says :
Jimbo and gallegher are the equivalent of Giles and O'Neill, and how good were Giles and the O'Neill duet?😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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What i am understanding is, that the budget is behaving like the renewables: at the beginning it's incredible but, as the time is passing by, it doesn't have the energy to keep the economy running!!!
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Knowledge of god
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Once again Labor has proven itself fiscally irresponsible.... Gov props up the economy while the RBA is trying to slow it down... Moronic 😅
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How many charges of indecent assault against minors is Alan Jones facing? (Clue: the number is greater than 33.)
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In ONE YEAR Argentina Javier Mile chops out all the dead wood bureaucrats and departments and slashes EXCESS government spending ending deficits there for the first time in 123 years! He's also announced structural tax reforms that will ELIMINATE 90% of taxes, the US is on a similar path too with Trump. All the red, green and blue teams do here is blame each other for three years then collude with each other to bring in authoritarian laws.
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exactly, academics, scholars,non business,dreamers people have no idea what money means-😢
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Does Chalmers know what GDP means?
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If a business owner makes massive losses it is forced into administration/bankruptcy and the business owner loses their house and property and possibly goes jail for mismanagement of funds or fraudulent acts. How about the Treasurer and PM lose their homes & assets and go to jail?
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Canada is broken