<<@user-Vida-Locust says : They wouldn't even know how to start a nuclear war.>> <<@bozzalo says : Well said>> <<@nickstoic3758 says : Whether you like him or not, he's saying the truth, the US is indeed escalating the situation in Ukraine. If the US was any better than Russia it would have avoided or at least made peace by now.>> <<@thef22raptor15 says : Little rocket man is back in the news>> <<@4thday892 says : I live in the US and he aint wrong. Biden is a moron. these people are hellbent on world war 3. its insane. We voted for trump for PEACE, they don't want peace.>> <<@mwaaa03 says : kim is so funny 😂😂😂😂>> <<@chanshimkhangrah9978 says : N.korea please get out of ukrain war so u will not regrets.>> <<@williamwalsh9899 says : Kim needs to stop saying the US, and start saying biden and his administration , because we the people are not backing biden and his decisions, biden and his corrupt buddies are worried about all the money they stashed into Ukraine banks, let's not forget biden had a prosecutor investigating corruption in Ukraine fired by using blackmail on funds going to Ukraine>> <<@WilliamPriceKing says : Rocket man is always looking for attention.>> <<@Lilly-Black1 says : America is investing for decates into the 3rd world war!>> <<@HoTrEtArDeDcHiXx says : 👍🏿>> <<@Bajtjr says : The US isn't the one invading nations in this particular case, its north Korean troops fighting a war against Ukraine with Ukraine defending itself from the Russian invasion and now North Korean troops so the one warning about nuclear risk.. stop invading countries and there will be no nuclear risk>> <<@Trinergy-Livewire says : After all that prancing, how do these men have energy to do much else? Valid question.>> <<@morexbong6980 says : Stupid Kim, you sent your army to Ukraine to kill innocent people in Ukraine. That is escalation. Stupid Kim>> <<@ReneZaspa says : Good job the Great President Joe Biden to Protect and Defend the Democratic World 🗺>> <<@AlphansoBailey-h5x says : Dis is the future,>> <<@esanguronald2414 says : Rocketman is on a suicide mission>> <<@kickass7104 says : N.korea is a legitimate target by Ukraine 😐😐😐>>