<<@horstwestpfahl2459 says : Why not rent it out to Doctors. Make it a Medical Center.>> <<@drdubberruckie2346 says : Normal people all thought the vote for gay marriage was a waste of money but this place is next level. How many politicians could fit in therešŸ¤”šŸ˜¬>> <<@johnnybgood3909 says : You surely would disown miles if he were your child>> <<@richardgroom8391 says : The biggest scam .... just to scare people and now scrap it>> <<@calcal6508 says : Let the homeless stay there then lol>> <<@aaroncincotta6305 says : They ain't getting rid of it it will be full to capacity again! This time, The Australian People will have absolutely no idea that the camps are full up again.>> <<@leannechristianson5218 says : Not to worry, it'll be there for ya in future. See what happens when you don't comply.>> <<@denisgeorge549 says : How many homes could of been built for the homeless people>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : we dont have a government - we have warders.>> <<@yeahnayeah4055 says : Yep all that money could have went into hospitals...>> <<@tonybennett638 says : Truly criminal....>> <<@k9-unit-australia275 says : Lies lies & more FKN LIES FROM THIS BASTARD GOVERNMENT šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”>> <<@nobody6056 says : Remember the grand opening of the Victorian equivalent? A worker actually made up a folded towel set on the end of the beds in the shape of a white elephant. And that was during the ā€œpandemicā€. Even the people washing the sheets knew better than the political leadership.>> <<@shellyaus says : This is why we need an Upper House, that was removed after "we the people" said don't do it to the Labor government in a lawful referendum, and to further spit in our face they celebrated this arrogance this year of their great achievement to con the people, they they can get away with anything>> <<@L0b0ts says : The Queensland Labor Party are totally out of touch with reality, the new Olympics motto is "have a go" it's just another order, it someone else telling others what to do, it's some old freak trying to be cool they just don't get it. While the meme wars 2022 totally get it in a big way, the meme cannon troops know exactly what to say, the frontline meme troops will forever be remembered in history for saving humanity so LET'S GOOOOO!! šŸ„³ https://youtu.be/itlt9CJHz7I>> <<@summerforever6736 says : Only in Australia! !>> <<@summerforever6736 says : The scam is up!!>> <<@summerforever6736 says : Use it for the J E W S!!>> <<@eb2505 says : Errol Webber @ErrolWebber If you still need a booster after being fully vaxxed... and still need to get tested after being fully vaxxed... and still need to wear a mask after being fully vaxxed... and still get hospitalized after being fully vaxxed, it's probably time that you admit that you've been conned.>> <<@davepowelldrumz says : the pre built athletes villagešŸ˜†>> <<@Dmaher1111 says : 198million for a rusty roof?>> <<@witblitsfpv1265 says : And all because the premier didn't want to listen to the federal government who did not want to fund it - that should have given them a clue. That money could have been spent so much better premier! And your pay rise is how much this year and twice?>> <<@mk1479 says : For those who have ears to hear and understand... Mothball.. yep, not to worry, it will be used to house all the "undesirables" or become one of those centers for national resiliency... Known in the US as FEMA camps.>> <<@jamesdanton9033 says : More money down the crapper...and people STILL KEEP VOTING FOR THESE LOONS. Makes you wonder if Gates and Schwab aren't right to cull the trash... no, they're still evil.>> <<@ernest919 says : Here is the "before" and this is the outcome https://youtu.be/dxA_Q3pknh0>> <<@maverickspirit208 says : It should be burned to the ground>> <<@tamaveirene says : Use it for the State's HOMELESS!!! A 1,000 bed facility mothballed! How much did the Qld.. Government and Wagner spend on this White Elephant????? There should be outrage!!!>> <<@jillellis62 says : This is gonna be for RESISTORS! If you donā€™t comply, or die, youā€™re gonna be locked up! Sounds like China hey?>> <<@crowsfan691 says : How much taxpayer money was wasted on this abomination?>> <<@raecarver2382 says : Western Australia has a $20 million quarantine facility also sitting unused. A total waste of hardworking taxpayers money. The plan all along.>> <<@ginaspeciale9086 says : Sorry, that name "Wellness camp" smells of WW2, camps. They told the Jews it was for their wellbeing too. ā˜ ļø>> <<@davidcarter4247 says : Exactly as Morrison said it would. Palaszczuk and Albanese dreamt up this white elephant as a way to embarrass Morrison. Labor is doing something was Albo's claim. He knew quarantine was going to end about the same time it opened but there is no limit to how much Labor will squander on stunts. Rudd showed that. I expect federal Labor will bail out the bankrupt Queensland government so we all get to pay for the folly.>> <<@rhyno1740 says : Time for the chook to go, You are the weakest link. Lol>> <<@eb2505 says : Sounds like some good guys are doing their bit to keep us safe. Turn it into a jail for all the current serving politicians, and even some past ones whilst they are being tried for crimes against humanity. Fit it out with gallows also for mass executions once the results are in. Even then it still won't be big enough to contain all those who are and have been a part of the deception, across politics, medicine, science, law enforcement, media and business.>> <<@apocalypsesolutionsinc8582 says : They Should of spent that money on the homeless in the state and not on a self generated red flag scam...., bloody politicians>> <<@anthonymolloy8413 says : And here we are thinking the 70ā€™s and 80ā€™s were the dark days of Queensland. Parasites being parasites>> <<@henrymancini3750 says : Unfortunately, a lot of Queenslanders are unable to link the money spent on this white elephant to services lacking in their state because money isn't available.>> <<@thesepeoplearecriminals1731 says : Iā€™m sure they are planning to use in the future for the next part of the 5cam>> <<@adrienlevoyant4569 says : Why can't they use it for the homeless. Put the homeless there for 6 month's rent free feed them give them medical care. And the homeless can save up money to find their own place. They don't care about the homeless at all!>> <<@graham49y says : That was only a billion dollars down the drain...another stellar reminder of the standard of politicians and so called leaders the world is infected with....lefties will be pleased though ,as its all about hurting AU.>> <<@zhaowei3025 says : Laborā€™s waste Laborā€™s disaster>> <<@vernakruckow6968 says : Homeless shelter's or public housing, at least they won't be going to waste if converted to either of these.>> <<@peterjones5254 says : All these imbeciles need to be put in jail. All of them.>> <<@jerrythompson7744 says : looks like a gay camp , all but 7 players can go there>> <<@angusnz7910 says : Oh itā€™s not over šŸ˜‚>> <<@ChildofGod943 says : They need to keep it for the new virus https://youtu.be/xBjDKyz8f84>> <<@annettajensen6751 says : She needs to be jailed!!>> <<@Millennialtomb says : John Hoyle and Co will be devastated. "Aww not one anti-vaxxer rounded up and imprisoned. Boo.">> <<@jamesl2846 says : They'll be redesignated as "monkey pox fun zones" or something for the next round of depopulation.>> <<@trevorarthurson6815 says : So, if there is no requirement, why hasnā€™t the bogus ā€œhealth emergencyā€ been cancelled?>>