<<@mattistewart9558 says : Peta how true is the following statement? Because even if it is just fractionally true, it completely destroy's the carbon climate change issue. "That one little burp by Mt. Etna has already put more than 10,000 times the CO2 into the atmosphere than mankind has in our entire time on Earth,">> <<@kirkc4696 says : There aren't any charging points anywhere out here where I live, Pete.>> <<@hirschy10 says : You buy a ev 💩 box you 💸💸 for your own power if you can 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and pay for using the roads tax them 🤡🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺😎>> <<@hellogornto says : Thing arent goos. Batteries explode.. people arent here for it. ..the e. Cars are and should be. Rejected>> <<@hellogornto says : Not reListic ..things are good with those E. Cars. .. just like the E. Bikes..we need to accept the idea. Batteries exllode . Infrquently but ofte.. it bot logical. .. see this prespective. Also.thanks>> <<@lucasbolinas8851 says : Waiting for the day when petrol drivers will be called boomers, climate deniers, racists and nazis - it will come.>> <<@petersimmons3654 says : All lies as usual. I live in rural Britain, I'm a pensioner, I have an EV, it saves me masses of money. I wouldn't go back to an ICE car if it was free. As usual Sky Abuse Australia dishes out lies ointended to make unintelligent people angry and thus actsmagainst scoial harmony. It is a dangerous creator of conspiracy theories. And there has been not one ,mention of the FACT that Sydney and New South Wales are currently under flood waters.>> <<@shaunllewellyn1374 says : The English police force are getting rid of EV's. It's such a load of bollocks. The Australian communist government must fall.>> <<@stevearcus2963 says : Same in NZ, but Jacinda has it sorted. To meet the demand for theses low taxed cash back vehicles, she is importing 2nd grade indonesian coal to generate into electricity. Hows that for thinking outside the realm of logic.>> <<@richardbonn3882 says : THIS ELECTRIC NONSENSE WILL GO AWAY ! IT IS UNSUSTAINABLE ! I WOULD RATHER BE LEFT BEHIND ! AND NOT BE ON THE IDIOT WAGON !>> <<@uncov8127 says : Albo wants to give handouts to rich greenies for them to drive the latest Tesla.>> <<@sandgroper1970 says : Yes this is true for electric vehicles, but of course what about hydrogen and fuel cell technology, in my state we had a trial of fuel cell/ hydrogen powered buses for public transport, but when the previous conservative government got in power , they ditched the program part way through the trial, citing it as a waste of time and money. Look now you have hydrogen vehicles available, elsewhere but of course manufacturers are not sending them to Australia, because well no incentive for these cleaner technology vehicles until now( obviously discounting hybrid).>> <<@mikeharrison3618 says : ALEX EPSTEIN 's "Fossil Future" on sale now 2022. The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels. HUMAN flourishing>> <<@nextplanb1899 says : Hydrogen cars are the future. Don't fall for this electric car garbage unless you are just driving around your neighborhood.>> <<@johnwoodrow8769 says : The government doesn't need to do anything. Now permanently high petrol and diesel fuel prices will result in a massive uptake of new hybrid vehicles. Most people are smart enough to know that a full EV is totally impractical other than as some 'woke' symbolism.>> <<@AndrewAment says : Met an aussie who lived in the bush and I thought it was a joke “my post box was 5km away” im like huh? Living in America the longest mail box was roughly at the end of your driveway but having to drive to your post box was nuts. I’m from rural Pittsburgh where you can have a neighborhood so spread out that your town can be outnumbered by livestock and your nearest neighbor being 2-5 miles away.>> <<@blank.9301 says : it's alright, still have 8 year's until they ban i.c.e....>> <<@oldman2800 says : The simple maths say all EVs in the bush will never get home because of the massive distance rural people travel, something that the vast majority of townies still can't comprehend>> <<@richardtravers8772 says : I watched an American show and the same problems re charging/filling are endemic with Hydrogen Vehicles. Not enough filling stations and the time to fill the tank, 30 - 45 minutes.>> <<@Nathan-ry3yu says : I've seen that many electric forklift and scooter catch fire over the last 20 years from people who been trained how to charge and light service them. Now electric cars and more half the drivers don't evean know how to change a spare tyre let alone know what to do when charging their car. Theirs going to be a lot of homes burnt down not just the car>> <<@alistair4937 says : Coal powered virtue vehicles have no effect on making the weather better.