<<@eb2505 says : Chalmers: You know, I've been thinking. We need to measure public well-being. Psychologists: That's a great idea. You see, the leopard slug's measures in Victoria have seen an increase in mental health issues, suicides are off the charts - especially for young people etc. Chalmers: We need to go even further though. We need to know how we are doing , federally, as a government, hint hint. Psychologists: Oh, I see. So sought of like a poll - an understanding as to where the citizens sit with government policy. Chalmers: You got it. We really don't know enough about the population. The census is a bit vague on certain things that really matter to us. People distrust the census, so they leave stuff out and put crap in - it skews the stats. We need official policy to be more in tune with the constituents. Psychologists: Well, we could have employers officially collect this from the citizens and.... Chalmers: I'm thinking using more up to date methods. Facial recognition on people's smart phones would be a wonderful way to measure a person's state of mind. If we can tap into that, then we can get unfiltered data. If they are on the dole for instance, we can know how they feel about our policies and decide the best way to 'serve' them. A number of banks are really on board with this stuff and see incredible potential in it. Psychologists: But this is getting awfully close to a social credit scoring system - we'd hate to see it head the way of China. Chalmers: I understand your concerns, but Xi assures me you can start of small, place controls on it and then decide later how you orient it. As a federal government in a democracy, do you really think we'd do that to our people. I mean, is anyone in our society that much of a psychopath? Psychologists: Weeellll, the leopard slug was alarmed that his collection of private financial records got out into the public, so it does have people wondering exactly how much trust can be placed in those in authority. Chalmers: Don't worry, we'll pass laws to protect the citizens. You do believe in the wholesome unbiased conduct of the courts, don't you, and the parliamentary process where the voice of the citizen gains access to the chamber of decision making?>> <<@dimitzvonmelbourne7886 says : The welbeing of foreigners too. After we spend more than 4bn for foreign aid. It's bs catch left phrase and means nothing. Balannce the budget and control inflation are most urgent tasks.>> <<@L0b0ts says : Stop ripping off the citizens, the grubs. Even more virtual signalling.>> <<@killbotone6210 says : Just call it a SNOWFLAKE BUDGET and be down with it. That's who it's for.>> <<@buildmotosykletist1987 says : More money wasted on "CottonWool". THIS MUST STOP !>> <<@nobody6056 says : Because NZ is doing so well on the economic front 🙄. Here a hint Albo, Australia elected an Australian Labor Government (I don’t like that, but that’s democracy for you). We DIDN’T elect Jacinta Adhearn>> <<@frankwren8215 says : Out of the money we need for our well-being. Then we have to beg for it back as is always the way in this dump of a country>> <<@crowsfan691 says : The beatings will continue until morale improves.>> <<@heintz8792 says : How cynical, after forcing people to ruin their health with mandated and coerced g3ne editing>> <<@wolfsokaya says : Whos 'wellbeing' is that for? :]>> <<@richards8718 says : I am a pensioner and finding it hard to eat and keep warm as prices rise so fast, I find its very close to getting time that I cannot live here in this country anymore at all, so sad.>> <<@05rosebud says : The government needs to get out of our lives 😡>> <<@josemorrasge8100 says : Everything he said is being implemented here in the UNITED STATES by our Marxists. Every indication is Democrat party will suffer great losses in both houses, state governments...these people have no clue what their constituents want and they don't care. Liberalism eats it self up over time.>> <<@josemorrasge8100 says : Long story short paying more people not to work in exchange for their votes. Typical Socialism..>> <<@50shadesofgday64 says : My daily life has nothing to do with government. Encroach more on our privacy and the day of the rope will come way faster.>> <<@justin-case1312 says : *After the 4th Booster it should be cheap.*>> <<@Dave........ says : Cool. The socialists will steal all your prosperity and trickle out enough back to you to fulfill their idea of your "well-being".. GOOD JOB>> <<@michaelmcfeely6588 says : Breaking News: People like free stuff, and easily become dependent.>> <<@alfredneuman6488 says : How do I sign up to get some cash so I feel wellbeing?>> <<@melaniehickey236 says : You never know where your taxes went when you give them to a socialist.>> <<@melaniehickey236 says : Nanny state extravagance to promote personal dependence on state. Will waste a great deal of money. Also, look out for more diseases. Monkey Pox for the UK, possibly mad cow for Australians? This will help to promote starvation tactics like occurring in Sri Lanka and The Netherlands.>> <<@shadesofgraygraytheorigina9989 says : Fix the aged care system and hospitals.👌🏻>> <<@timbassett9766 says : WELL-BEING 😂😂😂😂😂 more WOKE CRAP , debt what debt ???? They are like primary school teachers ideas>> <<@chrismitchell6274 says : Jim here’s a news flash,reduce taxes and stimulate the economy with cheap electricity! Build coal fired power stations 🚉>> <<@liljoe5139 says : America needs to do something for Seniors who are eating 1 meal per day because they can’t afford Medication !! Unbelievable>> <<@matthewflinders1978 says : Two faced Tony is bringing in an Ardern style World Economic Forum budget by the sounds of this. Social credit systems are being promoted by stupid politicians who believe that the Australian people should be managed like livestock, with surveillance technology. It’s a deadly situation.>> <<@tonybennett638 says : How much can you spin shit.... Looking like a lot.🤪>> <<@oldnutta7611 says : Well being should be personal GDP.>> <<@tonybennett638 says : Cheers Big Ears......>> <<@bestestusername says : Give more money to ukraine so they can give to hunter biden>> <<@AximandTheCursed says : Make the rorts easier to implement, in other words...>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : They should consider Zelensky's shares in that Budget as well, like send him another $ 200 million would be great because he needs to buy another mansion so he doesn't go homeless>> <<@derek..... says : I would have thought that government’s would look out for people’s welfare all the time and not concentrate on how much money they can line their pockets with.>> <<@johnhoyle4401 says : That’ll trigger the right. They only care about themselves.>>