<<@davidthomas9759 says : We will be all under water>> <<@peterrichards931 says : It's funny how much political influence phony Climate Change has facilitated.>> <<@dikonsaintjohn says : Россия сила>> <<@WOTArtyNoobs says : According to Al Gore's Nobel Prize speech - the Arctic Ice ceased to exist in 2014. Either he and the Climate Change idiots are correct.... Or they are very very wrong. I'll give you a clue............................................ They are completely wrong and we are closer to another Ice Age than anything they predict. So it doesn't do Sky News Australia any credit to mention 'Climate Change' at the start of the video. I thought you guys were on the side of the truth? - that Climate Alarmism is a scam!>> <<@detfullanito1156 says : climate change blablabla russia bad blablabla>> <<@celuiquipeut6527 says : Canada should be ready to fight. But we are not. Thanks to our communist parry. I mean the Liberals.>> <<@rickrobitaille8809 says : You could swim across the bering strait to😀>> <<@windsong3wong828 says : USA is bringing the world to WW3 … The tensions are slowly building up to the new Cold War narratives…. A nuke war will kill the planet . Why……? Over some land in Ukraine? What a dumb ass.>> <<@canavatony says : It's free for all. So, eat your heart out gringos.>> <<@jacobpeterson4071 says : Well russia you're about to find out the hard way that you aren't entitled to shit>> <<@allenniumfalcon says : Hope Russia wins. NATO are scum and the world doesn't belong to Israel>> <<@gravelrash4870 says : And this has what to do with Australia? Is is this to prep us to send some absurd force up there to because the US tells us to? Middle East Part II.>> <<@AnonymousYT-oy8fm says : "russia's defending their own territories", here fixed it for you.>> <<@petermclaren2665 says : *This is old news there have been vids on it since 2015 This is what's happening now* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvy9usF7ohE&t=38s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXpTGZK-BiM>> <<@washingtonsibusisosanga2087 says : where can i find the full documentary of this ? i have seen 2 or 3 nuggets of this>> <<@truelies7244 says : No one would sacrifice themselves to fight a war with Russia in the artic in the name of the west. There is no ukranians over there.😅>> <<@rogerthat487 says : Going to get a bit frostbite 🥶 when the next chilly spell comes on in maybe a decade.>> <<@bantustv1178 says : Because it's Russian lol😂😂😂😂😂🤦🏼‍♂️>> <<@AfromemeGod. says : I taught the west wanted climate friendly lgbiq powered world why fight over harmful oil>> <<@olivertremayne9985 says : Back in late 2021 they were ready to introduce mandatory vaccines for kids to attend school, three monthly mandated jabs and passports just to live your life. Then Russia happened and they have pulled back a little. Freedom by default. As long as the globalists are scared of a power like Russia they will be held in check..>> <<@monsoon7642 says : Arctic belongs to Russia period Anglo-Saxon can fuk off to utopia Britannia>> <<@garywebster3585 says : This reporter's plagiarising the Duke of Attenborough. Hey Nato. Leave the polar bears alone. Their numbers are rising and they're still mad at Al Bore for questioning their virility.>> <<@winstonsmith935 says : Don’t look to Canada to defend the Arctic.>> <<@oldtimers6460 says : Oh No the Artic is full of fossil fuels ,Russia would not be wanting to open that up for use as it's against the greenies propaganda . Funny the narrator said that new shipping lanes are being opened up by "climate Change " sorry winter came weeks early and ships are still trapped in the ice months later as the artic is having the coldest winter for decades . Now if the ice did melt that means the land would not be exposed as it would be under water or do the Russians know something that the green cultists don't .>> <<@dalejerden1878 says : So when the world and China has sprayed enough ice-melt across the world everyone else will dry up and burn while Russia and China are ruling the entire world!>> <<@masterdreadeye1865 says : You guys are 20 years too late, Russia has solidified their hold on the artic. While the yanks tried to take the middle east.>> <<@jeepz669 says : I smell war>> <<@michaellalanae7228 says : They need to clear out the jails and prisons and dump the trash there if they can survive there they can make it anyware.>> <<@whiskeygamer9402 says : Go shove your renewables. Lol>> <<@silver3660 says : I feel like the artic should be off limits.>> <<@siberiancossack5627 says : The Arctic region is also important to clown Zelensky and Ukraine.>> <<@pantyraidersisback625 says : Yay more Putin tax coming up on the next episode of Brandon Knows Best ...>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : Fox's TUCKER CARLSON says: ***why shouldn't I support Russia they've never done anything to me*** Brilliant stuff..>> <<@johncheresna says : Why do you not do a story on the fact that Trudo has solidified his Dic Tater Ship today. He has once again imprisioned an organizer of the Truckers Convoy. But NOBODY cares, therefore Trudo wins and I have given up.>> <<@kcharles8857 says : So the Arctic has become a Hot Spot! (I'll see myself out)>> <<@grannyannie2948 says : Time for a cup of tea I think.>> <<@hermangarrett3486 says : MEANWHILE, BIDEN IS SLEEPING.>> <<@sirace8352 says : Only If The Arctic Supports Israel Otherwise We Must Bring Freedom / Democracy>> <<@coal_man says : Of course the arctic is important. The arctic is full of gas.>>