<<@anneandrews6127 says : I refuse to be part of a country full if corruption!! Fuck you remove king liars from hell!>> <<@anneandrews6127 says : Mr. Trump s lied about everyday by this asshole!!! He made up stuff to lie about and spread!!! Biden is a sick old bastard ready to have another fart brain attack!! WE NEED TRUMP TODAY, NOW!! NOW NOW. FUCKING NOW!>> <<@anneandrews6127 says : You go right ahead with these asswipez, I myseLf refuse to support these lying ass no good tradutirsl!! z"Go to help mr. Duck dad lying ass son of a bitch!!. Just lies everyday, just lies!!>> <<@anneandrews6127 says : Biden is a damn lying ass traditor!!>> <<@anneandrews6127 says : Biden hides everything!!! He's in deep ass shit!!>> <<@anneandrews6127 says : Rip em up mr. Commer!!! Tear into their game expose these TRADITORS first at they are compromised asshole cheaters!!! Good god America this what you want lying ass cheats!????>> <<@anneandrews6127 says : I think your in the clear asshole!!>> <<@anneandrews6127 says : The laptop!!! Motherfuckers lied!!😇sickos from ABC CBS NBC all liars!!!>> <<@anneandrews6127 says : I refer him to the people Biden lied his ass off!!>> <<@anneandrews6127 says : Liar liar liar!!! Motherfuckers!! Bitch stop lying!!>> <<@anneandrews6127 says : We know they, Hunter and Joe took millions for favors!!! He spoke to his son everyday about making millions of dollars off our enemy!! Their sick lying ass motherfuckers!! They want to lie about Trump while they get away with treason!! Come fuckheads!!>> <<@anneandrews6127 says : The truth hurts!!!>> <<@hallelujah969 says : WE HAVE A MARXIST OWNED MEDIA IN AMERICA. We are PURPOSELY being taken into the evil, one world totalitarian government that the BIBLE speaks about in REVELATION.>> <<@arthurlambert6418 says : All republicans are members of Putins communist party.>> <<@Hurpdurpdipidydoo says : This is stunning what is happening to the American people>> <<@andrewsanchez2458 says : Leave hunter alone>> <<@christianheinemann9192 says : Yeah let's just avoid talking about anything to do with him even though it's a matter of security, but the medias not biassed right?>> <<@HouseDracul says : The whole Biden family for the gallows!>> << says : That is the whitest privileges I have ever seen>> <<@uprightfossil6673 says : Here…let me play along…. Who? What? ,!!!!!! What?!!! He recorded it? I don’t believe it? Video? On YouTube? Really? You must be kidding?>> <<@banna9484 says : There’s videos of him weighing 20 grams of crack, anyone else and they would get there house raided and hit with a felony>> <<@mightymidget5571 says : Oh yeah the media is not covering anything up and there is no Elite agenda that's killing millions of people in countries like Sri Lanka because there is no food because of the green agenda perpetrated by the World commissions. Make no mistake people! They want us plebs subservient or dead.>> <<@sanctuarypest2212 says : The American government is out of control. HR needs to come down hard as fuck on their asses. (We're HR)>> <<@tshepim3368 says : All world leaders are fvcken c*nts🚮>> <<@presidentoftheclub203 says : What a nice dad, protecting his son from prison.>> <<@tinaleanne8230 says : *what the President says stands* Her eyes say "Believe what we tell you to believe or we will have you shot.">> <<@xavierg35rodriguez71 says : Blows my mind why nobody is asking about why our oil was sent out to another country that has personal gain from it>> <<@bloodOntheStep says : Thank you so much we have been lied to for so long>> <<@sarahdueybanks says : That's 'cause he is (one of) the plague>> <<@user-rp2li7ks4e says : Victoria Nuland. John McCain. Hunter Biden. Ukrop three-way 🤣>> <<@user-rp2li7ks4e says : Wheres her hedge? 😉>> <<@ivansyomkin2156 says : People need to stop demonizing drugs so much. Addiction is an illness, not a crime.>> <<@user-rp2li7ks4e says : 🎯🤣>> <<@user-rp2li7ks4e says : Gotcha>> <<@andressosa1504 says : What is he not suppose to use his power to help his son lol>> <<@AlfaKenyBody says : 💩💩💩💩 American Media... Protecting a drvg addicted of a lefty.... If one of Trump's sons or his daughter were caught drinking alcohol, they would be all over the news...>> <<@curt685 says : It's the crack for me...If you've ever had a family member hooked on crack, you know its real. They'll steal you're shit, then help you look for it....both of them are security risks if you ask me>> <<@michaelweston409 says : It's all a cover up to hide the stinking vile corruption that is festering at the high echelons of American government. What is the dark will come to light. The family will be ousted soon before they can destroy the world.>> <<@MFBOOM100 says : This should blatantly tell any and everyone that the media is truly 100% biased. If this was trumps son it would be covered all over everywhere, everyone would know about it.>> <<@IVfluids1 says : It's because he is an NPC. He is not in the political arena. People act like his dad gave him a White House staffing position and then received some cool cash from Saudis.>> <<@whatsthisaboveme6064 says : If it was Trump then the media would really be all over it>> <<@WadeWilson- says : Lol the video with him checking his crack weight was priceless... actually for us because he probably spent some good tax money there>> <<@yossarianreborn2904 says : Bio labs in Ukraine..... USA done f'ed up big time, Russia and China know.>> <<@jamiehargett7176 says : He will suicide>> <<@vinluv says : Everyone shit on Trump and republicans. But then when it's Bidens turn, you get to see how democrats control the news.>> <<@SarPixel says : thank you for covering on this, american media is too scared>> <<@blairpike9857 says : How much longer do normal every day people have to put up with these pathetic corrupt councils and governments??>> <<@leecaldwell8796 says : Not good Hunter they don't even talk about it's worthless dad. They hide the truth and tell lies.>> <<@lendzemojoachimkimeng1318 says : Hunter a sex addict and a crack addict>> <<@acidtechno says : 2:00 I'd imagine he's a liar .>>