<<@witblitsfpv1265 says : BS. No, rather "greens prevented from doing damage by previous government" no it's free for all. Without India and China onboard you are doing Australia more harm than achieving any climate good. Stop hammering the climate change drum and come up with practical solutions, oh you can't, because they don't exist.>> <<@grantclarke7794 says : WHY IS THIS GETTING PAID BY US TAX PAY AUSTRALIANS SHE HATES AUSTRALIA P OFF>> <<@brianneilsen6870 says : PS, can she turn off all her power and walk everywhere. cut out the bull shit>> <<@brianneilsen6870 says : this woman is a climate fanatic, no proof, no brains, just call people names and bully, problem is those that were taught by their parents to believe in themselves cannot be bully, and where the saying, sticks and stones will break my bones,, but names will never hurt me.>> <<@infidel202 says : Ahhhhhh Sarah the ratbag, how does this boofhead keep getting elected>> <<@JohnB-nq4js says : I don't know why Western countries let ideologues dictate energy policy. It's suicidal nonsense.>> <<@shannona6989 says : Issue with fossil fuels, no end to the cycle, based on distance travelled a horse emits as much co2 as corvette (would be dead at the end of that slow trip) but there is a cycle, grass-horse-horse carbon emissions-grass... Fossil fuels is fuel-car-carbon... soooo why not work on the cycle instead of eliminating the cycle?>> <<@truthandlife4101 says : Sarah you know no truth. Climate change 1st stop chemtrails Geoengineering and those dam masks littering the streets rivers ocean's .>> <<@gw5436 says : Loves shovelling taxpayer funded food as well by the looks. Shows credibility for every other decision of course.>> <<@dontbeasheeple5883 says : SEA PATROL!!!>> <<@buildmotosykletist1987 says : Greens working to destroy Australia.>> <<@libertas5552 says : World Economic Forum is an international non-governmental and Communist lobbying organization. Their motto "You will own nothing and you will be happy". In other words, shut up and work and we the Elites will own everything (Communism). WEF Goals and Methods: Phase 1: Tyranny was the aim, Covid was the excuse. Phase 2: More tyranny is the aim. Climate Change is another excuse. Phase 3: Censorship, Government Surveillance, Digital Identity, Cashless society, Digital Currency, Social Credit System (like in China), QR Codes/Passports. Phase 4: You are screwed! Unless 'we' can prevent Phase 3>> <<@Luke-xx1ri says : She really needs a cold shower.but making us all copping a cold shower won’t make you popular in anyone’s eyes>> <<@iakg1777 says : keep up the opposition to this climate change BS & do not let any of this be passed into law.>> <<@lubanskigornik282 says : with politicians as she is we are going the Ceylon way.>> <<@remoman says : The Greens are going to save the world from the climate inferno by reducing .12% of global emissions. 🤡🌎>> <<@mickoz9389 says : Young....''That amount of pollution'' Earth naturally emits 100 billion tons of co2 each year. Is that pollution too?>> <<@patriciaannscanlon8355 says : Australia doesn't have a pollution problems . Show Me were Australia as air pollution. problems. United Nations have their own agenda for calling climate change. Which is really about world population. And that's Australia should take in Refugees from the poorest countries that are facing poverty But the United Nations and world health organisation and calling Refugees immigrants And that they are.. intitied to have the privilege that all Australian people have . housing health care free education and Australian jobs. And that's the governments have to protect refugees before it's own peoples (citizens) But it's the Australian peoples that's forks out money to support those refugees. United Nations and world health organisation want to flood our country with Refugees immigrants so that our economics can't cope and that's United Nations and world health organisation also wants Australia to use All our national research to accommodate all new refugees that is clearing our national forest and our water supply with no concerns of our national wildlife. in 2021 our population was 25.7000 million now it's 29.0000 . million and with million of application to come to Australia So called skills workers the government has been saying that Australia need skills workers for how many years the government has been saying that What I don't understand is what skills workers are needed in Australia. The last skills workers Australia had was when they were building the snowy mountains systems.. and they hadn't been abig project since. Then And Did your know that our government is giving those refugees over,$25.000 each for deposit for housing and bank loan. While Australia citizens struggling to get into the Housing market. United Nations and world health organisation have been telling the poorest countries that it's the western countries that is to blame for their problems within their countries That the lands are useless to grow food and that's it's the western countries fault for deforestation and the water supply in their countries and they economic growth is the western countries fault and that's why that the western countries have to expect all refugees from the poorest countries around the world. And nothing to do with repatriation . Australia once took Refugees from country that's Australia frought a War in that's countries.. This I tell you that United Nations and world health organisation want Australia to know what it's going to be like to lose all our national research like all those refugees people countries that they are leaving United Nations and world health organisation want to Australia become a poor nation with no national research and No economic growth. AUSTRALIA PEOPLE WILL LOSE EVEERYTHING AND WILL BE HAPPY And This is Climate change>> <<@alvarsdzenis4739 says : The climate has been changing for 300 million years. The truth is that there's nothing humans can do about it, unless they can figure out a way to change the earth's orbit. CO2 is not the problem, it's left-wing whack jobs trying to convince everyone to give them money for nothing.>> <<@mikeharrison3618 says : Energy POWERS every other industry. ALEX EPSTEIN 's Fossil Future on sale now.>> <<@richardtravers8772 says : You haven't seen it because Airbus is still getting it written to comply with all the people who want to put their oar in. Australias brightest Greens Senator from the State that has no Power but a big Green battery that lasts for less than 10 minutes. Make sure you follow this air head, she even thought the TV Program Patrol Boat was the real Australian Border Force.