<<@naas699 says : laughable. RU stated they have no intention to kill Clownsky or for regime change, that's when he came out with that p!ssweak video saying how he isn't scared. If it was a NATO / US war he should be scared because they would have carpet bombed Kiev and targeted him and his goons>> <<@fitkit69 says : Zelensky supports ultra far right group, azov battalion is a division in ukraine army, Zelensky pays these nazi cunts...>> <<@randybaumery5090 says : "Russia is a nation that can be defined in a single word. Asfutmsifwffutsh.” --- Joe Biden>> <<@christianmoreno4390 says : zelensky united the world???? you mean the US and Europe only... the world is much bigger than just the us and Europe>> <<@krh007 says : According to Russian polemics championing the annexation of Crimea and Russian involvement in eastern Ukraine since 2014, the entire operation was planned, organised and controlled under the leadership of Putin since Euromaiden uprising in Ukraine when Pro Russia Yanukovych was expelled as Ukraine fought for a democratic Government free of Russian corruption. Putin never recognised Ukraine's democratic Gov't and never recognised Ukraine as an indepedent State Russia’s use of SPETSNAZ evolved since its involvement in Georgia in 2008. In Crimea and eastern Ukraine, SPETSNAZ operated in a clandestine manner, with their faces masked and wearing nondescript military clothing that bore no information identifying their unit. These infamous "little green men" appeared during the decisive seizures or buildings and facilities only to disappear when associated militias and local troops arrived to consolidate the gains. In this way they provided a measure of deniability—however superficial or implausible—for Putin The conflict in Ukraine demonstrates that Russia recruits SPETSNAZ agents from among the local populations within target countries, including pro-Russian nationalists, minorities, political dissidents and criminals. When deployed, agents initially confine their efforts to political agitation and other nonkinetic methods aimed at creating a political environment favorable to Russian policies. Russian citizen Igor Girkin (also known as Igor Strelkov) helped organize and lead the insurgency in the Donbass Previously he served in the 45th Detached Reconnaissance Regiment, the FSB, and the GRU and was involved in numerous other conflicts including those in Bosnia, Chechnya and Transnistria. He has been accused of organizing civilian massacres in Bosnia and kidnappings and murders in Chechnya. Before he entered eastern Ukraine, Girkin led paramilitary groups in Crimea and negotiated with Ukrainian military officers in attempts to induce them to defect to Russia. Girkin organized volunteer militia forces in Crimea, drawing on Russians with military experience and pro-Russian Ukrainians. Ukrainian intelligence (SBU) alleges that Girkin was under the direct authority of the Kremlin who supplied him and other leaders with weapons, all with the approval of Putin. Girkin has been accused of murdering a local Ukrainian politician, Volodymyr Rybak, and a nineteen-year-old college student, Yury Popravko. In April 2014 Girkin emerged as the leader of the Donetsk People’s Republic and claimed he had command of all its forces, but he continued to publicly deny Russian connections. On July 5 Girkin fled from Slovyansk as Ukrainian forces moved to retake the city—a move that attracted criticism and outright condemnation from fellow insurgents and ultranationalists in Russia. Girkin was later accused of involvement in the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17. Alexander Borodai is a Ukrainian with very strong ties to Russia who lived and studied in Moscow. A close associate of Girkin and Konstantin Malofeev, Borodai was appointed the prime minister of the Donetsk People’s Republic but later resigned the office and returned to Russia. He is alleged to have served in the FSB as a director who achieved the rank of major general. Igor Besler, a former lieutenant colonel in the Russian GRU, also led insurgent operations in Crimea and Ukraine. Of mixed German-Ukrainian descent, he considers Igor Girkin and himself Russian and studied at the Dzerzhinsky Military Academy in the mid-1990s. According to Ukrainian intelligence, he was contacted by the GRU in February 2014 and directed to move into Crimea and help organize the uprising there. He has been implicated in numerous murders and summary executions of captured combatants in Ukraine and was also tied to the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17. Pro-Russian separatists rebels were/are basically a proxi-front to Putins war machine in Putins quest to annex Ukraine and overthrow its Government with total disregard to Ukraines sovereignty and indepedence. This is without doubt 100% "Genocide" on a massive scale with this invasion revisiting the horrors and devastation of WW2 Russian propaganda is not going twist the facts that Putin is the mastermind and master manipulatator and the pure evil behind the whole series of events that unfolded more than 10yrs ago to where we are at today with Putin's brutal and bloody war and his smoke-screen attempt to blame it on the west & NATO defence alliance. Putin conveniantly forgets NATO is a defence alliance against Russian aggression and Russia is the one who is always on the attack against other countries and is under no threat from attack unless China decides to invade them in the future>> <<@happybhathal3324 says : He is one who killed Ukraine>> <<@happybhathal3324 says : He is no more than puppet.