<<@boltang says : If any of these awards such as Nobel peace prize, Knighthood, Times mag POY etc had any Value, meaning or integrity then people would actually give a flying fck. This man is to honest for any of them. They all greasing up his arse Now!>> <<@anotherdave5107 says : Time would put a banged up hubcap on it's cover if it would sell another copy.>> <<@awake13830 says : While Trump deserves that honor, who cares what Time says or does? They destroyed their honor, integrity and any respect they received years ago.>> <<@joycehowell1482 says : πŸŽ‰ Trump/ Vance β€οΈπŸ€πŸ’™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ™>> <<@ssuwandi3240 says : Greatness winsπŸ‘ŒπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²>> <<@brianrogers7692 says : Criminal of the year would be more apt for Trump the traitorous bozo>> <<@andersdottir1111 says : He’s the best candidate.>> <<@unvaccinatedAndPureBlood says : NOBEL PEACE PRIZE NEED TO GIVE HIM 20 AWARDS ALREADY!>> <<@countyorga764 says : Murdoch turd Evelyn Rae πŸ˜‚ got it wrong. The orange turd is an expert mass debater.>> <<@VeronicaMoreno-qd8yh says : *Warning News!* *Tsunami due to Lefties Tears. 😭*>> <<@johnketchun2816 says : Holy SHIQT....THE MAINSTREAM MEDIOCRES GOT ONE RIGHT .....>>