<<@MarkForbes-dr4ie says : Labor blame everyone else>> <<@slyzz1372 says : this muppet doesnt have a clue how hard the cost of living is... all he can do is bag the opposition, how long ago were they in? show us the way out.. make life easier..>> <<@jasonfranich5601 says : Well I believe the Trump wave will come and when Trump takes his presidency they'll be setting up a efficiency department its going to axe many government departments that waste money and can do without many of these departments this needs to happen here cause they're not efficient and many need to go end the corruption start with governments>> <<@knight2425 says : So Albo is going to blow the future fund to cover the huge deficits that are coming after this year that is well known to be coming, the arrogance to sit there and talk about surplus when he knows there is huge deficits coming for the next decade because of him and smugly tries to defend robbing the future fund to cover his incompetence>> <<@richardf013 says : Please don’t fall for this fake government who have no plan for the future just increase taxes.>> <<@darrylpatti5901 says : You jerk Albanese . Dont spend our money. Your surplus is only due to the pain you are imposing on Australians.>> <<@davidwoods304 says : I’m from housing … this is how we do it … we stiff the people of Australia over and over again … When he had the money … why didn’t he get his mum out of housing and into a place paid for by him direct ? Thus freeing up another place for someone else who may have needed it also …>> <<@davidwoods304 says : blowing something …>> <<@Squeeeeeeeezy says : The Prime Minister is an idiot Michael>> <<@letmeexplain1816 says : Both parties are corrupt to the core and are blackmailing each other. The truth is out.>> <<@umaddotjpg7772 says : Surplus from taxing us you know nothing low life. And where did that surplus go?????? Not to Australians in need. Your holidays jets houses food mansions screwing the country with renewables and so on. Get an economics degree before you stand infront of parliament and speak about spending. Go back to school or better to prison where you belong>> <<@timazu77 says : God I hope the right create the same objectives as trump>> <<@ThorstenWernicke says : Oh well there goes that, this joint is fkd>> <<@jonsampson2940 says : Smug and incompetent, a rare combination. How embarrassing that our Prime Minister pronounces “important” as “impordant”…..>> <<@KinoHaua says : My God! These are the people who are running our country?>> <<@andrewmarie9747 says : Drive up grocery bills drive up energy costs your talking about what your useless government has been doing for the last 3 years you f wit do you think we are all as stupid as you muppets running this country into the ground??? We see your lies you maggots and your going down this election>> <<@petersanders2815 says : The Libs took the deficit from 220 billion to a trillion in 9 years!! Dutton needs a lesson in maths.>> <<@lawrencewilson8453 says : Australia should be a non tax paying country but instead the gov has done deals where we only get 3% of total revenue raised stealing our natural gas>> <<@Armins-j1e says : Viena minūte, un es varēju no tās dzirdēto saprast, kur un kā tiek tērēta nauda, un tas ir nepareizi. Sāksim ar disciplīnu diskusijas laikā un piesaistiet kādu ekspertu, kuri to noklausas no malas, sēžot tur pat un piefiksē faktus, lai saprastu attīstību virzienu ekonomikai. Tajā ir daudz interešu konflikti, kas jau liecina, ka finanšu līdzekļi aiztek pa strautiņu prom. Psiholoģija.>> <<@Armins-j1e says : Pilnībā neauglīga laikā tērēšana, un par to viņi tur sēž kā valdība? Kur tajā ir tas, kas būtu kā risinājums, izņemot to, ka ir tikai apspriede pie kafijas tases.>> <<@thekangaroo9156 says : You have done F all for the cost of living Albo. You have made nothing but false election promises.>> <<@alpha2470 says : Wish these two woodducks would stand down for real ment to stand up>> <<@SandyfayLeo says : Labor always bankrupts and destroys>> <<@thekangaroo9156 says : Time to vote for Dutton! Boot Labour out asap!>> <<@timcollins380 says : Albo is living well on our money, he is getting chubby again.>> <<@metalman2271 says : Surplus from cooked books.>> <<@metalman2271 says : We borrow from China to donate to China.>> <<@MichaelHolm-m1m says : Dutton the DUD>> <<@VictorJuchniewicz says : Government have no idea on running a country spend spend spend clowns>> <<@PK51X says : Hands up if you’ve had a wage increase? I get sick to death of hearing these dickheads claiming “real wages increasing”. Maybe it’s the public circus only.>> <<@lesleyweber4585 says : There is a clown running this country>> <<@justincarman943 says : Hahahaha, commodity prices bailed Labor out and nothing else>> <<@UneducatedMong says : Ive all but doubled my pay in the last five years, but somehow ended up worse off for it, good work Albo 👎>> <<@JennyMillikan says : Sick of this crap. 3 million home less out of 27 million Australians shameful. Albos new house overlooking the ocean empty? We may have to fill it.>> <<@PK51X says : Albanese is such an arsehole.>> <<@Janet-hs4wl says : If you didn't know ant better , you'd be convinced albo treasurer doing g this on purpose. Making it a serious problem for liberals when they win fed election>> <<@leebanks-gorton4512 says : Is the future fund for paying super to public servants???>> <<@DavidLockett-x4b says : The politicians all think that voters are fools, and it is about time that the voters taught them who the real fool are. This country should be One Nation under God run by real leaders, instead of being run by a bunch of tree hugging, money grubbing bumbling fools.>> <<@ianenglish123 says : But Labor has delivered 2 surpluses. LNP zero. Labor has brought down interest rates from 6.5% to 3.2%, lowest in 4 years. Is Dutton lying, Yes.>> <<@wayneanonymous7660 says : This idiot is disgraceful>> <<@robertproietti-ricci6403 says : GET RID OF THIS 4 EYED IDIOT CLOWN THE FACT IS ...THE P.M F*************CKED AUSTRALIA AND THE PEOPLE>> <<@guffawersyd5582 says : Albanese is nothing but rat cunning. Socialists love spending other people's money.>> <<@PatriciaSaunders-d9v says : Albo speaks pretty tuff and a few of the labor party speaks pretty also they all speak tuff when there’s everyone is around that’s why they speak tuff and still all blame goes back on Peter Dutton Albo and the labor party are all kids that has never grown up they have got a brain between the lot of them>> <<@WarwickHarpley says : Failed to answer the question. Just proving what a weasel Albanese is. His smug colleagues are tarred with the same brush.>> <<@ShaunOConnor-v4q says : Ad much as I don't like albo ad pm I don't want Dutton as pm. Labour and the liberals have both shared power over the last 60-70yrs and are as bad as each other>> <<@BarbaraHambleton says : A desperate man>> <<@BarbaraHambleton says : Don’t forget that you left them a huge debt so you albo need to stop talking niw>> <<@johnwojtkiewicz6759 says : The Milton Dick is a dick>> <<@BarbaraHambleton says : Bloody mongrel govt>> <<@BozoTheclown-cs9mk says : Peter Dutton, the one who helped out Scomo in spending billions on things like snowey 2.0, handing billions to Paladin with no due diligence done. Flushed billions down the AUKUS black hole, increasing the national debt by many many billions, with nothing to show for it. There is no comparison to a government that repeatedly brings in a surplus.>>