<<@jcampbell6822 says : Changing a Day, doesn't change history.>> <<@Nathan-ry3yu says : Australia wasn't discovered or the first fleet nore was the federation birth was on the 26th of January. The federation birth of Australia January 01 1901 James Cook discovered Australia 22nd of August 1770 The first fleet claiming arrived January 24th 1788. So where was the 26th of January they all so offended about? The first fleet arrival can be argued by as no way they could had landed 24th January 1788 as the first British sailors and convicts of a total of 1400 set sail in 11 ships on May 13th 1787. If it only took 3 and a half months at sea to arrive to Australia how in the hell did it arrive 8 months later after they set sail? So the date January 1788 has to be wrong. They more likely had arrived roughly 30th of August 1787>> <<@benjamin4894 says : These radicals are supposed to be 'public servants'. They were never intended to be our ideological masters!>> <<@judyadams8178 says : SO ONLY LOOK AFTER THE ABORIGINALS, NOT THE HARD WORKING AUSTRALIANS WHO WISH TO CELEBRATE THEIR BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY, SEEMS TO ME THAT THERE IS ONLY ABORIGINALS LIVING HERE, MAYBE MY TAXES SHOULD STOP PAYING THEIR WAGES, THEIR CENTRELINK AND EVERYTHING ELSE THEY GET FOR FREE OF THE BACKS OF HARD WORKING AUSTRALIANS.....LEAVE THE DAY ALONE, U MIGHT AS WELL CHANGE ANZAC DAY BECAUSE THEY WILL BE AFTER THAT TOO...SICK TO DEATH OF HEARING ABOUT THE POOR ABORIGINALS NOTHING POOR ABOUT THEM, ACTIVIST JUST KEEP GOING AND OUR POLLIES ALLOW IT....>> <<@harryricochet8134 says : The very same equality and respect minded ALP with an undischarged accused child rapist in its cabinet and the CFMMEU led by a serial domestic abuser and misogynist. Nauseating.>> <<@pomaze1 says : This not a council issue. This is not a state issue. It’s a National day you blithering idiots. Get back to work and go fix a pothole.>> <<@just9588 says : Who cares what day it is was on the wrong day anyway>> <<@cyberpunkworld says : We need a Building and Construction Union. I wrote on YouTube eight months ago we need a C.P.O. like pronto!! Consumer Protection Office!!!>> <<@NPCNPCB says : These idiots will never call for a referendum on the date because they know the bloody general consensus on the issue.>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : There was no invasion. They love the grog anyway.>> <<@joeybrown3583 says : WTF.>> <<@Loadedchamberrecords says : Look into our true Australia Day history>> <<@Loadedchamberrecords says : Australia our true Australia Day is the last Friday in July ,and our true Commonwealth of Australia Flag is the Red Federal Ensign,we are occupied and they're hidden the truth. 😐>> <<@outbackwanker says : War is coming. The Honest hardworking taxpayers have had enough of this BS.>> <<@peternut358 says : I’m 60 years born and bred in Melbourne but I no longer feel that I belong in Australia with this Woke government dividing and turning us against each other. Where do local councils get off on telling us that Australia Day means nothing when people have died for this country. Shame on them>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : MCC needs to held to account!!!>> <<@mollynorth5627 says : If you hate Australia that much and you can't bare our history.... because we do have one. Then best you stop feasting on hand outs, leave to another country and good luck finding a better one.>> <<@notafreespeechplatform4201 says : It hasn't gone unnoticed that the Victorian government hasn't told her to pull her head in.>> <<@lucasroe2878 says : Every Day is Australia Day !!!!!>> <<@oldtimers6460 says : Yeah Victorian council the sweaty the armpit of Australia . Change it once and it shows lack of leadership ,change it twice and it show the lack of unity in the country and change it a third time the country is screwed . Mind this is Victoria under Comrade Dan and he is a captain of the Titanic looking for and iceberg to finish his job of sinking Victoria .>> <<@GreenLeft25REAL says : How do you make people see their hypocrisy when they’re simply not intelligent enough? You prevent them from ever being involved #Australianmeritocracy>> <<@AlexA-oj1eo says : This isn't a distraction. It's a very deliberate act. They tear down our statues, rewrite our history books, teach our youth to hate their own ancestors and culture. They're neo-Marxists who follow a direct isomorph of Marxian struggle theory where class has been replaced by race.>> <<@tobyfitzpatrick3914 says : Can we change the date to Dan Andrews' Birthday...?>> <<@lukei6255 says : I think it is better for Australia to do these changes when becoming an independent country. At the moment it creates too much friction between the colonial regime with pro British people and the other Australians who have no loyalty to the English queen.>> <<@serviusm9523 says : A distraction? Yeah, not that it increases the lobbying efforts to change the date. It's time to stop thinking an article in a newspaper will stop these groups, that only leads to defeat. Non-violent actions like blockading the City of Melbourne will make Councils think twice about these actions, especially if they are in a bad financial position.>> <<@davidklaehn2938 says : Fkn councils, they should be abolished.what rott they are.scone eaters.>> <<@johndunn4182 says : Melbourne is dying.... its a mess.... its like a ghost town. Fanatical left wing/ Greens running Melbourne... just like Capp. All of them trying to shove their left wing woke agenda down our throats.... All of them claiming to be self righteous & morally superior.....>> <<@shannona6989 says : Sooo changing the date makes what difference? Still makes Australia day a day, it isn't even the day they landed nor was it called Australia day till like 1808 or something.>> <<@stepkycopky9354 says : Victoria is a shithole state, and Australia is now internationally known as Aus Jail Ya….. full of covidiots….>> <<@Simon-Simon-Simon says : So six people voting in council now a defacto lobby group want to lobby Australia federally. A hand full of people ?>> <<@ricky6864 says : Melbourne city streets are pathetic these days.. bike lanes which are barely used in good weather let alone cold winters>> <<@ricky6864 says : Traitors like the Melbourne city council should be prosecuted>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : Would be great if they changed Australia day to Mia Khalifa's day & that everyone is happy>> <<@Gratitude521 says : The word 'division' comes to mind. Nothing more divisive than them and us. The name 'One Nation' seems to mean one nation devoid of those who oppose the term. Don't we already have enough division and distractions with the 'alphabet people.? Maybe we should have 2 Australia Days, one for those who agree we are one nation, and one for those who would rather divide us. Our great grandfathers are dead, so any claim to ongoing suffering is a figment of your imagination.>> <<@tlb2970 says : Crazy Victoria government 💯🤮>> <<@jamiechippett1566 says : Mayor traitor! put her on a plane and send her to Antarctica!>> <<@luciferblack7764 says : Lol A man named Stoker is reduced to the graveyard of failed conservative politicians political advisor's and untrustworthy wannabe journalists at sky Australia....😢 😆😆😆😆>> <<@susangreen6718 says : Can the rest of Australia secede from Victoria?>> <<@australianmade2659 says : So you MUST wear gay pride jumpers else the woke are offended. However it’s okay for the woke to offend me by trashing my flag and Australia Day. Yep got it. Thanks hypocrites>>