<<@lovechineseforever9434 says : NO CHINESE MONEY TO HELP AUSTRALIA HEALTH>> <<@masksareridiculousfourteen88 says : Public Health Emergency of International Concern. PHEIC. Pronounced “Fake”. You can’t make this stuff up 😂. They are laughing at you.>> <<@lloydhill9150 says : BULLSHIT BULLSHIT BULLSHIT, the Qld Hospital System was screwed before COVID. 5 year waiting list for an appointment to see a surgeon to go on the waiting list for elective surgery 17yrs ago, then it was 7yrs waiting to get on the list in 2015, during Covid it is 13months just to get an appointment to see a surgeon to go on the waiting list for surgery. The Qld Health System has been screwed for ever and COVID has nothing to do with it.>> <<@joepearce3033 says : Bio weapon doing what it was designed to do.>> <<@headsupfiction8582 says : Lies>> <<@mechengineer4894 says : One LA hospital claimed it had to store all the COVID dead in it's gift shop and on the roof. YouTuber visited this hospital and it was empty. His video got deleted for spreading disinformation.>> <<@dominus519 says : Trying again to scare the sheep i see. Yawn.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : CHEAP FOREIGN LABOUR IS POURING INTO AUSTRALIA RIGHT NOW.>> <<@paolocardinali3951 says : they have been sleeping at the wheel for the last 2 years...>> <<@frankwren8215 says : This is why it is illegal to lock down for nothing. Politicians fail to do their jobs we paid for and we pay the price as well. These people can't honestly be considered law abiding citizens after this massive decades long fraud>> <<@juliuscaesar2583 says : Qld hospitals were always on the brink, no difference now>> <<@heintz8792 says : catastrophic levels of staff shortages induced by juice mandates. Fun fact, when no 'remedy' was available for Convid, hospital staff were recording TicToc vids.>> <<@vanwilder1101 says : Yeah sure! BS!! Fear mongering at its finest!!! Seriously just GO AWAY!!!>> <<@Fishflorida59 says : This is why you don’t get the jab, no immune system once that gets in your system 🤔 People have been warned since the beginning>> <<@Conkykillz says : Come on lets Focus on the 5 people that have died to Monkey Pox come on lift ya FEAR GAME>> <<@daviddyson7359 says : Isn’t it a FACT that the vaxxed are getting sick and the unvaxxed aren’t? That’s the FACT being released by the NHS in the UK. Maybe the “media” might be interested in relaying the facts?>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : Anyone, repeat ANYONE, considering accepting a coronavirus vaccination/booster is totally devoid of both intelligence and plain common sense.>> <<@wlfpac5607 says : Pandemic of the unvaccinated?>> <<@HMASJervisBay says : I would disagree with that. Our latest specialist visit was handled well within a time that may have become annoying, but most were also seen promptly. A union beat up to hold citizens to ransom to line their pockets at our expense. Shameful that people put self before country. If one can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen. An overrated workforce, I didn't see too many flat-out most lined up at the cafe for coffee and chips.>> <<@sebanapo says : What happened to the $50,000 000 covid hub at pinkenba?? Remember that one? It sounds absurd just saying it!! Where’s all that money and the facility gone??>> <<@artgorecki2146 says : Stop the BS.>> <<@tanjachester5938 says : Every time the media come up with these superlatives..my eyes roll back in my head...just talk to those remaining nurses forced into the experiment how well they are under stress and pressure what the truth is>> <<@tbonemc2118 says : Queensland government can use the massive slug from electricity supply to fix the hospitals.>> <<@dennismenace4188 says : Thankfully the vaccine will save us... oh wait...>> <<@spikeprotein5924 says : ‘Catastrophic’ hardly cuts it any more. Call us when it’s ‘Apocalyptic’. Can I get experimental drugs for my six-month old yet?>> <<@trentspackman3597 says : Just get the two vaccines lol everything will return to normal 👏 Bravo Australia Bravo.>> <<@louisels6450 says : The vaccine is obviously useless.>> <<@womp6338 says : Translation: nurses spend part of their day working instead of just filming tiktok videos>> <<@CathieG says : And I’m sure 98% of these hospital patients are jabbed! 🎯💁🏻‍♀️>> <<@samopalvampirenvonbutlegin8603 says : Another "modelling". :) Instead of openly admitting that they have no money to run the public system.>> <<@DanielSMatthews says : This is basically fake news, in reality case numbers are 1/3 what they were in January, so this suggests that the entire story is a gross exaggeration of the situation. The dynamics of the data at the moment is typical of the pattern we saw in April which by May had settled into a steady decline with an suspiciously regular oscillation of a bouth 7 days indicating that the data was heavily influenced by decisions around testing and laboratory schedules. There has been a short sharp turnaround in what had been a downward trend but is seems to have already corrected itself. If anyone wants the details contact me directly for the spreadsheet, *which is directly sourced from the data supplied by the government so you can do the work yourself if you like.* YT don't allow even google sheet links to be posted here.>> <<@paulveenings6861 says : It’s all because the jabbed need another booster so hurry up and get it for the sake of us all . 🤔🙂😂>> <<@jenni0278 says : Ffs stop pushing this BS and stop the damn shots!>> <<@michaeldamiani3436 says : Over 95% vaxxed...Safe and effective ?>> <<@madmantovalhalla6971 says : Funny how the covid go's up with the Jabs ?? 70% boosted 70% increase in hospital in take ?? 0 😱 unvaccinated hospital visits>> <<@robertmontgomery7158 says : According to President Joe Biden Covid-19 is a disease of the unvaccinated. Australian internment camps solved that? Right? Maybe you need to shutdown your economy again?>> <<@susanthauks312 says : *when there is no th^r. e^at to them?*>> <<@susanthauks312 says : *and they are going after your children*>> <<@susanthauks312 says : *From a mysterious Quackzine syndrome*>> <<@susanthauks312 says : *Healthy young people are d'y.i^n.g*>> <<@susanthauks312 says : *Ticking Time Bombs*>> <<@susanthauks312 says : *People who have died are giving off Bluetooth signals.*>> <<@justin-case1312 says : *Australia is a Sh^e.ep^le Society*>> <<@justin-case1312 says : *Quackzine gives Negative Efficacy*>> <<@justin-case1312 says : *I never got the fix no C virus nothing also didn't take any test. Moved around the country. So who Are they trying to kid?*>> <<@eb2505 says : Yeh, well injecting people with poison will do that kind of thing. Never had a day of sickness this whole time , the story of many other pure bloods also.>> <<@tomcat3070 says : funny how you can be vaccinated against Ebola then lick a contaminated person and be ok yet after 2 covid jabs 4 boosters 1 case can still close a country hmmm>> <<@cruelladevil1001 says : Suuuure.. not buying your bs anymore..>> <<@ernest919 says : The system has been broken for many years. This is not new and the Doctors are tired of this poor management. Poaching Doctors from the UK is immoral as they also have a health crisis. Here is a clip from may 2021 and their attitude to health care is very clear. https://youtu.be/GzgHO_xarDY>> <<@johnathangianguzzo3809 says : Fake news as usual, and people still believe it.>>