<<@billybobb7252 says : Fortunately nobody around here watches the ABC or 10 or 9 or 7 .>> <<@jonrimmer2715 says : You can't even comment on any stories the ABC puts out They don't like any criticism>> <<@mickoz9389 says : The ABC uses what it believes to be science to argue their sanctimonious nonsense about climate change. They and their understandings are, unfortunately, about as deep as a mirror.>> <<@kenjohn487 says : the abc don't have to be objective because all their views are morally superior>> <<@mikeharrison3618 says : Energy POWERS every other industry.>> <<@mikeharrison3618 says : ALEX EPSTEIN 's "Fossil Future" on sale now. The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels. HUMAN flourishing>> <<@oldman2800 says : The ABC is a left wing propaganda institution it peddles their bigotries prejudices and agenda. Sell it to their sichophants>> <<@userjoe4321 says : Their ABC>> <<@michaelandrews583 says : Employees at the ABC are simply civil servants. They don't do anything still get paid and if they do engage in some work they stuff it up.>> <<@davidhoward5392 says : BBC like .. πŸ‘>> <<@AximandTheCursed says : I'd describe it as an insular communal circle-jerk of the worst ideologues they could find.>> <<@drswag0076 says : sounds Soviet.>> <<@NPCNPCB says : Outlaw motorcycle gangs and the media (particularly ABC) are a page from the same book, well funded, awfully feared and disgustingly narcissistic. The modern bullies of ordinary citizens, it's basically a pit-fire forged from 'good intentions.>> <<@gagsdoublej4254 says : Excuse me Sir/Madam Are you saved? If you died tonight are you going to heaven? Jesus Jesus loves you>> <<@nakaidakahn8283 says : Maybe if you educate yourselves you will realise how woke abc is, I want real news not some woke editors bias views. They are not journalists bur propagandists>> <<@nakaidakahn8283 says : Badly done Kenny for cutting him off like that! More respect please>> <<@advanceaustralia4861 says : The ABC is the propaganda arm of the far left radicals.>> <<@advanceaustralia4861 says : Defund the ABC>> <<@dont_listen_to_Albo says : The ABC is not biased … they are fulfilling their (presumed) role in shaping public opinion to their liking.>> <<@thomasriley4963 says : ABC sucks period>> <<@stenkarasin2091 says : Group think is a very polite way of putting it.>> <<@somethingsavedmylife.1341 says : Is this documentary available on YouTube, many don’t have sky>> <<@somethingsavedmylife.1341 says : Drag them all out by there feet kicking and screaming and throw them on the fire πŸ”₯ of public opinion.>> <<@BrianBellia says : The ABC is a corrupt collective of elite, indulgent, unaccountable oligarchs who consider the taxpayer-funded billion-dollar broadcaster as their own personal plaything. That's the Left for you.>> <<@canuckinkyoto9081 says : This certainly sounds like the problem we Canadians have our own CBC. CBC was also established to unite Canada but currently only reports from the far left side of the political spectrum. CBC is also taxpayer funded and should be privatized as it no longer represents Canada as a whole.>> <<@jessekoch3480 says : 1.1bil just hand it over peons and shut up. Defund ABC NOW!>> <<@johndunn4182 says : Why is it that only Labor /Greens/ Socialist supporters defend the ABC? We all know it's because it's a left wing collective of activist who are pushing a left wing agenda.>> <<@GreenLeft25REAL says : The left overlook corruption when it benefits them. They have no moral centre…because they’re unintelligent πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ>> <<@bradyfilm says : Why would any level headed person watch woke garbage pushed by fanatical leftist zealots! De fund the ABC now!>> <<@desking8065 says : Sky news vehemently opposes climate change, So why can not ABC take charge of climate change. Sco Mo was the last person in charge of ABC. And he paid their last 1 billion in funding. Think about that you dummies.>> <<@masjut1 says : Keep up the great work Sky newsβ€οΈπŸ‘πŸ™>> <<@lupcokotevski2907 says : The desperate leftist comments trying to deflect from the ABC's ideological in-breeding.>> <<@darrendaine4914 says : Climate change is a lie>> <<@cindysimpson6428 says : CHINA owns DISNEY owns ABC>> <<@nicethings2070 says : Its always the problem when something is government funded. Most of the staff wouldn't last a day in the business world. It would be interesting to calculate how many employees are genuinely passionate about an issue as opposed to taking an easy wage and shouting their mouth's off. I think the later would be off a high percentage. Lots of gaming the system going on.>> <<@JohnWilson-lz6py says : Sky News and Kenny were banned by YouTube!!! Dear oh dear. How could it be?πŸ˜‹ Somewhat embarrassing?>> <<@JohnWilson-lz6py says : Nobody would talk to Kenny. So how could he be relevant. Laughable.>> <<@mikeries8549 says : Credibility is easy to destroy and nearly impossible to restore. If that's not taught in Journalism 101 on day one then we've got serious troubles. You'd think that these geniuses that run things would know it.>> <<@Stikibits says : The big, bad "collective". LMFAO! Are they under the bed, Kenny?!?!?! Too farking funny, you irrational clown. Kenny spews so much irrational crap, but that's the very point of Sky...to lie to Australians. This crazed disinformation outlet needs to be shut down for sake of democracy, freedom and public safety, ffs!!!>> <<@foxmeow3061 says : I should really have some kinda catch phrase business. High five to the original chick with I call b.s πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ We make a great team.>> <<@darylephillips6778 says : With out the ABC country Australia would miss out on up to date weather bush fire alerts . SKYNEWS only cares about city folk . The only reason SKYNEWS hounds the ABC is so all your news will be subscription as in the USA . A person in the USA pays up to and over 200.00 a month to access news .Murdoch is all about the big dollar so do not get fooled by the big corporation news . Just look at what is happening to the Footy and that is just the start>> <<@dmarshall8366 says : What is low rating Sky about? A Murdoch hard right wing Fox News of Australia. When it comes to bias the hipocrysy is stunning from the Murdoch toadie Kenny.>> <<@seandelap8587 says : Will your documentary be put out on YouTube in full Chris.>> <<@scottcurtis5322 says : I don't mind the ABC favouring the left. I just what the option to choose if I pay for it.>> <<@luciferblack7764 says : πŸ₯šs πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² v ABC πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί ABC..............1 Murdoch......0 Aussie.. Aussie.. Aussie........πŸ’ͺ πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†>> <<@richardreweti8671 says : Obviously not Corporate run media, unlike Sky News. πŸ™„>> <<@sundog60 says : It's counterpart in Canada the CBC is a toxic left wing urban centric hell pit. We tax payers are forced to fork over $1B+ to the CBC annually. The CBC routinely attacks our history, white males, and anyone who is not on board with the woke agenda including conservative political parties.>> <<@x5-acousticguitarstuff.2 says : Sky News Australia is the BEST.>> <<@x5-acousticguitarstuff.2 says : ABC Fake News... ONLY for the WOKE dummies.>>