<<@davidchandler2182 says : net zero immigration!!!>> <<@scottclark1634 says : Australia is a shitshow. Stop immigration and foreign ownership immediately and turr out this turgid government.>> <<@billyscott7769 says : Who cares about Australia and their liberal attitude>> <<@andrew6526 says : Albo bringing in millions of unskilled immigrants has made housing difficult for Australians already living here . We need a better government and One Nation is it.>> <<@revalationrevaltion9291 says : Don't worry albo said yes too China too bring on 50 million in WA.>> <<@YUDNSAY says : The US base there may be pushing local inflation?>> <<@paulfri1569 says : Agenda 2030?>> <<@paulfri1569 says : A massive mining ⛏️ town also..>> <<@Theillusionist-v8m says : I had a dream last night that i met this girl that i fell in love with, we were camping off grid with a bunch of other people, there were different relationships between people because everyone was fairly solitary but i met a girl i though i had love with but at the end of my dream she confessed she had feelings for someone else, he had long brown hair and was really quit, he didn't have an attribute i wanted to hurt, then i woke up. Defeated.>> <<@Theillusionist-v8m says : So what do you want to talk about for 43 minutes?>> <<@velvetfaerie says : 30%??? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@ianlister245 says : ...regional centres the same...housing prices doubled in 5 years>> <<@Creality.R.Crooks says : California Dreaming: They can have their mansions and we'll have our tents.>> <<@Splat-j9v says : They did something during covid to the housing market.>> <<@pandemicoftheunvaccinated5367 says : We know diddly squat about what the Coalition's policies will be onΒ cost of living; housing; energy and climate change; and immigration.>> <<@Creality.R.Crooks says : WHO CARES ???>> <<@CanabisWhiskeyAnanas says : THEN BOUNCES OF THE PHONE INTO THE SATELLITES THEN COMES BACK TO EARTH 'HELLO?' https://youtu.be/FJt7gNi3Nr4?feature=shared>> <<@joselopez6990 says : Australian people are pissed right now>> <<@changedlife1904 says : Yo have yall ever heard of construction !!!! I thought usa was bad πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ build more homes>> <<@CanabisWhiskeyAnanas says : THEN T REX TURNED AROUND AND DRANK A BEER. https://youtu.be/FJt7gNi3Nr4?feature=shared>> <<@changedlife1904 says : πŸ˜‚ time to build πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ build more units its not hatd to do and theres land πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@Theillusionist-v8m says : Nothing like spending your life away for a crappy bunch of bricks and plasterboard that your grandchildren wont be able to witness because the government established it as unsafe. 😊>> <<@ricky6864 says : Labor following the wef plan>> <<@ricky6864 says : Only corrupt politicians will afford to live in Australia soon>> <<@Prognosis__ says : This is what happens when governments follow the school of Klaus Schwab>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Labor are in charge of Perth 🀣🀣🀣>> <<@mikiasg8453 says : I keep hearing Perth has highest average income. Apparently not.>>