<<@slawekwojtowicz says : May Russia perish forever! Amen.>> <<@slawekwojtowicz says : Russia is a Nazi country that collaborated with Hitler during WW2. Time to de-Nazify Russia.>> <<@j.dunlop8295 says : Lavatory, is a supporter of Putin's Terrorist actions in Ukrain's sovereign land! Flush him!🚜🇺🇦🚀🇺🇦🛩️ A toilet of Propaganda!>> <<@dandanfree2925 says : the EU + UK + USA + 39 other countries ARE MAKING SURE THAT RUSSIANS PRYORITIES ARE GETTING VERY EXPENSIVE.>> <<@Kriegtime101 says : Lavrov: "Hitler was a Jew."..... Not sure how you negotiate with someone who has absolutely no understanding of history whatsoever.>> <<@stefan2796 says : Lavrov is a pathological liar and he has made it his profession. And Adolf Putin pays his salary...>> <<@birgittavanblitterswijk6998 says : He is mistaken: liberating Russia from Putin and his KGB croonies by the Russian people is 'The Priority'.>> <<@georgejamesducas9602 says : In 60 AD Apostle Saint Andrew traveled to the area of Kiev, preached, and said, one day a great city would be built here with many churches to the glory of God. Today there is a church to Saint Andrew in Kiev. The peoples in the area were Slavic. Kyi, Shchek and Khoryv, three brothers and the sister Lybid founded Kiev in 482 AD, Kiev was named after the older brother Kyi. Kiev the older brother was King. Herodotus wrote that Hercules had founded this land. The Rus were Viking tribes that settled peacefully in Kiev as far back as 750 AD with the Slavs there, 400 years before Moskva existed. The name Russia, coming from the city Moskva, has no connection to the RUS. Russia coming from Moskva started with Batu Kahn much later as a vasal under Mongolian rule. All the early Czars were Mongolian and of no connection to the RUS. The Rus were with the Slavs to the south in Kiev. Moskva were Finnish Urgic Tribes; Mosk means cow and Va water, which are Finnish names. There was no RUS there. The ethnic background of Moskva is Finnish-Urgic and Mongolian. The Rus developed the religion, city Kiev, alphabet, churches, and had its saints. The founder of Kievian Rus (800) or the Rus was a Viking named Askold or Oskold (Norse) from Sweden; not Oleg as in the Russian story. Kievian Rus exists long Before Novgorod and Oleg’s arrival there. Askold is the Slavic name. Oskold, the first King of Kievian Rus was in Kiev before Oleg in Novgorod. Oskold had 200 ships and 20,000 warriors. Oskold was baptized in Constantinople (128 years before Volodymyr) and sent the first bishop back to Kiev. Oskold and Dir were the first Dynasty of Kievian Rus. Askold rules from the 40-60s and Dir to the 80s. Askold is buried in Kiev and the first Kievian Christian King & Dynasty. Oleg followed coming from Sweden through Novgorod and was a pagan. Russia as named today started in the city of Moskva over 400 years later after Kievian Rus or Rus. From Kiev, the capitol of Rus, Kievian culture was spread, much like the Greeks Hellenized the known world, or like the British anglicized the world by the English language. This process does not make Moskva to become RUS in as much as Persian are not Greek. How we are misled by a name; Russia. The capitol of the RUS has always been Kiev. There is no other RUS and no RUS in Moskva. Many say Ukraine began recently; but the culture of the RUS is Kievian RUS, both culture and ethnic background. Ukraine is a name given by Poland meaning outer lands. The land of the RUS before the Mongolian invasion was very large. The name RUS is a Norse name which means men that row; there are no men that row in Moskva. So Moskva adopted the name Russia while being a Mongolian vassal, essentially traitor to the RUS; and all the Czars were Mongolian-Finnish. The Culture of the Mongolian was centralized power, and that cultural imprint was passed on to present day Russia. Ukraine’s real name should be Kievian RUS, or Kievskarus! Russia began in Moskva by Batu Kahn and Novgorod conquered much later, still no connection to the Rus. Putin & Lavrov should be ashamed of themselves, the USSR was an occupation; it never had the status of a sovereign state and due process of law that would be associated with a free society. Even today the mentality of the gulag exists. There is no freedom of press and speech, people are arrested for speech, there is no due process of law, and the religion is state run making it a totalitarian theocracy. As such, it did not deserve to exist in a free world; and history has shown such totalitarian organizations fail over time and author in many gulags. The