<<@sionbarzad5371 says : So what is it? Superman?>> <<@RemoteViewer1 says : Yeah, the orbs of light coming out of the ocean arent "Drones".>> <<@Chris-hupe says : It’s a bird. It’s a plane No! It’s fake news.>> <<@frankeydaniels says : Complete bs because officials are complaining and airports/air force bases getting shut down. Yet you come out and say mistake and identity? I think the only mistake here is the insult of our intelligence.>> <<@Chris-hupe says : It’s a psyop. Don’t trust cnn Let’s not forget they lied about the prisoner in Syria>> <<@debraholz6821 says : Too much droning on about drones. Why would someone fly one at night anyway?>> <<@The-Official-Podcast10 says : https://youtu.be/OPw_3Q6v9nA?si=oqvQ2BfOThcup7gz>> <<@RB9522 says : I find it hopeful that no news sources are talking about balloons!>> <<@Sonnypaul1 says : They are eating the drones>> <<@Dave-q4o-q2y says : NICE VIDEO....PLS🙏🙏🙏🙏 I HAVE INCURRED SO MUCH LOSSES TRADING ON MY OWN... I TRADE WELL ON DEMO BUT I THINK THE REAL MARKET IS MANIPULATED.... CAN ANYONE HELP ME OUT OR AT LEAST TELL ME WHAT I'M DOING WRONGLY>> <<@Casey0033 says : (Drones) The government looking for stolen radiation material! Your welcome!>> <<@club4ghz says : My condolences to anyone affected by this psyop 😂>> <<@akyhne says : All I'm waiting for, is for Corridor Crew to debunk these sightings.>> <<@jimmynz1100 says : It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s...a psyop>> <<@marcusaurellius8755 says : To state that people can't tell the difference between a drone, especially law enforcement who operate actual drones, and are actually just seeing planes is absolutely disrespect. The Mayor has said as much.>> <<@murcje says : Looked at footage from lots of sources, didn't see ANY suspicious crafts... Mass hysteria>> <<@K590-k8p says : The government hates us and CNN is an extension of the government. When is the last time CNN was relevant?>> <<@Sarahj5146 says : Reminds me of the Chinese weather balloon.>> <<@EDUARDO-bj9wf says : Some clown has controlled the drones.>> <<@TheDarkSuit says : PROBABLY THE BRITISH! https://youtube.com/shorts/ah5MsatnQog?si=ZUtWg6Pul9QStV27>>