<<@tkAusfrom4492 says : To all those people that are working, you have my sympathy. Retirement is the best medicine. No alarm clocks, no more suffering crowded & cancelled trains, smelly passengers and no more toxic workplace. Pure bliss 😊>> <<@Tardigradient says : I think it’s awesome. That’s how you get rid of the weak snowflakes>> <<@Karen-h8b7e says : Probably whe re earthquakes come from, by these evil imbeciles fucking with nature and the natural course of the future and fucking with the equilibrium of our country and all those who occupy it, are you out this world or what?>> <<@rhettcorbett3346 says : They all should sue the ass off this Company.>> <<@mzpatintexas8329 says : It’s not the company’s fault for” Stressing Their Employees “. But the Employees fault for ,...”Being Stressed at Work” How Stressful of the Company for Stressing the Employees Emotionally ,. for Fear of being Fired by the Bullying Company. Simply,Stressing me out for the Stupidity of this Company. Really,...”Get a Clue”....>> <<@LP-bt4jk says : Now they will be even more stressed without a job. 🙀>> <<@Karen-h8b7e says : These enemy terrorists have probably got submerine Australian run by actual terrorists Because Australian government so dumb Or is it the people who dumb>> <<@Karen-h8b7e says : They won't even give us a chance to defend ourselves>> <<@Karen-h8b7e says : They are not even warning people about incoming missiles from China>> <<@Karen-h8b7e says : China is about to attack Australia and they babbling on about repetitive bullshit>> <<@Karen-h8b7e says : Good against evil government enslavement>> <<@Karen-h8b7e says : Im not going to be responsible for anybody who doesn't stand with the majority in reclaiming their countries 8>> <<@robdimasi2758 says : Sounds like the wef sorry I mean like the government>> <<@Karen-h8b7e says : They don't want us to take their wealthy lifestyles away by exposing them as the evil that they are that run our country and own us>> <<@Karen-h8b7e says : These minions are just analysing us who protest against evil>> <<@Karen-h8b7e says : We live under the reign of an evil cult like rulers hip and they have taken over the whole world and every media presenter is involved>> <<@ScouseHouseClassics says : Ruined a company i worked for years ago..... people taking the piss going off stressed periodically>> <<@womp6338 says : Of course joe hildebrand defends the company. I really cant stand that guy.>> <<@JukeboxJoeB says : I think Sleepy Joe should do photo ops where he wears a MAGA hat again, and takes photos with Trump supporters! 👍 Would be great for bringing unity to the country!>> <<@ClownTown15000 says : This is an amazing company. Stop catering to lazy employees who don't want to work and use fake excuses like stress for their lack of productivity. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. People need to grow a pair.>> <<@ginger6582 says : Good for that employer. Stressed workers are not good workers.>> <<@playitcoolmusic says : Why are you shouting at me?>> <<@retrofuturistic8 says : I wish my boss would fire me for being stressed out. Yes, I am self-employed.>> <<@mooserx4 says : Fair call lol if Ur stressed out about ya job Ur not on top ya job>> <<@picobyte says : I'm an elictrician,, can't handle the tention 🫠>> <<@picobyte says : Nailed it 😆>> <<@dont_listen_to_Albo says : What the company did makes sense. After it had fired all the employees who indicated that they were stressed, then the company will have no more stressed employees.>> <<@paulsaulpaul says : That could be a wrongful termination lawsuit in the US. Especially if you have a friendly psychiatrist corroborate your work-induced stress with your (anonymous) survey answers. My psychiatrist can get people workmans comp for emotional trauma caused at work. That's a separate lawsuit, though. There's got to be something violated here if they baited employees into being fired by lying about the anonymity of the survey. An employee could claim the survey was filled out in error, etc. I'd also like to know what mechanism they had in place to ensure that each employee was actually the one that took each survey. Story almost sounds unbelievable.>> <<@DonaldDeCicco says : This is an episode of "The IT Crowd". Anyone feeling stress WILL BE FIRED! ">> <<@jonrinckes says : What an arsehole company…or actually the boss. Nothing like changing the way it’s run to take better care of employees>> <<@berdugosocials9854 says : You wouldn’t call it a job if it’s not giving you stress.>> <<@dericofdorking says : This was a bad PR stunt gone wrong. Nobody was actually fired, they were highlighting importance of mental health but it blew up in their faces>> <<@chrisxavier3147 says : That's why I never trust employee surveys, despite the claims of "anonymity" nonsense. It's just a fishing expedition.>> <<@chuckmaddison2924 says : And i thought it was my old company in Australia. Always doing " engagement " surveys. And checking if you Net Promote as an employee. We were even asked why the F we were there in the first pkace.>> <<@petethetruckie says : Let's hope Prue, Liz and James do the same thing with News.Ltd because there's bound to be some stressed "journalists" at sky news with the looming new direction. Can't wait to see Andrew Bolt go woke to keep his worthless arse employed.>> <<@GeoffInfield says : It's 2024 so to be fair they likely had a bunch of whining self-absorbed snowflakes - I hope so, because the alternative is horrible and beyond unfair. Don't think so tho - you don't do this unless you hear people b1tching about how stressed they are in an environment that shouldn't be challenging to anyone reasonable.>> <<@alexandrec.6843 says : Don’t fill up surveys or Signal that everything is great to work unless you want to lose your job. Sick corporate world>> <<@anthonybending2687 says : Legend who thought of that,,😅😂>> <<@tadeuszmichaelwlodarczyk3120 says : BIDEN HE'S GOING TO HIS BUNKER AND SLEEP 💤😴😴😴>> <<@tadeuszmichaelwlodarczyk3120 says : If your stressed well pissof>> <<@yissnakklives8866 says : So why was this a laughing matter? The mass firings?>> <<@Bitofsnoo-d4k says : System exists to protect the system.>> <<@Bitofsnoo-d4k says : Guess what happens when you report site manager for laughing at employee for choking on chlorine gas?>> <<@allendulles2481 says : Bye-bye DEI hires! 😂>> <<@oldbloke204 says : Gotta love the freedom in the US eh? Don't want the Govt. intervening or setting boundaries so get bent over by employers and corporations instead. Last time I got laid off the payment along with what we had was enough that I didn't have to work again. Enjoy your freedom guys cos I sure am enjoying doing what I want every day.>> <<@haroldmclean3755 says : Good Bye Biden 🦧🪠>> <<@randoir1863 says : IF we knew the exact questions asked in that survey , we'd have a better understanding of why they are firing people . MY guess is that at least one of the questions has to do with TRUMP being President and the company is shedding lazy useless employees who are holding the other employees back with their constant "STRESS" BS !!!! I'm sure no valuable employees were fired and I'll go so far as to guess that most of the fired employees are 35 and under ! Companies are getting creative in finding ways to weed out bad employees it seems .>> <<@glennchartrand5411 says : A real life : "The lashings will continue until morale improves.">> <<@cavscout7113 says : So they asked employees if they were stressed in a survey and then fired those who said yes? Scum bags.>> <<@danvain says : Hahaha. The DEI hires were angling for some perks, but instead, they got the boot. Priceless.>>