<<@myrahouse2368 says : She forgot to mention ‘ I’m wearing a mask’ 😂>> <<@aluminiumsloep says : USA...Is that the best you guys can come up with? Camel Harris? and geriatric Biden>?>> <<@selvarajkannan9923 says : Let your soul bloom with happiness and feeling of joy 🎄💅.Excellency Kamla Devi Harris ji.Vice President of U.S.Wish you all a Happy New Prosperous New Year 2023 💐👋.Your new dreams,new achievements everything waiting for you 🙋‍♀️👏🙏.>> <<@rj9168 says : Why is everyone so bent out of shape about this? Genuinely don’t understand. It took like two seconds to say & doesn’t negatively affect anything>> <<@Yosemite25 says : Kamala is at the Head of her game. No matter the insults , she always lands on her back….er…I mean feet… heels up… damn, never mind.>> <<@richardbishop8947 says : She is a she.Good to know.>> <<@loreemackay9960 says : VP Harris proving herself to be a follower to the loudest voice in the room; rather leading the people out of chaos, she runs into the chaos, joins it. Read her the job description please.>> <<@TheHouseOfWaffles says : That's just _mental_ when people think they have to begin every conversation with their entire auto-biography. But anyway, my pronouns are “Ni!” (subject), “Ekke ekke ekke ekke ptang zoo boing!” (direct object), and “Jozxyqk!” (indirect object). My possessive pronoun is “Qx''-x-'--'” with the apostrophes representing inhaled glottal stops and the dashes representing the _boing_ sound.>> <<@ewtwetrwerwteet says : the blind can't see colours or process them>> <<@catman4242 says : "I'd like to announce, before we get started, and let me be perfectly clear, "I am a woman. Because women are women, if they want to be. And other things, that can be labeled as woman, but not if that woman doesn't want to be called a woman. It's really up to the woman, whose business it is and no other woman, or man, who can also be women.">> <<@freewheeler8924 says : And the fat woman to Kamala's right said "I'm wearing a see-thru mask so you can see my mouth". Good to know that if you're blind. She didn't mention how "body-positive" she was, though.>> <<@freewheeler8924 says : She'll have to keep reminding us all the time now, because one can never tell when one's pronouns are a-gonna change.>> <<@PeePeePooPoo455 says : How would a blind person know what a blue suit even looks like?>> <<@captainmurphy509 says : I am bald & naked. I identify as a meat potato. My pronoun is stud.>> <<@allanmarks2150 says : I predict Kamala will be the next POTUS because she wants the job, Biden will not be able to complete his term of office, and she cannot be legally fired according to the US Constitution.>> <<@georgeoneal78 says : Joe didn't run the first time. Bernie was the choice.>> <<@saltyberryapothecary6119 says : Sick.>> <<@robinj.9329 says : This evil creature is an embarrassing fool!>> <<@christinehede7578 says : She just keeps on proving that she is a cackling hyena with no capability to be a politician.>> <<@greggbaker7120 says : She has no experience, dealing with Visually Impaired people.>> <<@rexduke967 says : She is a coo coo bird>> <<@fuzzy69 says : Well, at least she knows is a woman.>> <<@bryanbuhrman732 says : Kamaltoe has only 1 field of expertise, and she does it on her knees!>> <<@TheNewThrone says : She stated the color of her clothes for the visually impaired. The rest was for the mentally impaired>> <<@jenn0802ifer says : Disgusting administration>> <<@joshuamartin5095 says : Why are they still wearing masks?>> <<@joncarnes7418 says : My name is Kamala Harris. I'm in a blue suit and I'm a complete idiot.>> <<@cletustollery6914 says : If Aussies were truly our friends, you would kidnap Joey, Hunter, Kamala, that Pelosi thing and throw em in a roo field! DAMNIT>> <<@berniemac4422 says : Stop saying jackass Biden is running again,, last speech he didn’t BLINK FOR 2 minutes he’s DOPED UP ,!! CMON MAN,,!!>> <<@berniemac4422 says : This DISGUSTING 🤮 KUN+.,!!!!!!! Sick,!! WTF!!!>> <<@lappo253 says : Cack cack Cackmala Harris.>> <<@ironhorse127 says : AN ABSOLUTE EMBARRASSMENT. This woman tries way too hard to be likable. Pander much Kamala?>> <<@ruthnagarya2028 says : The Democrats have had power so long that they have learned that ANYONE can be President (i.e. Joe Biden) and the "deep state people" can make the decisions, policies, write speeches, direct their every move...all while the deep state is pulling the puppet strings. They would HAVE to do that with Kamala just as they are doing with Joe Biden. It's a Communist trick and the Democrats don't mind because it gives them the power they crave. HOWEVER, the American people are NOT fooled and if need be the same thing that happened when we broke free from Britain will also happen with the Democrats and their power hungry "administrations", we were born rebels and rebels we will be again.>> <<@freegw1 says : Kamala is stupid dangerous!>> <<@rich1891 says : She tells deaf people she's wearing the color blue. WTF what a dumbass>> <<@k956upg says : Why do the blind want to know what suit she is wearing..or that the woman next to her has a Hannibal mask on>> <<@jasperkensington2644 says : Trust me, Kakala will never be President.>> <<@dirkpitt5468 says : Camel toes is a disgustingly ignorant person. I don’t just say that. Just go watch her speeches. And if you think they are coherent then, the problem is in the mirror.>> <<@ReformedRabbit says : The Democrat who encourages women to kill their disabled or Down syndrome babies in the womb virtue signals us with the word blue.>> <<@yvonneyoumans6464 says : This Bimbo is dumber than a box of rocks and such an embarrassment !!>> <<@gailcarey3597 says : Harris needs to be drug tested.>> <<@AV-bz2zv says : What an embarrassment for Americans. These liberal morons need to go dig a hole to space and jump in.>> <<@SomewhereInIndiana1816 says : National disgrace>> <<@nonmihiseddeo4181 says : My husband (rest in peace) lost his eyesight due to glaucoma as an adult. So, he'd have an idea of what her "blue suit" looked like. Someone blind from childhood or from birth would have no idea wtf she's talking about. Of course, the pronouns stuff is pure Clown World. #LetsGoBrandon>> <<@EricWokei says : I'm Half vegan tiger/merman and I'm not able to take a dump cause the doctor surgeon forgot to make an outlet during the operation .>> <<@1080sucks says : Ìts like we are in an alternate reality where the most stupid and inept must be given control just to see what happens. Its completely bizarre. We have her equivalent here in new zealand. I feel I must caution BOTH are very DANGEROUS to freedom.>> <<@JamesJohnson-uf3tt says : Un FN believable she never has anything intelligent to say about any important issues . What a complete air head .>> <<@mpconstructs6048 says : Her pronouns are....knee, pads, heels, click.>> <<@PieterAkbar says : Wow stupidity at its best. The US judicial system is a disgrace for democracy. The world is watching and afraid. Time for justice.>> <<@rubbersole79 says : Cocaine's a helluva drug.>>