<<@ubiquitous8947 says : The elderly and those with underlying medical conditions are most at risk of corona transmission. Since Xi Jinping is also an old man, it is necessary to select a successor for China to become politically stable. China's zero-corona effort is commendable. If there is a vaccine for nasal spray with few side effects, it will be possible to move more freely. Until then, ventilation, vaccines, and quarantine should be strengthened. In any case, the delivery of food should be evenly distributed.>> <<@BeachMongoose says : When are you guys gonna realize that these experimental medical procedures are the actual problem?>> <<@DuderofDudeness says : Was there enough elder abuse during the lockdown?>> <<@clarencezhang says : Best wishes to China! Every city needs to increase its vaccination rates asap.>> <<@frangelelink says : I am confused about how the cultural and social dynamics of the situation ended up with an under-vaccinated highest risk elderly population. Everything being so well managed for two years with zero covid, I assumed this risk was taken care of as the fail safe. I’m praying that the situation resolves as quickly as possible and that the elderly population get vaccinated and protected to minimize their inherent risk.>> <<@cathearts09 says : Hope the people of Shanghai stay safe. Hope all expats who feel terribly inconvenienced by the lockdown will leave and never come back 😼😼😼>> <<@joycelin777 says : 中高風險的人快去打吧!滅活疫苗可靠又有效,第三針可達百分之九十九抵抗效果。>> <<@قاسمصالح-ر4ك says : صباح الخير>> <<@ramthian says : 😘>>