<<@kalboy816 says : Why is bully china risking escalations in the waters of the Philippines!???shame on you!!!not because you are powerful,you can bully others!!!>> <<@yanadventures says : CHINA IS CHALLENGING FOR WAR TO HAPPEN, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. CHINA ANOUNCES FALSE PRETENTIONS OF UNFOUNDED PRINCIPLES THAT EVEN ITS CITIZENS DON'T EVEN BELIEVE. πŸ˜πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ€ͺ>> <<@yanadventures says : NO SUCH THING AS XIANBINJIAO AND DIAOYU........THOSE NAMES ARE MADE UP AND JUST RECENTLY ANNOUNCED....NOT EVEN 1 YEAR.....NOBODY IN THE WORLD KNOW SUCH ISLAND NAMES.....CHINA IS NO.1 IN MAKING UP STORIES.>> <<@paul5475 says : Get out of the Philippines COVID CHINA>> <<@j.orville says : The arbitral tribunal in 2016 ruled in favor of the Philippines, affirming its exclusive sovereign rights over the West Philippine Sea. Despite the ruling, China has continued to encroach on Philippine waters, harassing Filipino ships and fishermen.>> <<@alexcaber1028 says : The real question is Why is CHINA risking escalations in Sabina Shoal? Chinese mainland is more than 1,300 km from the Spratly Islands. while The Philippines has 690 km its also affect EEZ of other country.>> <<@bebot2014 says : simple: it is ours, logic says whatever is ours we must protect with our lives>> <<@origensanals505 says : Just report this video for misleading>> <<@room6667 says : China go out philippine water 🌊😑😑😑😑>> <<@leogazebo5290 says : Imagine having ambitions to be the next Superpower and somehow getting humiliated and feeling threatened by a 3rd world island nation. So much so that one is compelled to use state-owned media to make a narrative that somehow this poor nation can, in fact, escalate things... BRUHHH HAHAHAHA>> <<@mjpelaez says : Because the Philippines is the rightful owner of Sabina Shoal (Xianbin Jiao) based on historical claims and the awarding of the arbitral ruling of the UN Permanent Court at the Hague. Rogue China's 9 dash line are pure imagination of the Communist Party. The party even brainwashed its people into believing their false narratives.>> <<@Helooos222 says : "funded by the Chinese Government" -Wikipedia Trusted Wikipedia more than this clown ahh channel>> <<@jjes9656 says : This is within Phil backyard EEZ...China farr fr this waters...2016 tribunal invalidated chinas claim...Why china doing this things..?????>> <<@DanielA_1605thstriker7 says : Japan owned China since world war 2>> <<@Nolra08 says : Chinese are the worlds greatest liars haha.>> <<@Nolra08 says : CGTN is one of the fake news agency of China haha…>> <<@chong7672 says : CHINA FEELING DRAGON BUT THE REALITY ARE MOSQUITO HHAAHHAHAHAA>> <<@dancarlos1799 says : πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@Wtech-v7y says : Why is china risking escalations in sabina?>> <<@maharlikayahudim4454 says : No, China is the one escalating... they have stolen our islands with out firing a single shot.>> <<@akoaywaladito2566 says : This video deserves πŸ‘ŽπŸ½>> <<@Darness96 says : These chinese really thinks they own those islands, HAHAHA>> <<@Mnm8189 says : China is always delusional to claim the Philippines islands>> <<@silberoi45 says : Opinion irrelevant, Chinese funded media.>> <<@notedcam6949 says : CGTN is a Chinese Propaganda of Communist Party.>> <<@danielarenas9878 says : The xian bing jao jao is a dream its like a dream that the wish is not true>> <<@danielarenas9878 says : batong bakal mock it the president of the ctgn ahahhaaπŸ˜…πŸ˜‚>> <<@JinghanWiho-id6he says : Great China>> <<@Victormagtanggol_23 says : Its because Ph much older than China, & Ph is the owner. china founded 75 years ago while Ph is more than 100 years old. Even taiwan is older than china.>> <<@NMMedia17 says : The right questions is; Why china risking escalations on some part of Asia's country's EEZ like Japan, Philippines, Indonesia, vietnam, malaysia etc... Why?>> <<@markgilsantiago2077 says : China Pirates>> <<@delightsvlog2 says : Question is.. why China claim teritory which not their own!!!>> <<@austronesian1898 says : Dont put names on areas you dont own, XianBin Jiao only came up recently you fake manufacturers>> <<@Omsim-k1r says : Wumao bots: it's US fault πŸ˜‚>> <<@revista3659 says : Tha question must be this : Why china is a big liar, and China media making fake news? No nation gonna believe that the Lion is bullied by warthog..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@MinokawaPH says : Funny πŸ˜† Youtube is banned in China and yet China hasn't banned its state news media just so they can make this dumasss propaganda with all these bots commenting here>> <<@tobiellucas8765 says : First of all WPS is not yours. Another lie from PRC.>> <<@ramiltagarao1996 says : Excuse me its not xianbin jiao>> <<@BuffFilipinoDaddy says : -Why is china encroaching on other sovereign nations territory? And expect them not to retaliate? If china is such a military powerhouse why can't it intimidate the weak Filipinos or bring Taiwan to it's fold?>> <<@y-dr3yb says : China always copy and steal other country’s sovereignty and territory. China is claims other country’s land and seas not only in the territory of the Philippines but all other countries near them. STOP SPREADING FAKE NEWS....WE ALL KNOW THAT CHINA IS EXPERTS IN MAKING FAKE AND COPY CATSπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚>> <<@MacarioDanday-qx7ro says : china must better change your emage of your Flag to Crocodile 🐊 .>> <<@y-dr3yb says : Simple,it is because Philippines is the rightful owner>> <<@babyblue8891 says : China flexing muscle but failed to take over Taiwan πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚, Dragon is a word's comedian.>> <<@VladmareLamao says : China is far away in that territory...that is the territory of the philippines.get out🀬🀬🀬>> <<@VladmareLamao says : The west Phillipines see is for the Philippines get out their chinese>> <<@potato23333 says : That area is clear in the Philippines. If you look at the map of China, it's super far.>> <<@chrysllerryu4171 says : WHY CHINESE PIRATES ARE SO GREEDY? THEY ALREADY HAVE HUGE LAND AND SEAS, WHY CLAIM OTHER'S SEAS.>> <<@jet77279 says : who is illegal. chinas claims to an area thousand miles away from its mainland or the claim of the philippine to it eez. china is always reversing the truth for its own gain. china the modern pirate of the sea>> <<@Omsim-k1r says : Wow creating artificial island is good for environment πŸ˜‚>> <<@patata9684 says : big bullying>>