<<@stevewiles7132 says : Should have released some early burn off equipment.>> <<@speedymccreedy8785 says : If only we had could fight summer bushfires with just 1% of the resources Albo makes available to fight ‘climate change’.>> <<@danbanks1010 says : Why not let us prepare our land instead? City people have no idea how the bush works.>> <<@EL-FUKKO says : Can the expert please tell us about Bill 2020 Amendments to Defence and what constitutes a federal declared emergency and why foreign police and military are now given immunity when deployed into these declared emergencies>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Are voluntary firefighters expected to still be jabbed or have you cut this lunacy out>> <<@CanabisWhiskeyAnanas says : YOU KNOW WOMEN IN JAPAN MAKE SUSHI?>>