true culture of Russia is Finno-Ugric and Mongolian, having nothing to do with the RUS (Kievian), expect borrowed as in the sense of Hellenized or Anglicized "forms" as a comparative reference. The centralized form of Russian politics is a very Mongolian imprint on culture. The actions of Putin seem to be another Mongolian invasion of Kiev; here I suggest as to the correct metaphor. I believe so. Putin & Lavrov insistence to have purview over eastern Europe also seems like paying tribute to the Mongolian Horde. Moskva started as an agglomeration of Finnish tribes, combining a Finnish name meaning cows water and developed by Mongolian culture. Mosk means cow and Va means water. The RUS are men that row, Vikings, Norse, established Kiev 400 years before (750 AD) Moskva even thought to exist. The name Russia for current nation is totally inappropriate. The current Russia started in Moskva; how misleading is the name Russia coming from Moskva that has no connection to the RUS. All the lands should be returned to Kiev; the West of Russia to Finland, and the East to Mongolia. Russia’s place on the globe appears as a temporary aberration in my view. To use threats of Nukes publicly strikes at the heart as adolescent behaviour; surely any nation or person that issues such threats and being an ally to such while not even having war imposed on them is not fit to rule. This would include allies of Russia. Oh yes, I remember, Russia didn't invent the bomb, they stole it in the 1940's and gave it to Kurchatov. Russia struggles with an identity crisis since its beginnings unoriginal to the ethnic groups. Its errors are numerous, 50 million killed by Stalin in WW2, allied to the Nazis to kill the Poles for their defeat in WW2, Holodomor where millions of Ukrainians were killed and grain stolen, and constant antagonist with Europe. We even have the Holy Mother announcing Russia’s errors at Fatima. Russia is a Mongolian culture and all the first Czars were Mongolian and Batu Kahn is the author. Oskold was the grandson of Ragnar the king of Sweden, his name is old Norse and spoke old Norse, the name Rus is old Norse, he settled peacefully in Kiev and the Slavs made him king, he brought Christianity to Kiev with his son dir...his burial mound is where St Nicholas church is built, Oleg wasn’t even in Novgorod when this happened, and Oleg is not a Rus nor old Norse name. The Slavs called Oskold the name Askold. After came Dir, Oleg was a pagan who assassinated Dir, Oskold becomes the first dynasty...later when the line of kings get to Vladimir, he is captured at a trading post by the Mongols, the post is called Moskva, and the king killed. Moskva as a city was a Mongolian invention, and Novgorod becomes a part of that Russia by conquest, although having nothing to do with the Rus. Oskold line is Ragnar, ironside, Oskold from the King of Sweden Ragnar. Oleg is via Rurik coming much later. The accounts of Oskold are within the time, Al Mamun an Arab writer of the time wrote of Oskold, the Russian chronicles come hundreds of years later. In much the same way accounts of relevant history are better understood by those of the times, much like the Bible, dating to the original times makes the account authentic. The Russian chronicles are merely a tale and inaccurate. Kiev was a city over 1000 years before Russia even existed. Kiev was Kievian Rus before Novgorod and when Oleg arrived. Putin is kidding himself if he thinks any part of Ukraine belongs to Russia. We can see that Israel belongs to the Jews, similarly all the lands around Kiev of Kievian Rus belong to Kiev as a single nation and city state. Russia's beginnings are a wanting child begun as a captive insurgency having nothing of its own; a captive state that was reeking in servitude to Mongolia and invented by Mongolia. The entire culture of Russia from Moscow is Mongolian centralized power, a pagan culture of no empathy and Christianity. The Christianity is tainted as a state religion or theocracy and politicized. History is often obscured by being written by the ones in charge. The history of Ukraine has been obscured by the Soviet Occupation and cultural appropriations. Moscow in an attempt to appropriate a history not its own, rewrote the narrative of history to cover up its compromised origins; Kiev and Ukraine is a history much older and more civilized; making contributions to civilization. Russian despotism becomes the blueprint, foundation & model for every despot nation, look at its allies; the error of its ways