<<@timsmith5133 says : Wow! Biden must be the most powerful President ever. He can control worldwide inflation and the worldwide supply chain. I thought Trump was powerful but he pales compared to Biden.>> <<@jimburley5871 says : BORROW MORE FOR THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS PAYMENT OF $450,000! GIVE IT TO US GOOD BIDEN. BIDEN SAYS HAW! HAW! HAW!>> <<@samsmusichub says : Biden doesn't know what he's doing but the people who pull his strings do.>> <<@lincolnvlogs8965 says : BRIT HAS NO FCKN CLUE ABT WHAT BIDEN IS ALL ABT....INFLATION WILL B THE LAST THING ON PEOPLES MINDS WHEN BRAINDEAD IS HUNG>> <<@senorcougar7857 says : And rightfully so…>> <<@jimcaldwell2354 says : This American will associate the Biden Interregnum with Covid Tyranny, Climate Slavery and Economic Catastrophe.>> <<@jieli3313 says : rich tax coming! we are advice u learning from elon musk cash out of stocks market!>> <<@robertfouracre1280 says : Brit Hume is a dinosaur. How about FOX move into the twenty first century and go back to, You Report and let the people decide!>> <<@charleswilkins7454 says : Is that what were down too hope everthing works out? November 2021, here we go again, Biden has no respect for his office, our Country, no Doctor is willing to certify him mentally fit his office, hidden stages, now bathroom blunders, how many more fxxx ups does our Country have to endure? Now knowned has the never ending farting president, he has become the international joke of the world and a total national disaster. Part time president part time brain, needs daily mental diaper changes and it's geeting worse. Republican Congressman Ronny Jackson (TX), a former White House doctor who served under former Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump, said this past week that President Biden, who turned 79 this month, has “age-related mental decline” and is not “mentally fit” to be president. Jackson, speaking during a podcast with Republican Congressman Jim Banks (IN), also said that he got a “scathing” email from Obama saying he had “betrayed” people for talking about Joe Biden’s mental state. “All I know is he has age-related cognitive decline. He is not cognitively fit,” Jackson said, as reported by the Washington Examiner. “He is 78 years old and it shows. You do not need to be a doctor to look at him and see his behavior, just the way he moves, stares off into space.” “I know what this job entails, both mentally and physically, and how demanding it is. And I can say to you right now, I am 100% certain that President Biden is now incapable of doing this job,” the doctor said. WHY IS OUR NATIONAL SECURITY BEING PUT AT RISK BECAUSE OF THE DEMOCRATS LOVE OF POWER.>> <<@terrywyatt8304 says : Oh yeah" it's going higher ! Count on it.>> <<@mlang20 says : i think once the dems get their partisan bill passed and they get all that money. they are going to rig every election in the midterm and they will have 80% in the house and they will do the same in the senate. america states would be better off if they stopped giving their money to washington dc and use their taxes to fix their own roads.>> <<@looper9264 says : Gee Brit...do ya think?>> <<@afterdark6822 says : Let's Go Brandon>> <<@SocialismSucks says : Well, yes, linking stupidity to inflation would mean it’s Joseph Stolen.>> <<@ajetmech2002 says : And the downfall of the Republic.>> <<@lionkingreydelaselva1847 says : The resources in the USA 🇺🇸 land belong to the citizens not to the government. Only a communist and socialist government takes away the resources from people and oppress them. This is hypocrisy this country judges cuba and venezuela and we are living the same as those in those countries here in USA 🇺🇸>> <<@lionkingreydelaselva1847 says : We had abundance with President Trump. We were living in Heaven with him. With biden we are living in poverty. Wake up USA 🇺🇸. Keep this bad time in mind on the next election.>> <<@Guitar11player says : The Democrat Socialists and Godless heatherns are sacrificing the 2 idiots Biden and Harris hoping to pass legislation to control the citizens before people realize what they are doing behind our backs. The slick sleazy crooked anti-America Obma is the one running this country now with his hidden cult of hate from 2008 to 2016. Folks, these Democrats are truly evil and are just terrible people who you would not want for neighbors or friends! Just look at their faces. They are the faces of scorn, misery, agony and hate. These horrible monsters have never been happy.>> <<@markm8623 says : Agreed. We'll also link Fox News and you as helping Biden cheat his way into office. Thanks for F'ing over America guys!>> <<@sportsmediaamerica says : Brit Hume is excellent. Thank you, Brit.>> <<@oldmanofwar2913 says : They are going to link him to far more than just inflation costs . All of it disgustingly negative .>> <<@Tallacus says : And people will still continue to support their parties that led them to this destruction of their pocketbooks, freedoms and ultimately lives of their loved ones and themselves. Lessons will never be learned as the elites think we chose them and sprouts the virtue of a democratic government. Two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.