<<@BarryRadley says : Kamala Harris on suicide watch>> <<@BarryRadley says : She is MAD …… a laughing hyena waiting for the top job ….. Rest in peace . You won’t be missed>> <<@Cinderella640 says : That's nice powder blue suit that she was wearing ❤>> <<@robertosebastiani5262 says : My hair hurts listening to the dumbest kid in the school yard. Afermitive action at its best NOT !>> <<@barbaramaroney6890 says : Old SH&T....>> <<@rv-jn7wn says : Hey sky News!!!Put another shrimp on barby!!! mate>> <<@perezpepito104 says : Why is she masking>> <<@petemusgrove7422 says : "Fully human"? This idiotic man obviously don't know that racists often describe black people as being less than human and that what he said is profoundly racist. How embarrassing for Australia. Who the f*ck cares what people call themselves or what colour their dress is? There are plenty of actual problems waiting to be solved. Must be nothing of note happening in Aus if they feel the need to try to make something out of nothing.>> <<@scottpeterson-hs3yf says : So what?? She has a good sense of humor! I’d vote for her in a heartbeat!>> <<@scottpeterson-hs3yf says : But, you took Trump seriously???>> <<@noahbeaty6600 says : why the hell she says Im a women sitting at a table with a blue suit>> <<@cherylwilson33 says : racist, WHITE PRIVILEGE PEOPLE has a problem with a BLACK person in Amerikkka>> <<@MrRichDavid says : No one takes you assholes seriously. What garbage dump is this shitty site z BLOCK>> <<@romio7715 says : Lady in blue suit 😂😂😂😂😂good Job kamala 😂😂😂>> <<@tillyvids3736 says : Why are people getting upset about the Pronouns tho? Like sorry she wanted to avoid people just assuming and also helped normalize pronouns???>> <<@jayr807 says : when she doesnt know what to say so she just improvise something obvious>> <<@thepuritychannel441 says : Your saying …she’s just 3/5 of a human?!?! She speaking to blind people she’s trying to give them a sense of who she is! Oh, she’s black and she’s human….>> <<@lw1zfog says : “The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.” - Frank Zappa>> <<@andanandan6061 says : The only time she was taken seriously when she said *Don't Come! Don't Come!!* And Donald Trump respon was *I'll come. Aaaaghhhhhhh*>> <<@africanconservative2897 says : What an utter moron?!🤬 I pray sleepy joe stays healthy so his vp doesn’t end up in WH😱>> <<@axelfoley1406 says : The biggest ditz of all time.>> <<@JesseBlum says : Shes not human, our president and vice president are both completely mentally ill. They are insane>> <<@garymclaughin says : She's getting better before had to ask the law clerk what is my name? I like her in blue goes good with a dark complexion . Sawadee Khap.🤠>> <<@sh2869 says : American Rahul>> <<@susanndrake3838 says : https://youtu.be/m0GeznURd-4>> <<@stevenglock says : Dumb C>> <<@kenvanlit402 says : As bright as Rudy.>> <<@stevenglock says : She's god's gift to comedy>> <<@db7152 says : No one takes her seriously as shes's INCOMPETENT . A perfect example of the FAILURE of affirmative action !>> <<@johneasler9967 says : She's the poster child as to why affirmative action doesn't work>> <<@themetalhead1463 says : She is apathetic. She also called Biden racist during the primaries and is merely an affirmative action hire who is only there due to her identity. Tulsi Gabbard wiped the floor with this race baiting phony and kammy was the first one eliminated but she is a “woman of color.”>> <<@martinklein3785 says : Every time I watch this clip, I chuckle when Harris looks down to see what color she’s wearing. I can’t speak for blind people, but the items they’re sharing with the blind are the least important bits of information to meaningful discussion.>> <<@jerryv.397 says : Question?.. When Kooky Harris Cackles, Does She Lay An Egg???.>> <<@rick3514 says : Piece of democrat trash.>> <<@Kevin-lc6vt says : Keep fighting the *Right fight Kam>> <<@johncronin5473 says : It's the ignorant, mis-guided, incompetent, un-qualified, inept, cackling hyena call girl.>> <<@dannygeorge1762 says : Of course no one take her or Brandon or that other old drunk staggering around serious this is a very sad time for America and Americans>> <<@gp52j says : To be honest the anchor stated that it was a function for the blind. So she opens up by describing herself wearing a blue pants suit. The problem is, is that certain blind people don’t understand colors (like those who have been blind from birth) as opposed to those who were once sighted but have lost it later on. So her statement was accurate but mentioning the color was somewhat superfluous. And I do not now nor have I ever supported Kamala or Crazy Joe.>> <<@bbing1482 says : She’s back to teaching her Kindergarten Public again! She’s wearing aaaaaaaaaaaaa blue suit!>> <<@Ironman-oh8jg says : Kamala Harris is a complete joke! Her and Joe Biden are a disaster by themselves not to mention a President and VP! The only reason they are is because they stole the election. 🤮>> <<@birdy5378 says : “IN ALL HONESTY” KAMALA WAS NOT VOTED IN SHE WAS INSTALLED BY BIDEN! 😡👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻>> <<@MRTOMBO says : Kammy Harris. The face of a 4 year old who takes Daddies car keys and gets into the car to "drive" it around and show Daddy what a big girl she is. With, of course, the predictable results.>> <<@marthanegron190 says : She's a Damn bozo🤡>> <<@thomasthierjung464 says : They have to be doing it deliberately to make us vote Republican. You have no choice you have to vote Republican. That’s what happens when you have one bad apple in a batch. Everyone unfortunately suffers and are made to adopt policies that are mandates and are forced to roll up their sleeves. Then one time most of us will get a bad batch and game is over. We are playing with fire. Mother Nature is best. The weak die off and the strong healthy go on. Don’t wipe all the species off in one go. Natural is best. Always has been. Empires have come and gone. Mother Nature just keeps going. Evolving. You are your best doctor You are your worst enemy Choose wisely Take care all.>> <<@dawnstoehrer8107 says : Aug 7th 2022🤷‍♀️>> <<@dawnstoehrer8107 says : I NEVER UNDERSTAND HER 🤷‍♀️>> <<@tonyrebello2351 says : This cackling hyena can't believe that she may be the president of America, shame on the people that put her up there.>> <<@ashishshinde9871 says : Liberals can make even Indians stupid>> <<@robertalonzo5725 says : She sucked as a DA ( literally at times), sucked as Ca atty Gen, sucked as senator and sucked as a presidential candidate. Dropped out before the California primary!!! She is the poster child for failing up. IE: the perfect democratic presidential candidate>> <<@montec636 says : Meanwhile our government continues to destroy normal average Americans>>