you prepare for FREE ENERGY. Because thats coming soon. Along with cancer cures and air cars.>> <<@mickrussell-t3t says : albo g9 and the leprechaun a kiss and a hug you slimy bit of shit you are nothing but a grub trying to destroy Australia time to fuck off you useless grub>> <<@NRCZ5BRO7_ says : Labor are fools to themselves. they have to blame everyone else for their lies. Which is easy. You can't fools - they are fools. Given if you are in politics - the best thing to do is. 1. Admit your mistakes. 2. Own your mistakes. 3. fix your mistakes. Labor always go off with the left wing political fairies. And you don't know what they represent - even labor does not know what it represents. Given - all of it's policies are taken on race and climate and gender from the U.S. - and it's misinformation laws from Canada.>> <<@MarkWatney0 says : A govnmet of failure. Unpopular lockdowns, unpopular vaccines, unpopular voice, unpopular on good defence, unpopular on housing, unpopular from rising cost of living, unpopular on free speech, unpopular on governmnt spending and waste and unpopular on DEI.>> <<@JohnHeenan-cy3ce says : The reactors in the Nuclear submarines are the same devices which are being used in the smaller “local” power generators>> <<@dmarshall8366 says : How do you show your face defending Jones Credlin? There has been ample information on him going back to Kings college where he was dismissed for sending love letters to students. You are going to look pretty ridiculous when he goes to trial and his Rolf Harris, Jimmy Saville type record finally comes out.>> <<@trickyboy1517 says : "caught out", Pete? Who are the one embarrassing themselves trying to convince Australians that nuclear energy is cheaper for them? ROFL>> <<@vivrowe2763 says : He is not going to be in the job and he doesn't care less. He knows that. It won't get any better with the other mob, work for the same people>> <<@allancook6239 says : Wheres Alan jones story pathetic>> <<@Makeaustraliagreatagain-h8u says : Dumb government! Narrow minded.>> <<@MysticCoder says : Aussies are stupid>> <<@donendusted2 says : This government is the most useless government in Australia's history.>> <<@AlanMr.TickleJones says : Caught out. An embarrassment. Like your "good friend" Alan Jones, Rita? 😂>> <<@jenzag7621 says : Albo's made so much of a mess, since the time he's been in government, "reaching for the stars", he should gracefully step down.>> <<@jimcarlson2252 says : The Greens want you to stop using fuels derived from Mother Earth and that includes nuclear but why? Their agenda is to put us all into 15 minute cities but in reality they are government controlled and provided “Almshouses” or living coffins full of excessive deaths by heart attacks.>> <<@davidwoods304 says : Nuclear medicine is ok … that’s on land . It’s so embarrassing 😢.>> <<@ekka6560 says : I would pay more for Nuclear anyway, just to stop the destruction of our landscape and environment.>> <<@terryjkhn5725 says : Liberals would do the same , nuclear power subs self powered with options to carry nukes an nuclear plants basically rumours thrown out for opinions but remove gst from bills see the difference but then where to nuclear power plant i guess near Aboriginal communities where wont be three eyed fish it will.be three eyed indigenous peoples>> <<@KenMunro-u4o says : We have a nuclear reactor in Sydney already>> <<@tarkaPLSX says : This government go from one bad decision to another. Nuclear is the future and whilst Labor oppose and refuse to recognise this, our great country will decline and become a an energy basket case🤬 Keep up the good work Peta in calling this weak and misdirected Government out 👏👏 the next election can’t come quick enough 👍👍>> <<@sallycent6598 says : We do hope that the Libs will win the majority so the Labor can’t do anything about.>> <<@wileyfox3436 says : What about Jones. You call yourself a far cun news channel report it please.>> <<@ricky6864 says : Politicians need to be held personally accountable for their lies and misinformation. Inflation is mainly due to their anti Australian decisions>> <<@troy6882 says : We know in solar no several band silicone 800w dark light laser to run at two hundred watt two 800w cells double stacked if at worse to the input use i got 600w laughing dug on core engineering id start at super with a strange math to output to scales on electric motor math the base was for a one kilowatt output needs to a load motor required 850w to run its self if you gear load that shaft to 3 250w motors to rpm spec's x4 together gets that one kilowatt output all but start up??vs winds 21 thousand turbines how many coal to run the current befor crazy and its not like iam against it but not this stupidity>> <<@ricky6864 says : Labor proven liars continue to lie and feed misinformation>> <<@davefoord1259 says : While a nuclear enquiry is going on and experts are giving submissions, labor says its not going to happen. Fake enquiry>> <<@Peter-p5u8t says : Noook-leear will deliver "cheepa elekwishhitty" by "two hundred and seventyfiiiive dollars"💵💵😂🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@CubNV says : Who the fuck opposes nuclear power? Jeez>> <<@gaylemitchell5872 says : Anal needs to go.>>