<<@patricelauverjon2856 says : Loads of dialectics lead to lost common-sense!>> <<@laurencesymons7621 says : i knew if albo won they would lead us down the drain to hell this is just the start of it>> <<@joycebaron672 says : But he has a plan>> <<@paulwilson7622 says : Labour, the enemy of Aboriginal families!>> <<@Frank-po5qs says : He has on idea.>> <<@garyemerson9310 says : NO AUSSIE POLITITAN IS EVER BORN THEY JUST FALL OUT OF ARSEHOLES AND HATCH IN THE SUN>> <<@thekrutchinator says : He bats like the Aussie cricket team... Pathetic!>> <<@nigelmorgan3449 says : Twit>> <<@glennburrows9380 says : Ppl oust 1 fuckwit Then vote another in When will ppl ever learn?>> <<@archielea1200 says : Check each way Albo Labor party and greens and Independent greens out for yourselves and to Sky news and 2gb and affiliates Says IAM who Iam Amen and amen>> <<@archielea1200 says : To the Australian people Says IAM who Iam Amen and amen>> <<@clintfulford8103 says : He’s becoming more like the Aussie Joe Biden every day 🙄>> <<@geoffreytoomey682 says : marvelous, I'm seriously considering getting into the recycling business, it is by far the most lucrative business opportunity since the WW2 manufacturing gig, with the Green energy replaceable industries being fully supported by the people of the world, recycling solar panels, wind turbines, Batteries, electric vehicles are growing exponentially and unstoppable now because they are so short-lived hence the catchy name “replicable”, the best bit is “United Nations Labor Australian Government” will subsidize all the recycling businesses of the Green industries and also subsidize the landfill of toxic and unrecyclable parts, I've heard the new designated name for these many new Landfill facilities, will be "Green landfill projects", no not garden waste dumps, Money tree projects, this is a growing Green gold mine.>> <<@dickowilley2642 says : Can Peta please, please put her eyebrows back to where they belong? Just above her eyes! I love listening to Peta but jeez, that eyebrow thing is distracting from her natural appeal as a presenter.>> <<@philjohnston7920 says : It will soon become apparent that Albo will soon be known as Do Nothing Albo. Just pander to pointless theatrics and by the next election they will be shown as the vacuous incompetent morons they are.>> <<@harrisbeatsfrankou6304 says : Scrapped not Scapped. Need a proof reader? Editor? White Male Boomer can spell matriculated when it was actually hard. These cards should be capped for no cash no grog... if any assault or sexual violence convictions...they should be dry.>> <<@deong6289 says : Communist Chinese Party sympathisers are the scum of the Earth. They are knee cap our economy in every way they can and rubbing it in our face.>> <<@georgiarobinson1204 says : Albo is just following Zelenski and Shwab to hell. The two parties are the same lunatics, no difference>> <<@georgiarobinson1204 says : He is going to Ukraine to visit his best friend Zelenski, give him money and help him buy more property in the west. Because he is a poor man...>> <<@colincooper7276 says : LABOR HAVE IT ALL WONG TRAITORS TO AUSTRALIA GLOBALIST CLIMATE CHANGE .>> <<@Freedom-uv8qv says : Well Well Well Australia 🇦🇺 you voted 🗳 for this limp wristed, sly talking 👄 Politician, who has never had a real job in his life. Never held a Finance, Treasurer, Defence, Foreign Affairs portfolio yet is the PM. While you will have record; inflation, interest rates, cost of living rises, and Climate change NZ by 2050, where World 🌎 Dominating Billionaires $$$$ are racing to be the world's 🌎 first Trillionaire $$$$$. The Voice; Aborigines running the show. Ever been to Aurukun this where 5 tribes try and run the show, how ware you going to be when hundreds of Tribes want to run Australia 🇦🇺. Good luck Australia 🇦🇺 Next time Australia votes 🗳 might want to get it right ✅️.>> <<@infidel202 says : Of course albanese bowen and chalmers won't answer questions they don't have answers only sarcasm>> <<@johnburnett3942 says : Looks like Australia is going backwards, look out for loads of drunks and beaten women and children. Well done, pm this will happen on your watch. Talk your way out of that.