<<@mikepanchaud1 says : Kate was back on air the next day doing a live 1 hour news show.>> <<@jamiewood5086 says : the vax strikes again>> <<@wernervdmerwe7302 says : Read my lips...It was not vaccine related! The vaccines(It only gives severe side effects on every 1667th dose injected) are save.!!!->> <<@habeebrahman3899 says : ALL DEBIT MEETINGS DISCUSS ABOUT THEIR SUBJECTS ONLY BUT AT LAST ANY COME IN CLASSES OR SADNESS WHY? SOME TIME SPEECHER'S OVERALL UNFORTUNATELY THINK DEBIT MEETINGS PERSONS IT IS ONLY A SUMMIT WITH PUBLIC AT THAT TIME THEIR FURTHER FUTURE PROGRAMS ABOUT SPEECHING IN ONLY STOP IN THIS WAY I Have HOPE Classes sadness COMMING FOR NO CHANCE OKAY THANKS TO ALL "LOVE EVERY THINKS UNDER THE SUN" K A HABEEB RAHAMAN ROWTHER PALAKKAD BHARATH JAI HIND JAI BHARATH>> <<@jerrybrickley2115 says : This Truss woman has no leadership ability. Rather than going immediately to the aid of someone who collapsed in front of her, she looked to the man to do something. I can't imagine this response from Margaret Thatcher. Truss is a phony, just put the man in charge.>> <<@MarCesar says : What might have happened? It is becoming quite usual since 2021.>> <<@stevekern7235 says : vaxx??>> <<@chefsam4760 says : Just another 💉 victim.>> <<@lilmike2710 says : "climate change"... That's what they're going with. Nothing to do with the 💉 🦠 😷 They think we're all stupid.>> <<@AmericanHinoki says : At least we know it isn't vax related. hahaha>> <<@chrismachin2166 says : The horror on Liz Truss face as she blasphemed God.>> <<@_SimpleJack_ says : Looks like that totally safe vaccine in action once again.>> <<@tufsoft1 says : Scientists have named this "The Liz Truss effect">> <<@razielvingrimm says : Another vaccine pass out. Again. On TV.>> <<@shammusomalley8986 says : the vaccine and boosters make you faint. It means its working>> <<@jimmerhardy says : That big bang was someone fainting? Wow. BWT: with these two options the UK will be no better off. Sad.>> <<@musashidanmcgrath says : Oops! Shouldn't have got that booster shot....>> <<@damien9683 says : (Woman faints) Stunning and Brave...>> <<@carolramsey6287 says : She probably fell asleep from boredom.>> <<@melindas_miscellaneous787 says : Nothing to see here, folks. Move along. /s>> <<@Joshdyisdifh says : 100% SaFe AnD EfFeCtIvE!>> <<@stevensharp5135 says : Only so many lies you can listen to before collapsing. But the journalist should have been able to withstand more lies than that as its her bread and butter aswell.>> <<@tonymahon1694 says : That jab has a lot to answer for, nothing to see here.>> <<@lawgiver-2305 says : Ha ha ha, Bet She's Had Her Quadruple Cl0t Sh0t ..>> <<@lordjim6323 says : Triple vaxed...>> <<@Mabeylater293 says : Hope she’s ok. How sad.>> <<@yashamaga13 says : Yeah I'd faint too if I had to choose between these 2 socialists. Also, great composure there by the old woke lady. 👏 would make a great world leader>> <<@VBanks99 says : “Another Jabbed bites the dust!”😳>> <<@seetheworld-t7m says : This is now officially a fainting pandemic.>> <<@hotwheels70 says : SAFS leading to SADS>> <<@alfiewashere.695 says : Oh dear! I wonder what could be the cause of that little episode? Fair bit of it happening around the place at present. 😉>> <<@FROMTHEOTHERSIDEBY says : fully V'ed presenter collapses - mystery>> <<@plucky856 says : Clearly the poor lady could cope with the beauty and elegance of Liz Truss.>> <<@larysagolubovych9416 says : The reaction to freedom and democracy of Liz Trass>> <<@JohnGalt539 says : Should’ve skipped on that booster shot>> <<@demoenk says : Many in the last half year>> <<@pennydutra4291 says : 💉💉💉>> <<@ifthepianocouldtalk5255 says : " Repeat the line" , like someone well known said.>> <<@ThePierre58 says : Its a shame you didn't include a file photo of Kate McCann. I think she has breakfast once a month.>> <<@turdfurgeson517 says : Poked>> <<@beingatliberty says : can we stop hiring people who cant do the job?>> <<@madmat9545 says : it's called the jabaffect>> <<@dallasdien says : That reaction by the speaker was SUCH a feminine/female reaction. Yep I said it. Bet the man didn’t have even close to a similar reaction. 🤣>> <<@8innings says : Stop all this rubbish. You all kicked Boris in his bum now cancel his resignation and bring him back like mature non woke adults.>> <<@Fishflorida59 says : Lots of people “fainting” lately, but don’t worry it’s safe and effective.>> <<@joepearce3033 says : Safe and effective.>> <<@jackt4274 says : 🤣🤣🤣>> <<@imemine6494 says : .. That's our next PM.. what a reflection of our people>> <<@jillellis62 says : Take another jabbz>> <<@EagerInterlocutor says : Another vaccination victim 🙄>>