has spread throughout the globe; much like the message from the Holy Mother at Fatima. Those that are sympathetic to Russian atrocities can find similarities in their own histories. Ukraine has a democracy at a local level Moscow never had and fears. Russian boundless ignorance is a type often found in the poorest of nations, and usually the poorest have a history of the hardest tyrants over them that also inflict poverty, physical and spiritual, on others they attempt to subjugate, a reflection of their own lives, an abomination of desolation. Askold was in Constantinople in 860 and Oleg arrived in Novgorod not until 862. The Arabs referred to Askold as the Slavic King or King of the Slavs which he had been for a while. Pontius says Askold brings Christianity to Kiev from Constantinople and a bishop. Ragnar the Norse King of Sweden was born in 767 AD, his son Bjorn ironside was born in 796 AD, and grandson Oskold (Askold) was born in 820 AD. Askold arrived in Kiev in 840 and had a son Dir, Both become King and the first Christian dynasty. Askold dies and gets a burial mound in a park in Kiev. Dir follows as King. Dir is assassinated by Oleg who is a pagan. Nobody knows who Rurik is or who the father is . Oleg is a generation away from Askold. Olga of Kiev builds a church on Askold’ s burial grounds. Pontius of Constantinople says Askold brings a Bishop and Christianity to Kiev. Russia much later is a Mongolian invention.........>> <<@Jon962-h4i says : Hitler and Von Ribbentrop said the same thing about Czechoslovakia in 1938.>> <<@johnriley215 says : Mr Putin and Mr Lavrov: The entire world knows where the Nazis live. They live in the leadership of Russia. These are the only remaining Nazis in the world. The Nazis have changed their name. Now they call themselves "Russians". Let's count all the ways we can identify a Nazi ... Yep Nazis for sure.>> <<@krisztiankajos1955 says : Geciláda ruszkik pfujjjjj>> <<@nobbynobbs8182 says : Lavrov, the neo-nazi thug who knows no shame>> <<@peternorton3399 says : Russia is the home of nazis.>> <<@williamyassin7625 says : Welldone>> <<@JayLo1 says : Destroy the NEo-Nazi's regime all over Ukraine. God Bless Russia😂 Destroy the NEo-Nazi's regime all over Ukraine. God Bless Russia😂>> <<@michaelcollado2671 says : Awful Lotta kremlin bots and wumaos In here>> <<@davecook3272 says : The main problem here is that Ukraine borders a Authoritative Regime with a Crazed Murderous Despot that is bent on confiscating territory and disguising their intent as some special operation.>> <<@ivan2058 says : https://youtu.be/o8Z73NHmvVw US involvement in the Ukrainian coup.>> <<@noisy_boi_fpv_3920 says : Liberating 😂😂😂😂😂>> <<@woleaiansoljah.2745 says : Go Russia 🇷🇺>> <<@adamwarsaw4511 says : Delusional propaganda>> <<@LORDNAG1 says : Cgnt needs better correspondence on the field>> <<@mirola73 says : How are you a 'liberator' when you destroy everything with the majority of the population wanting you gone ? (because they now know what the Russians are like and their attitude towards them). Some delusion there Putin Parrot (Lavrov).>> <<@satharauv5555 says : រ់ុស៊ិយក Atom អស់ពីយូគ្រែន ធ្វើអោយអ្នកចង់បានខកចិត្ត មិនដឹងទៅយកយូគ្រែនបានអ្វី?>> <<@srjp9441 says : ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ>> <<@galemartin9155 says : Please. Lavro Russia just proved they are not match for any modern military. Fear will not work for you anymore melting man.>> <<@devoltaaocaminho3949 says : Porque grande parte das criaturas humanas passam a maior parte da vida, brigando, passando a perna, puxando o tapete, criando uma mascara, para parecer ao proximo, o que na verdade , nem de longe se parece com o seu vetdadeiro eu? Tudo por medo de ficar pelado como o coitado do filhote de rato no meio do mato, e com fome. Quem não vive para servir, não deve atuar como: médico, advogado, policial, político, professor, pastor, etc... Deus nos ensina a fazer pelo próximo, o que Ele fez por nós. Deus honra a quem o serve. Se a Terra fosse uma goiaba, cada um de nós seria infinitamente mais insignificantes proporcionalmente ao tamanho, que um bicho de goiaba. A única diferença em importância entre nós e o bicho de goiaba, é que o criador, nos criou para que, aos que fazem sua vontade, façamos parte de sua família, eternamente, aos demais, ser bicho de goiaba, seria lucro. A carne se alimenta de coisas palpáveis atraentes, prazerosas, esnobosas, que parecem blindar contra as intempéries e perigos ao redor. O medo, a vaidade e os cuidados da vida, sempre vão estar lutando contra o Amor, que É Deus. Jesus Cristo, é o caminho da paz que excede todo o entendimento. A pista é estreita e poucos os que tem passado por ela, não seja você mais um a ficar de fora. Hoje assisti a uma cena intrigante, um camarada vendendo balinhas e pedindo dinheiro ao mesmo tempo, é tendo oferecido ao motorista de uma Mercedes moderna não recebeu ajuda e nem vendeu balinha alguma, ambos bichos de uma mesma goiaba.