>> <<@Pinkielover says : and brandon cant forget that and Falling down 3 times on stairs, Getting his leg hair rubbed,Among other things>> <<@stevenhughes1110 says : It’s called BDP? New economic name for Biden Devastation Plan. Coined by me!>> <<@zeke5491 says : Liberal media has been covering for Biden since day 1.>> <<@lilianfetters1381 says : Just like jimmy carter>> <<@MrMarkar1959 says : the idiots that wanted the commie regime have no life anyway.>> <<@elizabettapeters6747 says : Why not because he sucks he is an embarrassment to his country FJB>> <<@freetoexplore5669 says : Biden + Harris + Demoncratic party = MASSIVE FAILURE>> <<@furump243 says : Well considering we are running off of trump's budget, trump's devastating covid response, trump's spending increases for the military and trump's tax cuts for the wealthy, its trump's stupidity that caused all of this.>> <<@elrodjenkinslv8346 says : I will link Brit Hume with Frankenstein>> <<@ezraepizon5303 says : This is why fake environmentalism will not survive democracy. Unless democracy is demolished. And Dems are on their way to do that.>> <<@paulorganisation1 says : Some Americans think they are the only ones suffering from high prices of goods. Look around the world people>> <<@cecilcook2452 says : To rebuild something you must first teardown what was.>> <<@ReverendLuc says : And american will link Trump to racism>> <<@SY-jq4yw says : This jerk has no right to deny people the access of fossil fuel in this country. Save this earth for whom? People need energy to survive. We will all become fossil fuel eventually, so is everything else.>> <<@darnelllebron3255 says : Americans will link Biden admin with inflation and being the sorriest president in history>> <<@jameslangley3548 says : This is a great nation of smart people. We can develop a way to rid ourselves of this fake administration. Lets go Brandon!>> <<@TThomp22 says : A lot more then that dumbass Brit Hume>> <<@maynunal says : In the course of less than two hours, Trump asked a judge to block the January 6 committee from receiving documents concerning the attack, and had his request shot down.>> <<@pierrettegagnon2627 says : Who cares if the heads are rolling, blood bath carbon erasers = JIHADISTS = paid GUERRILLA Gains>> <<@lionelwhiskerknot says : To be fair all the administrations have had a spending problem while letting the Federal Reserve print money constantly. However, the Biden administration went above and beyond in spending (mostly on garbage and pork) while also driving up fuel prices (Keystone pipeline shut down, reduced domestic production, etc.) which also contributed to inflation. It won't matter if you get a Republican congress or president as they have consistently shown they do nothing while in power although Trump at least had a decent border policy. Inflation will continue to rise due to the unchecked spending through this Presidency and well into the next so the next president is going to get blamed for high inflation too. If you want a real inflation solution then permanently abolish the Federal Reserve and Forbid the federal government from spending outside a budget (doesn't exceed tax revenue) unless it is World War III. Also, a infrastructure bill should be 90 percent physical infrastructure and not this social engineering BS. Relying on direct to door service as a society is also dangerous because stores keep minimal inventory so if the supply chain slows or stops then the impact is immediate. Heh, I'm still waiting for that PS5. Q.o>> <<@maynunal says : we all have to demand that all our appliances should last at least last 20 years or more NOW!!!>> <<@maynunal says : fun fact: trump build zero inch of Mexican paid wall in four years!!!>> <<@maynunal says : fun fact: Former President Trump out with a statement ripping @LeaderMcConnell for supporting the infrastructure bill, and claiming he could have gotten a $2 Trillion dollar infrastructure bill, but McConnell said no. But it was Trump who walked out on that idea>> <<@maynunal says : never vote for a candidate who is in the payroll of one of the richest people on earth!!!!>> <<@maynunal says : fun fact: LESS CONSUMPTION = LESS POLLUTION !! That's why the top 1% only wants you to buy new stuff as often as you can!!! The top 1% will try to convince you that global warming is not real!!!>> <<@heathersmith7820 says : PINO (Pres. in name only) Biden has caused inflation in this country. Compare your expenses on last year's bank statements to this year to see the differences. Everything you buy costs more, from fuel, clothing, and goods. The suppliers, manufacturers, transportation, and so on down the line, everybody in between that pays Corporate Net Income Tax until the product reaches your hands has included their tax overhead into your cost pre-state tax added. So when our PINO says he will not raise your taxes, he is lying again and he is well aware of it.>> <<@doveboyz857 says : We can't be independent, it goes against a one world government! Tyrannical government!!>> <<@rebeccagarrett7613 says : FJB>>