>> <<@J_S209 says : So, how are they going to be rid of coal in 8 years .... a lot of work to be done.>> <<@matthewferguson3206 says : All I want to know is who the he'll votes for Hanson Young? Who?...but she is still in Senate why? And how?>> <<@shanenelson3825 says : Get ready for mass starvation. Congrats good privliged woke liberals>> <<@jamesyoung1012 says : This woman is totally delusional but I guess it keeps her in a job appearing to be doing something and justifying the role>> <<@8innings says : Her photo??? Is she at it again?>> <<@kellyreed8714 says : How about you lead by example?>> <<@kellyreed8714 says : Have they stop cutting the Rain Forest?>> <<@AsttoScott says : Commies will be commies.>> <<@stevefarley2676 says : Voting for the Greens or Leftism is like running in the special Olympics, even if you win you are still retarded.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : CRY BABY SARAH .. WHY ARENT YOU PUSHING FOR A BOYCOTT OF CHINESE MADE GOODS ? WHY ARENT YOU PROTESTING OUTSIDE OF THE CHINESE EMBASSY ? WHY DO YOU GROVEL TO CHINA , THE BIGGEST CO2 EMITTER ON THE PLANET ?>> <<@simonmackie5458 says : I'm never disappointed with SHY, she continues to be anti Australian.>> <<@user-rc4nw6xy5p says : Greens = liar. The Greens are the greatest bunch of liars that simply will say anything if it gets people's attention. The Greens in the last Federal Parliament simply did not have the numbers in the Senate to vote down legislation. To come out now and say they were held hostage is a complete joke. The Greens are simply a bunch of people who operate outside the normal intelligence capacity of most people. In that they simply will find anyway possible to say no, there is another way - my way - and on other way. You have all met people like this. No matter how much you say what you have done - there is someone who has done it differently - and done it better. They can never admit to the facts. The Greens should all carry a business card that says. They built they Great Barrier Reef - climbed Mt. Everest - saved the planet - made it snow - rain - drought - flood - bush fires all in one day. Meaning they always claim to outdo everyone else they can never admit someone else is right - or they misquote the facts, every time.>> <<@jamescharlesl7662 says : Even with the current dip in crypto currency's I'm still glad I can smile 😊 back at my portfolio of $64,200 built from my trade,  I'm  having my fourth withdraw in 14 business days😊>> <<@mikeharrison3618 says : Look after the planet but humans are disposable.>> <<@mikeharrison3618 says : She's a babbler.>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Interesting to note the about face on editorials SKY News has demonstrated since the change of government.>> <<@mikeharrison3618 says : CATASTROPHIZING. They don't want fossil fuels,nuclear,hydro,nor so-called green.The amount of mining for solar and wind would be on a scale never seen in history.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : ' GREENS ' ? YOU SPELLED 'LOONS' WRONG. LEFT WING POLITICS IS A MENTAL DISORDER. LOONS OBSESSED WITH WEATHER, RACE & GENDER.>> <<@Loki_UpChuck says : You have to build the Infrastructure first before you can shut of our current system the greens have held this nation to ransom for years they care more about econminic so called refugees then citizens of this country they have repeatedly spat in the false of Australians and pushed false narratives on climate change and how good globalisation is for Australia when our focus should be on our independence as a soverieng nation Hanson young is correct we don't need to stop funding the enemy we need to defund her party the greens are one of Australias biggest enemies>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Greens have zero knowledge as to the impact on economies their crazy ideas will have. When you lose your job as a result of this proposed legislation you'll know who to blame...>> <<@mikeharrison3618 says : Keep this CRAZY accountable in the future when people go hungry or freeze to death. They behave as if they are in charge of you rather than work for you.>> <<@notafreespeechplatform4201 says : This woman is an absolute clown.>> <<@mikeharrison3618 says : Energy POWERS every other industry.>> <<@mikeharrison3618 says : It is NOT pollution.>> <<@mikeharrison3618 says : The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels. HUMAN flourishing>> <<@mikeharrison3618 says : ALEX EPSTEIN 's "Fossil Future" on sale now.>> <<@svensshed1564 says : We probably need nuclear power. That will be super clean and safe. That is what the science tells us>> <<@patricksharp1063 says : The Greens and Labor REFUSE to solve the base load energy problem. They refuse even to even contemplate base load carbon dioxide free Nuclear, which science favors and only look at more renewables which means even more blackouts ever calm night into the future. They believe in battery storage but ignore the unrealistic amount of even more mining, and the many different minerals required and the increase in manufacturing using coal, to produce and maintain them, let alone the expense, and environmental damage the that waste of dangerous toxic heavy metals wind mills and solar panels that this creates, and the increased Coal and Gas required to manufacture these metal products in the first place. Stupid ignorant people can be recognized by their stupid arguments, with no solution from them in sight, except more every increasingly expensive energy bills, all in the name of "Saving the Earth from burning," while we still live in the coldest period on Earth history, called the Pleistocene Ice Age since the Cambrian Explosion, and multiple cellular carbon life exploded some 600,000,000 years ago, where CO2 levels were 10 times higher than today. But it is difficult to argue rationally against induced fear and religious ideological belief, about the belief that they are "SAVING" the Earth and see humans as destroying it. Thanks to humans, the plant world is now growing because of, and not despite the burning of fossil fuels and making the plant world, which supports the animal kingdom, increase everywhere.>> <<@66steverose says : Who are all the idiots who voted for this idiot. She has an inability to research. Pollution....CO2 is the gas of life and 0.04 % of CO2 does not control the climate of this planet>>