>> <<@maltisify says : I can't get bike parts for my pushbike.>> <<@aarononeal9830 says : Shy news Australia needs to talk about Ecosia they are a search engine that plants trees>> <<@JohnnyUtahFBI says : Part of the plan to get more people in the cities. They are easier to control there.>> <<@southernpeanut4028 says : Folks, around the world have to fight against this. Mass people will become unable to leave their homes. Only, the very rich can survive. We’re only something stuck on the bottom of their boots.>> <<@travisryan5459 says : Who was the media mogul that banged on the war drums to invade Iraq? Who is the Media Mogul that invested over 100 million in Exxon Mobil in late 2002. Which company now has multi billion dollar oil contracts and control over Iraqi oil supply Who’s the media mogul that purposely misinforms his viewers to not worry about climate change and use more oil.>> <<@rhyno1740 says : The corrupt Gruberment still trying to bribe people.>> <<@careypanttila7293 says : Most EV owners I know just plug their cars to their 120v outside outlets at their homes here in America.... don't even need to use public charging stations. This shouldn't be a major issue for ppl.>> <<@lj3571 says : Trust my horse more than an electric car 🐎🐎>> <<@smellmop says : Just watched a video warning do not get into a wreak with a electric car because of the extreme weight of the batteries they are really like a wrecking ball crashing thur other cars.>> <<@ShirKhorshid says : Yes That s what we want! Expensive leftist toys that no hard working middle class can afford!>> <<@douglasjohn3544 says : With out fuel I may as well hang myself what do you think about that Anthony alboneesy>> <<@mjsbitsandpieces2689 says : THEY don't want people to live in the country or out of the cities ... THEY don't want people to be self-sufficient....they want everyone to be in the CITY - easier to monitor them and control them....>> <<@muzzleflash1 says : The Australian government to send free shovels to the African children mining the cobalt for the batteries with their bare hands.>> <<@marypaino1327 says : No, the government incentives are to corral people to the urban areas by 2030. The 2030 global initiative>> <<@TheRealBobSmith. says : 0.1% of new car sales are electric . Speaking of electric cars , what charges them ?>> <<@markofmelbourne2328 says : A new electric Ford 150 can tow a 3 ton trailer for a total of 90 miles on one charge.>> <<@creditelectric says : Whatever.>> <<@jjjackson5183 says : Of course it will.>> <<@buildmotosykletist1987 says : ATT SKY: There are 2.5M Aussies that are not online. Yet, there are many services which are only available on-line. Titles Office, Passport Applications and Births Deaths and Marrages are a few. PLEASE look into these inequities. One aspect of this is what happens in a full on grey war when our internet will be attacked via hacking and physical attacks ???>> <<@chopperking007 says : Has anyone seen an EV burn yet ? You can't put them out FFS .>> <<@michaelwills1926 says : They gave the game away when calling for people to be locked out of their EV for political opinions that go against the narrative. Wouldn’t that be lovely.>> <<@AsttoScott says : Only the ignorant think electric cars are a good idea.>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Food trucks have tested towing a trailer battery died at 85 km that's it don't fall for the EV scam it's designed to control u living in smart grid cities short distance driving>> <<@alfiewashere.695 says : I'll be sticking with my 2017, 6.2litre Holden Calais thanks! On our open country roads at 110kms an hour it's using 8.2litres per 100km. That'll do me! 😉>> <<@sallylyons430 says : Ridiculous idea anyway. A chronic non green idea and the price lithium will push the price up unrealistically. It’s all bs just like anything coming out of the three letter agencies pushing these agendas>> <<@pomaze1 says : I would like my portion of my tax dollar thats going to prop up these stupid ev’s diverted to a nuclear submarines please so my grandchildren’s grandchildren actually have a Australia to live in that is not run by the CCP!>> <<@samopalvampirenvonbutlegin8603 says : "Green agenda" is as good as dead. We must return to reality. There is no alternative to fossil fuels.>> <<@pelocitdarney5718 says : Thank you Sky News Australia for bringing us the real news. You can see more real unsensored news at UK Column.>> <<@juneshannon8074 says : This is the NWO PLAN. Reduce population then heard leftovers into the cities.>>