says :
Lizard eye shape shift zoom in at 4:50 gutfeld is lizard
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The real issue is how celebrities aren’t actively out discouraging this, they should be active on tv saying this is ducking terrible and ducking disgusting… so where’s my theorist at??? We knew them celebrities were eating babies and drinking blood, otherwise where are they?
says :
Creepy as hell. All of them.
says :
Conditioning...China in the 70s had a major cannibal occupation. We all know robots and fake media is conditioning people to be will to eat each other. I was surprised when America insurrection occured that no cops got cooked for real. This is how it works but noone realizes it
says :
Apparently Joe Rohan ate a person and that’s sickening af
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Michael Moore looks like he could be the poster boy for Cannibalists Anonymous . This world is truly vile. So glad we can at least mock what we are seeing and keep our sanity !
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This doofus has the worst show on television ever. Even cable access was better!
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Yessss...you must stop this...wake up america!!!!!
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No. The fact is.. vegetables are lazy.
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The "stuck on a boat" analogy does not hold since the oceans are teeming with fish.
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The very last joke redeemed the video!
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And please do not forget Katy Perry's song Bon Appétit that glamourized cannibalism.
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Why was six jealous of seven, because 789… BOOM!
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carnivores USUALLY STALK THE HERBIVORES… BRAVO to more successful brain washing. You were tricked into eating organic, becoming a vegetarian. Organic is of anything living or alive. cheers.
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Yes we know what we’re saying 🤯
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eating people diabolical
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Humans will need labels just like packaged food then, like organic, vegan, meat or beer lifestyles...
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Supernatural had lovers who literally chewed on and passionately ate each other... a very nasty curse or spell or something. It was funny at the time. Now, not so much.
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Soylent Green also featured giant dumpsters to round people up in as well as voluntary suicide chambers with pretty music and starry night landscapes to die in. Perfect turn key system...not too many narratives like in real life 🤣
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Hello Spirit cooking parties instead of normal ... Maybe if you are one of a few survivors in a plane crash on top of snowy mountains... oh wait. That already happened... Better than living on roasted crickets, tarantulas? I already eat dandelion!
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Michael Moore is too high in cholesterol .
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One more thing, I highly recommend the documentary "Europa The Final Battle" presented on Bit Chute. It will scare and disgust you. But you will recognize how history is repeating itself here in the USA.
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Hahahahaha what a mess
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No no no. Sick and wrong. But I'm not surprised.
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what did he mean by 8 part series quote
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Regressing to the days before Jesus.
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The left is already in the process of eating their own with cancel culture , as they run out of conservative targets.
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At CNN. How do you like the new boss? Tastes like chicken.
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Why dont cannibals eat clowns? Because they taste funny... Seriously disturbing is that lawmakers in a certain state sought to legalize consumption of human meat, allegedly.
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Not only you re boring but you are apparently stupid too
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Look it up there's not a law that directly says cannibalism is against the law it's been a few yrs but my husband and I watched a documentary that pointed it out and there is laws against mutilation and killing but nothing that specifies cannibalism in the US...🤔🤔🤔 if you do find such a law I'd like to see the penal code not a news report
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Yes and zombies. Its a warning...
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Eating Raoul is hilarious...
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I am dissapointed
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Eat The Elite!
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This man needs to be fired, this have got to STOP, this is evil. Pure evil
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Soylent Green New Deal 🤔?
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I inspired you so much. If only you used it to do the right thing. Make this one funny now. Evolutionary morality: I'm just an accident and life is about doing whatever I want or have to to keep the species alive, and being the best, the richest. And I have all the money a person needs. My fortress is secure, so all I need to do is keep up appearances to keep the public happy, so they don't come after me for being rich while they're miserable, and.. look at that 15 year old, whoa. I will have her too. I'll surround myself with evolutionary purists like me and we'll keep it our secret while we had the best of everything in this universe - I had the best of everything this planet had to offer. Thank God Jesus is God.
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I would have the bacon wrapped Kat
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I wouldnt mind Cannonbalism if Leftists ate their own.
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Organicaly feed beef tastes better ... you think vegans would taste better than omnivores? Wanna know where to start ... :p
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CNN communist news network ABC Americans broadcast communism NBC nationals broadcast communism CBS communist broadcast service npr national Pravda radio New yuck times naacp national association for the advancement of communist people blm bowels love to move...
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Joe is criminal in chief and the so called democrats are organized crime...
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If Joe stays in office we will have to turn to cannibalism to survive!
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You can't use CNN and the word, brains, in the same sentence, unless placing the words, no f'n, first.
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You can't use CNN and the word, brains, in the same sentence, unless placing the words, no f'n, first.
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I came here for the cannibalism lol
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i'd like to make a reservation for the Dahmer party of 4. no, make that 3. Or, 2. No, No. Dahmer party of 1, and I'll just be having desert.
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Why is anyone surprised? People vote for Democrats. That’s insane.
says :
What a delicious segment