<<@Superpooper-2020 says : Very normal day in the land of free>> <<@albback8176 says : Is the CIA destabilizing schools at home now?>> <<@bobjack2381 says : Freedom self destruction, what could gone wrong>> <<@jamesgathings6364 says : A student going on campus and attacking other students? This could never happen in China>> <<@yeska62 says : Barbaric, and violent society.>> <<@ToiChutGongWu says : Ah, the USA. Land of the Free and the Home of the Deranged. Where are all the usual bots and trolls telling us the USA is so superior?>> <<@kimhelton5514 says : gun violence ? guns have no thought process to choose violence, that comes from a human being>> <<@sarahlee9979 says : Reference ... "In Wisconsin, you must be at least 18 years old to shoot at a range without a parent or guardian. If you are under 18, you can shoot at a range if you are accompanied by a parent or guardian ...">> <<@darnneljones6954 says : So what!?>> <<@kumbackquatsta says : "abundant life" lol>> <<@DavidFoo-kh4ri says : And to think the dead shooter is a 17yr old girl😢>>