<<@KurtBoulter says : If the coalition spent 9 years yelling at the world, the Albo government is going to spend the next three years, bending over and allowing the world to have its way with Australia.>> <<@TheBarnel says : Albo airlines are now offering free trips to all MP;s, lets see how many they can get in by the end of the year>> <<@grantsapain says : Quit whining, & get to work...>> <<@lvtrader1 says : Liberal moron 🤡🤡🤡>> <<@matthewflinders1978 says : Quotes : “We don’t have mandates in this country” , “It’s your responsibility when you take a medical treatment” Scott Morrison, former PM, electorally forced into retirement.😂🤣🤣>> <<@nigelmorgan3449 says : Another glue brain no deg O education stop blowing your trumpet politics is a blame game we don’t recall>> <<@eb2505 says : ALWOL: Chalmy, we need to get our narrative together mate, because currently we are like a ship at sea. Chalmers: Now worries Albo. Was thinking about a new way to blame the LNP - I think the electorate is dumb enough that there is still a bit of life in that. ALWOL: But, you don't think they are tiring of it? What about what the ALP has achieved so far, why can't we build on that? Chalmers: Well, you stupidly gave a 100 million to Ukraine and Aussies are hopping mad you did that when we have plenty of flood victims in need. ALWOL: But Klaus said we need to 'give to the cause' Chalmers: Whatever, you cut me off at the knees, so I can't say 'You know, we were exceptionally generous to those who suffered flood damage', because you left nothing in the till you dumbo.>> <<@meredithisme3752 says : Tell us about Daniel Andrews gagging Sutton about covid deaths and corruption in Victoria>> <<@GordonPavilion says : The Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison led Liberal debacle has thrown Australia back decades.>> <<@sierramikebravo7332 says : Watching the way the parliament is being reported suggests all the trendy young media editors at sky doing their best to shill for labor, in hopes of an ABC job one day. Just more out of touch journalism and emphasis on the left side of politics; which isn’t what most Australians support>> <<@markhayes1769 says : China is building the biggest army and navy in the world and we have to listen to these socialists>> <<@roberthoury4034 says : Liberals are always angry about something, mostly about things they cause!>> <<@trill4907 says : ALBANESE IS SCREAMING CLIMATE CHANGE AND NOBODY BUT THE EUROPEAN UNION IS INTERESTED OR EVEN GIVES A SHIT>> <<@GreenLeft25REAL says : The only ones yelling were the Labor losers who complained about everything because they couldn’t deal with losing *three times in a row* 😎>> <<@TheGypsy37 says : Abbott the rabbit then came Turdball followed by Slomo now what???>> <<@perpetualgrin5804 says : ' Sky ' spent 9 years supporting the LNP, but there is no bias.>> <<@panayotisdamianakis3658 says : Just when I thought Marles wasn't the 'Manchurian candidate' after all, he not only stabs the guys that brought the opportunity of having Nuclear subs to Australia, he now famously stabs his own party in the back. It was way back in 2013 that the then, Prime Minister of Australia said: 'Do we really need submarines?' Early in the New Year, this government will take what will come to be seen as its single most significant Defence decision. More than anything else, the choice of new submarine will become the issue that defines Labor’s strategic legacy. That’s why so much political capital has been invested in the vessel. The prospect of the government scuppering it is inconceivable. However, this means that there’s a risk that the project will become removed from its original requirement—that the sub will be built simply because the government has already staked so much on the project. But it’s worth asking, urgently, if a submarine is really the best way of meeting our strategic requirements. Think back to the very beginning. It was the 2009 Defence White Paper, commissioned by Kevin Rudd, which originally identified the requirement for a new submarine. Normally, such documents offer governments a unique opportunity to start afresh. Because they supposedly represent a distillation of untainted and impartial expert advice, they’re less likely to face political attacks from the opposition; because they pretend to peer well into the future, they effectively establish the parameters of the debate for years to come. Unfortunately, however, there can be little confidence about the purity of the decision making process that entrenched the submarine as a cornerstone of our future force or, indeed, its technical wisdom. The reason for this is simple. In September 2008, Rudd gave a speech to a RSL conference in Townsville. He insisted, absolutely, that he saw the new submarine as an integral component of the navy. Those who heard the PM’s words had little doubt that their purpose was an instruction to the Paper’s drafters. So we would have a replacement submarine. And because it was a replacement it didn’t have to face the enormous vetting that would have been associated with a new capability. But did we need one? There was virtually no analysis investigating the possibility of new robotic technologies that could perform similar tasks to the subs. We simply don’t know if these might prove a better option than investing in the technically complex option developing of a large sub-surface vessel. This didn’t matter when the economy was rosy. Today things are very different. There was also considerable surprise when the ambitious nature of the undertaking was revealed. There were to be twelve of the new vessels—doubling the current fleet, even though this had been plagued with problems. The new boats were to be built (and quite probably designed) in Australia. They would also (supposedly) significantly exceed the capability of any conventional submarine operating in the world today. What made this ambition even more breathtaking was the way it blithely ignored the controversy that