>> <<@lovedogshatepeople4340 says : Everyone is starting to hate zelensky, he has cooned the west nad Russia will win>> <<@skynews8147 says : I love Kosha Gada!>> <<@majorrgeek says : Kosha Gada is a dead head - not all Russians hate Zelensky - he's a normal president unlike the surrogate tzar self elected Putin - no wonder Russians are divided>> <<@lindanichols125 says : SLAVA UKRAINE>> <<@andrethompson8710 says : I supported russia until they threatened nuclear weapons use. Thats a sign of desperation? The usa lost in korea vietnam iraq afganistan so did the former soviet union. But threats of nuclear attack were never mentioned.>> <<@zoom777 says : Poor Shelensky US lapdog 🐕🤡>> <<@edwardsianski725 says : May the Miraculous Virgin of Vladimir intercede with the Almighty for the removal of Putin, Lavrov, Shoigu and their minions from power and help Ukraine to fight for a just peace. May the Moscow Muppet Show come to an abrupt end.>> <<@Michael-tz8zf says : read your comments below sky>> <<@someone6162 says : The blacklist is Zelensky's attempts at humor??? What is the purpose of this list? This is eerily familiar to what has occurred before in our world history!! Zelensky is now trying to censor anyone who questions or has a critique of his regime's actions. The list of people are current and former American politicians, ex-CIA, Foreign relations experts, Academic intellectuals, decorated US military officials and investigative journalists etc.!!! You have shown your hand for the world to see!! Someone needs to give Mr. Zelensky a lesson on what it means to be part of the west!!! What Freedom and Democracy means!! To quote from the former president of the country that is providing him weapons to fight. “Once a government is committed to the principle of silencing the voice of opposition, it has only one way to go, and that is down the path of increasingly repressive measures, until it becomes a source of terror to all its citizens and creates a country where everyone lives in fear." Harry S. Truman>> <<@user-rc4nw6xy5p says : Russia likes wars where the people they are fighting might have RPG - AK47 weapons. No real organised army or weapons. Like Afghanistan and Chechnya. And if history serves correctly - they eventually lost in Afghanistan, and then to not much more then shoulder fired rockets. In Chechnya again they fought people pretty much a guerilla war again. And they had to have two goes at winning that war. Ukraine represents more of a match weapons system for weapons system in the Russian military. Russia felt it had the numbers for shock and awe. What we saw was Russia has poorly trained troops. Even the reactive explosive armour on their tanks is not exploding incoming rocket rounds. The so called explosive reactive armour is fake - painted blocks of wood. It look like the military generals have spent the money for equipment elsewhere. If memory serves correctly Putin tried a corruption clean up, and something must have been to close to home. As he stopped that purge. And now you can by stopping that purge he clearly missed a lot of people who were making money on the side, not putting the money into military equipment. And it shows now when the rubber meets the road. Putin thought he could bluff the Ukrainians to give up and not put up a fight. It was all numbers and bluff and bluster, Ukraine called his bluff. The Ukraine military everyone thought would not stand up to Russia's military. And Russia's military is poorly trained - poorly lead - poorly supported troops. They have no real training. It was simply a show of force was meant to make Ukraine surrender. Ukraine's military thought they would have a go. And they were surprised how Russia's military is woefully unprepared for war fighting.>> <<@bojanstojicevic2642 says : MONSTER ZELE(Z)SKY...The Man Who Accidentally KiILLED The Most People In UKRAINA. HE DOESN'T KNOW to STOP ... CONVINCED that HE is THE STRONGEST MAN in THE WORLD. ACTOR ONCE - FOREVER ACTOR. GOD HELP UKRAINIANS to SURVIVE with ZELENSKY!!! S T O P T H E W A R>> <<@wayneshelton6625 says : He just bought a 10 million dollar house in Florence ,wake up Peta that's after his 4 million dollar property near Miami a couple of months ago>> <<@FrankButera says : Could this old fart be any more misinformed?>> <<@TechNorbee says : not just russia, the whole world hate that zalensky shit.>> <<@sed8me69 says : anyone want to touch on why the international population of, and all world leaders of jewish lineage are *OBSESSED* with, and sending *INSANE* amounts of money to an Actual, REAL Natzi Military? anyone? OfCourse not, LoL.