>> <<@zulqadarrrashid6201 says : Vivà le Putin 👍💖💖💯👍 His Excellency President Vladimir Putin is the greatest leader of the free World 💗 We pray for his success and glory 🙏 We fully support all his actions in Ukraine Lots of love 😍 and prayers ❣️ from Pakistan 🇵🇰>> <<@jwserge says : Glory to Russia! Shame on the EU!!>> <<@lenortancred says : It is time the world sanctions the US until it closes its 336 biolabs and 800 military bases.>> <<@hanssachs9038 says : This is rubbish news from CGTN. Donbas does not need "liberating". Russia troops invade Ukraine to kill civilians, rape women and steal food. If Donbas needs liberating, it is liberation from Russia brutality. Very glad that NATO is supplying Ukraine with money and weapons to fight off the Russian invading army.>> <<@letsgopresthew1491 says : Man sergey got a fk face>> <<@ezrolly9898 says : For Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics. The world ignored your persecution, not anymore. After your liberation the truth will come out. 🇿🇦🇷🇺🇿🇦🇷🇺🇿🇦🇷🇺>> <<@jarrodyuki7081 says : japan will retake the kurils sakhalin and vladivostok south korea will take north korea.>> <<@dandanfree2925 says : the russians will put their flag on the Donbas land already 60% fully destroyed - they will not control too many people since 325.000 have been deported and 29.000 Donbas civilians already killed.So the russian flag will be on rubble.>> <<@lennonhshan7076 says : Remember the Russia war against Afghanistan , and how they are not able to finish it even after 10 years and retreat back to russia, so by calculation , russia will leave Ukraine ( 2022 + 10 ) = 2032 crying like a baby 🤣>> <<@lennonhshan7076 says : Let’s some rebel attack Russia territory and voice liberating Russia citizen is top priority 🤣 of Mankind.>> <<@acidbot666 says : Someone said Russia was running out of missiles, out of tanks, out of ammunition, out or morale, so and so... It clearly looks like Russia is running out of targets! The sooner Washington allows the comedian to honestly negotiate with Russia the better for everyone involved. Americans are dragging subservient Europe into another shameful Afghanistan moment!>> <<@acidbot666 says : And to think that if this inept comedian did decide to declare neutrality right on the beginning none of this misery and destruction would have fallen over the very people who voted him as president. Now Zelensky surfs and clings to an artificially created Hero status at the interned that only makes him double down on the catastrophe of his own creation! This man is a disgrace and must be adequately punished by the International Criminal Court ASAP!>> <<@leneanderthalien says : Russia "liberate" Dombas by destroying everything and massacring the civilians: the highest level of cynism is reach, Putin's Russia is realy the empire of evil...>> <<@obey9748 says : Who cares what this Lavrov Pinocchio is saying. The 22nd of February he said Russia had no intention of invading Ukraine. He also said the Butcha’s massacre of Ukrainians was staged. You Chinese should stop spreading this nonsense propaganda.>> <<@dannyg9933 says : i think tactical emp should be used so all those nazi supporting social media or stop wasting data.>> <<@swagataraha7396 says : Fucking CGTN. Are you getting paid by Ukraine?????? I thought you guys are neutral.>> <<@peternorton3399 says : Lavrov you and Putin will both end up.in the International Criminal Court in the Hague.>> <<@peternorton3399 says : You are a common criminal Lavrov. You and Putin, both.>> <<@bombomu2 says : zelenskiy and tsai ing wen are usa's puppet just for him/his pocket.>> <<@pacheco3149 says : Avant Russia>> <<@frankng4574 says : I am convinced that the CGTN is not Chinese Media. Just wasting Chinese taxpayers' money to feed these dummies.>> <<@kitdesilva says : Amazing to see the comedian in action!>> <<@IndianLondoner says : #corruption #warmonger #PureEvil #zelensky #Ukraine #racist Zelensky putting on a show, it's not comical. I wonder which pop band he hires next to entertainment? He has $billions siphoned over to his wife's account. #Rishi>>