<<@RemiVanwermeskerken says : I wonder if they'll ever admit that Kamala is just an empty suit that can't speak without a teleprompter, who doesn't answer most questions but just says something totally off topic, never tells HOW she will make changes she promises, overspends, and can't even think of ONE thing she'd do differently yet wants to turn a page?????????????? How utterly absurd>> <<@adriannathaniel4015 says : Dems will never get it and will lose again, JD Vance will be the next Potus.>> <<@RegalMe91 says : I donโ€™t agree with much of what heโ€™s saying but he seems like a nice man>> <<@phobicismist5858 says : The only time I see David here in the US is when he goes on a news show to get his ass kicked by conservatives. He's a popular punching bag amongst the right and you can see why.>> <<@SRC21584 says : Omg This man is so delusional ๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@nicholasmatthews5989 says : Both Kamala and David will not be involved in the next election. David appears to be delusional about Kamala.>> <<@nicholasmatthews5989 says : 0:23 , Kamala must have said "...I come from a middle class family..." about a million times during the election campaign. Every interview/rally she stressed that she came from a middle class family. The message was out there, but people realised that Kamala was an empty head that continually vomited meaningless word salads.>> <<@bryanclark7608 says : Gabriella Power hot>> <<@johnnymaccool9828 says : Dems didnโ€™t get their message muffled or mixed up , Americans heard their message loud and clear and want nothing to do with woke left wing socialist policies period>> <<@boricua6412 says : HE IS A DEMORAT CLOWN ๐Ÿคก ๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@jeng1395 says : โ€œShe ran an excellent campaign.โ€ Bahahahaha! ๐Ÿ˜…>> <<@Joshua-s1x8x says : Democrats are not working class, but for rich and wealthy>> <<@whitedove1859 says : Democrat David is still delusional with his farcical understanding on why they lost the American people.>> <<@brucerobertson2245 says : You never had a message that was credible . The working class left you because of economy, immigration and cheating in voting and the elite insider trading>> <<@markdelacruz1322 says : She was a lousy candidate.>> <<@pmaher76 says : Nothing says supporting the middle class by taking their donations and giving it to rich celebrities and influencers.>> <<@brettclark2799 says : Hanna blew 1 billion on a failed campaign. She cannot pay staff. Dhes 20 million in debt. And you fools believed she was the one to fix the economy. Delusional>> <<@codyaucoin3412 says : I'm sure the working and middle class can understand how you blew 1 billion dollars on concerts, private jets, uber eats, bullshit interviews, and fake podcast sets. Wait, no we can't. Get fucked bud.>> <<@hunk2176 says : Overall Democrats cannot be trusted when it comes to money. $1.1 Billion Campaign Disaster!>> <<@peterbrix1155 says : Im pretty sure its obvious how he is going to decrease the power bill. It was one of his main points>> <<@jbflyinglow says : He still campaigning heโ€™s not very good. We need to look in. We need to refine all b.s.>> <<@chazgeorgebatmanhotline7069 says : I knew he was talking stupid just from the thumbnail>> <<@tjwelch62 says : Delusional>> <<@zakrichardson6563 says : Idiots never learn>> <<@NonotEver1 says : Whats wrong with this guy's head.his ear's are below his eyes ๐Ÿ‘€>> <<@YvonneCurry-jh2qe says : 1+ Bil gone in 3 months and it's not a big deal, wow!>> <<@SamtheMan0508 says : ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚>> <<@ShannonA-j8s says : No she left God out. She compromised with everything else and left out God people and made a joke of it. Now who is laughing.>> <<@AsaTrenchard1865 says : Luv smirking beefy lass Gabriella ๐Ÿ˜>> <<@allanwoodhouse5102 says : Sorry David, you're STILL talking out of the hole in your arse....>> <<@ageingtrucker says : USA was run by corrupt criminals for the last 4 years>> <<@MPowerSubie12 says : She couldnโ€™t maintain a budget on her own campaign how could she manage America or the world?! What a joke to even admit to this so embarrassing!>> <<@VaucluseVanguard says : The Democrats main problem is they think they can square the needs of big corporations with the needs of the working class. They canโ€™t and nor can Trump.>>