has dogged Collins to date. The Paper didn’t bother addressing, for example, the difficulties of crewing, cost blowouts or management issues. It simply and baldly announced that a submarine was a vital necessity. Many accepted this. Others didn’t, recalling the ‘dud subs’ label that had surrounded the Collins. Response to the project often appeared split along political lines. Some supporters pitched it in nationalistic terms—after all, we’re Aussies, of course we can build it! A great deal has happened since then. A financial crisis engulfed the economy and there’ve been serious cutbacks in Defence spending. This has resulted in an effective decision to defer construction of the vessel. The government should go one step further. It should scrap the project altogether. But it won’t, of course. The four options are in front of Defence Minister Stephen Smith. The one marked with a gold star is the ‘son of Collins’, but a plethora of other alternatives exist, ranging from buying German boats to leasing US ones. Even a Japanese design seems to be in play. Undoubtedly one of these will be chosen but that’s a great pity. When the fundamental requirement for a submarine is re-examined in the light of today’s circumstances it becomes rapidly apparent we don’t need 12 and that there are a number of other, far better ways to spend the money to achieve our strategic objectives. The question shouldn’t be ‘what submarine will we buy’? Instead, go back to fundamentals. Ask yourself: ‘What do we need to achieve within a limited budget’? A submarine can do a great deal and it would be a terrific capability to possess. But ask yourself, what, specifically, do we need a submarine for that couldn’t be achieved in other, more cost effective ways. With perhaps the single exception of firing nuclear missiles (which we’re not getting, anyway), my guess any achievements would be dwarfed beside their enormous cost and drain on resources. And we’re buying more problems. Consider, first of all, the possibility that there could be a gap between the retirement of the Collins’ and the introduction of the new boat. Then weigh up all the other projects—civilian and military—that will need to be shelved as we funnel resources into the subs. Then pause, just for a second, and consider how difficult this incredibly complex piece of technology is to build. Much, much more difficult than building a frigate. We’d laugh out loud if a politician suggested Australia should attempt a moon mission, yet we think nothing of the underwater equivalent. If we got behind an attempt to fly to the moon we could, probably, do it. However that doesn’t mean we should. It’s exactly the same with the submarine project. There are better alternatives. It’s time they were examined again. Thar's what Labor's Prime Minister Rudd said. Marles, stop being a dickhead. Admit your party's own mistakes and then you may gain some respect. Until then, you will be forever known as 'Marles the Manchurian Candidate'.>> <<@johnhsmith9207 says : Now we have Albo Biden>> <<@douglemcdougle2912 says : Bla Bla Fucking Bla Who gives a Shit All you Bastards should be in Prison>> <<@bobbuliniusbotulismus7129 says : LNP are a bit like US Republicans - they tell everyone how bad government is, then set about proving it when in government.>> <<@tomjones5338 says : Albo-sleezy is Klaus the knob Schwab ur sugar daddy do you get bribes>> <<@petermclaren2665 says : Australia's standing in the world was diminished during the previous government. But the Australian general public don't care about their standing in the world because they know so little about it. It's not really surprising given the degree of isolation compared with living in, say, Europe where you have close contact with other countries.>> <<@johnrb9397 says : Why are they still wearing nappies on their face? Aren't they all fully vacc'd double boosted>> <<@Luke-xx1ri says : Who would think in 3 minutes this guy can talk so much shit.get to the answer to the question not a anger story.dumb dumb>> <<@Jimboken1 says : Leftists in both parties do the same thing. Leftists do the same thing the world over.>> <<@realitycheck3672 says : Australians need to purge their government>> <<@unvaccinatedAndPureBlood says : Bunch of children running the world>> <<@TheRealBobSmith. says : It's laughable that Labor think the people of Australia takes them seriously . I mean Albo is the PM .>> <<@Design_no says : Yelling at the world? Marles, you and your buddies are taking Australia down a path that nobody wants. The public could yell at you till we are blue in the face. It would make no difference.>> <<@trill4907 says : Another Labor report about the doing nothing scott Morrison but at least he's not robbing the public of their super money like jim Chalmers and his assistant employed to marry up your super to their inflation overspend and are currently arranging their embezzlement activities to hide how they steal it So in my book I prefer the HONEST "do nothing" Morrison to the money hungry busy with stealing activities Albaneses I read an extensive article put out by 7news about how this treasury assistant for Jim Chalmers is setting out their uses for your super and how they've abolished all safeguards against government theft the Morrison government Put in place so your super is now government property Serve you right for voting Labor>> <<@GERRYMALONEY47 says : Liberalism is a disease for which there is only one cure however the rules of YouTube do not permit me to tell you what that cure is I'll give you a clue it's got 20 cents worth of copper wrapped around it>> <<@RUTHLESSambition5 says : The last leader was a trump groupie 😂😂😂>> <<@killbotone6210 says : Liberals have gone woke.>> <<@bullshitstomper9417 says : All a big show smoke and mirrors bunch of freaks like seagulls over a chip>> <<@bullshitstomper9417 says : Seriously. If Sky News is real and not disinformation parasites. Then report on the cults the source of all the world problems>>