>> <<@exsmoker74 says : Kept hearing for months how Ukraine was beating Russia , but needed more resources, money. Now I'm hearing Russia wound up with loads of US weapons, Ukraine still wants money, Ukraine was ranked one of the most corrupt country's , let that sink in>> <<@grantsapain says : Russia hates anyone who stands up to them. That's why Putin murders or jails anyone who speaks out against him...>> <<@simonvirus6417 says : What a crock of shit, so much international support ? Yeah if you are a moron, . Firstly ZELENSKY is a NATO/ US puppet, 2 nd PUTIN has repeatedly warned the US / Nato not to place missile's / offensive weapons on Russias doorstep for over 10 years. 3 rd ; Ukraine is NOT a democracy , it is a country run by a dictator.... no other political party / opposition us allowed. Prove me wrong on any point..... you cant. From Australia>> <<@kennypitts4829 says : That fat guy doesn't like questions, does he? We ask, "wait... But" and he interrupts with a snarky comment. Way to push your weight around. Ukraine is a fraud and we don't care if it fails. So much corruption is being announced weekly.>> <<@freelander4058 says : No they don’t Zelensky has been a Russian spy since he was 18 yrs old You forget They overthrew the Ukrainian Government to put him in place. I laugh at people who think he is a Ha Ha Ha I don’t hate the Ukrainian people or the Russian people I hate their governments as bad as my own>> <<@krsmovie1939 says : Russians could easily kill him anywhere they wanted in Ukraine. But they never had such a task. He survived only because Russia let him do this.>> <<@birdlipbandit says : Putin has sent young men to die>> <<@Seer645 says : B S The Russians NEVER used the Shock & Awe tactics the USA used on Iraq: Russia never took out all the electrical grids, Communication, water facilities and in fact they returned a power plant to the locals. Kiev has Not been a war zone as western neocons freely fly in and out. The Drag Queen has offshore accounts and a house in Miami. He lied when he was elected and did a 180 degree turn when he was threatened by the nazis. IF the west can manage to NOT start WW3 in the next month Russia will control all of Eastern Ukraine where the average western Ukraine soldier has no real ambition to fight as this area has been occupied by russians for over 1000 years.>> <<@jenni0278 says : 🤣 what utter BS>> <<@Barro1 says : Lol at all the mad rusnazis in the comments.>> <<@TheRichLA says : Sky news can add another 7 billion people on that list>> <<@jedimaster1445 says : Russia doesn't want to kill zelenky. They need zelenksy to sign the peace papers and make peace treaty recognizable by the west>> <<@pamronning says : How much is England contributing?>> <<@user-gl3zw6el8i says : Sky "fake" news on it's knees for that Zelensky dick.>> <<@claudballs5679 says : How long have these guys in Australia been doing the news? You would think they remember the media coverage of the Ukrainian president after he had all his opposition murdered and the reporters that reported on it in prison come on guys you remember reporting that right? Do you remember reporting that the president of Ukraine was worse than Putin I remember it just like it was a couple years ago. Oh yeah it was>> <<@lostz666 says : Ukraine leader is a joke . He’s to blame for all the deaths there. Not Russia . Fighting a losing battle out of pride . Begging other country’s to fund his war . He’s a loser in my eyes .>> <<@alexkelly8131 says : We all do>> <<@blueticked9789 says : They fighting a war they can't win the US paying to make more profit with their illegal connections>> <<@somethingsavedmylife.1341 says : An information war for sure the west just talks lies continuously>> <<@somethingsavedmylife.1341 says : Hi mars are pussy weapons, Russian equipment is far superior, your reporting rubbish>> <<@somethingsavedmylife.1341 says : Your all marked now as traitors>> <<@danieltucker3506 says : Ukraine isn't winning is the problem. Every day they lose men and equipment. They have no industrial base left and are completely dependent on aid. A welfare state cannot survive. Is the US responsible for every other country?>> <<@somethingsavedmylife.1341 says : And all of you>> <<@somethingsavedmylife.1341 says : Fuck Ukraine>> <<@margyrowland says : Zelensky has not “been united the whole world”. Sanctions have pushed some powerful nations towards Russia and the dominant alliance of the USA and EU is being checked.>> <<@vg9137 says : *Ukrainian army has "special" units, the Anti-Retreat Forces. They kill any Ukrainian soldier that is trying to retreat or surrender 😡*>> <<@miniontm69 says : Russia is bombing Ukraine cuz of the Bio labs Joe and Hunter Biden put there.>> <<@hellsrealm5096 says : Why does Australians care about Russia and Ukraine, oh thts right bcoz the media corps are force feeding the public.. Guess we just have to look at just the last 3years of blatant media lies, not to mention everything the controlled bought n paid media puppets have said since ww2.. When Russia was in our Alliance helping us to defeat evil. Why would their morals change now?>>