>> <<@kelleeking5340 says : Just like labour in Queensland she does the same thing all labour does these days .>> <<@darrenluck2612 says : That's because he had no f######g plan>> <<@stevencorlett7972 says : 3 words.......BLAME BLAME BLAME>> <<@stevencorlett7972 says : Albo is ONLY interested in himself and his GREEN AGENDA LUNACY>> <<@jamwhenever says : He's as useless as Tits on a Bull.>> <<@lesleyosborne9319 says : The only thing he's got is Stupid ideas he Said Nothing about. AND BASHING the Last Govt. ALBO OBVIOUSLY DOESNT CARE to Remove the card Even When Told not too. Unbelievable.>> <<@markgardiner1767 says : WHO THE FRIG WOULD WANT THIS MUPPET AS PRIMEMINISTER????>> <<@mira5196 says : Question time is like preschool. This people are like children in the school playground.>> <<@gsmall6101 says : Elmer Fudd is completely out of his depth. That was obvious during the campaign and yet he still got the job? Says a lot about our voting system.🙈>> <<@BrotherApothecaryMed says : Blantant propaganda>> <<@kathleencook3060 says : We have just come through 2 plus years of Covid 19 lockdown which cost the Country $$$$$$$! The pain and burden was carried by the Private Sector!>> <<@Peter-ho1qw says : Typical of the labor party before the election it was all about transparency !! Now their in government they refuse to answer questions and be transparent. What a joke !! I predict this will be a one term government>> <<@leinam4164 says : Albee’s fake climate change>> <<@kevindavies189 says : It’s easy to see how people can fall into this toxic echo chamber if you don’t have access to other media.>> <<@wtfkiwi6821 says : Who ever lifted the restrictions on alcohole should be held accountable for the first case of abuse and future cases, No excuses this is not a blame game, if it isn't broken don't need fixing.>> <<@helengormlie966 says : Albo sleazy biden. Let’s go brandon>> <<@helengormlie966 says : Albo sleazy.. spineless little bully..>> <<@boggy269 says : Labor is going to demolish our economy ...and i hope the Moronic Climate Greens get blackouts whilst trying to charge their electric cars at night when the wind wasn't blowing and the sun is not out. Hey what about the fact that we have the best clean Coal in the world ??????????????? Where is it going ...to supply another 153 coal power stations that are being built in China on top of the 1124 they already have ! and you whinge at us about so called climate change . Bullshit.>> <<@666t says : Lord Voldemort tried an a curse but The PM shouted Expeliarmus! Mr Potato Head knows where he can store his accessories. Drop the gloves and cry havoc, let slip the dogs of war Albo. Grind the bastards down, ask about NSW Liberals fighting in the streets Bruz is so corrupt, how corrupt is he, he is so corrupt he could run for the leader of the Liberal Party.>> <<@andrewwilliams8413 says : Masks, you weak cunts ? !>> <<@aldonabagusauskas4956 says : I feel disgusted, first America and Australia has an utter buffoon for a leader! Have people gone mad voting for these clowns?>> <<@mickbryan7716 says : you cant answer questions when you dont know the answers>> <<@Solarlube says : So Australia has a Biden only not in cognitive decline BUT in decline anyway! Why do people love to win with a {CHEAT}>> <<@anth5189 says : Not surprising, but what an absolute disgrace. Typical CCP attitude believing he doesn't have to answer questions. I wonder how many IDIOTS realise what an f-ing mistake this was.>> <<@JohnSmith-it9eh says : I have watched question time for years and the LNP have been batting away questions for almost a decade Morrison never attempted to answer all he and Dutton did was to close questions down does the phrase I move the member should no longer be heard ring any bells???>> <<@west8436 says : If they can control your money like the Canadian truckers ,then they can tell you what you can buy or NOT . got it yet 👍>> <<@west8436 says : WEF Puppets like Trudeau. Macron .Dutch Mark Rutter NZ Jacinda Ardoom War on Fertiliser. Get it yet . Elections Rigged too>>