<<@MrVonBastard says : Climate Change is a HOAX perpetrated by Traitors that want to use this manufactured crisis to steal your freedom. Oh, but you already surrendered your firearms haven't you. Don't expect America to save your asses this time. We don't help those that don't deserve freedom.>> <<@joeyd4306 says : Climate change is a facade they still can't explain how the heat rose before carbon emissions according to al gore Florida should be underwater by now it's a hoax used to make money>> <<@merrillkingston8807 says : That guy got through an entire interview and said absolutely nothing. Are voters truly so stupid and gullible?>> <<@HelloNotMe9999 says : They’re just replacing one bit of BS with a different one. As to how to pay for things, here’s a thought: don’t shut down your entire global economy for two years and waste $200 million building concentration camps and locking up people who did nothing wrong and could have just stayed home for a couple weeks while they have what amounts to a mild case of the flu.>> <<@sarahjones79 says : Finally some COMMON SENSE 🙏🏻>> <<@frankwren8215 says : "pay more taxes to change the weather" -grifters>> <<@athopi says : lol... Ukraine should let russia have all the land they've taken and that would end the fighting. APPEASEMENT NEVER WORKS. Go back to shoe lick erm shining, Bragg.>> <<@mickoz9389 says : ''We need to undertake detailed analysis'' About a bill which means nothing and does nothing? I see.>> <<@MrKenng123 says : It is sad to know that Australia has gone that far and fast in dealing with climate change. Global warming is an issue but we also have to make a balance between the environment and the economy as well.>> <<@saveamericanfreedom2400 says : The solution is stopping India and China from burning coal they are the worst polluters in the world. The rest of the world does well.>> <<@sadwingsraging3044 says : Climate grifting was ALWAYS a culture thing. Communist culture!>> <<@mcmlxxvii2652 says : Andrew Bragg should fuck off and join the greens.>> <<@ricky6864 says : Climate liars>> <<@grantsapain says : Destroying the Australian energy sector will bring people together. Remember the carbon tax?>> <<@lupcokotevski2907 says : Its economics AND science. NUCLEAR. PROVEN. Labor puts ideology ahead of people, as demonstrated by scapping the debit card for communities that need it.>> <<@KIA-MIA-POW says : PATHETIC! SKY News, absolutely pathetic! Your censorship of postings that don't suit, more than adequately display your decent into journalist mediocrity akin to MSM.>> <<@johnlane7080 says : Why cant these polititians just answer a question>> <<@julieciccone3962 says : Options … no wind no output No sun … no output… zero emissions…everything and everyone is dead… freaks>> <<@L0b0ts says : So it's not about saving the planet anymore, it's about culture wars.>> <<@johnsbackwithcommonsense7628 says : People are loosing thier home and day to day living is becoming difficult for many and where going on with BS.>> <<@lukeh321 says : You can have all the inquiries and analyses you want, it won't change the laws of thermodynamics.>> <<@darkcloud2849 says : Culture "war" One side doesn't fight at all and capitulates on every issue 🤔>> <<@kalburgy2114 says : When he says he wants this to be an economic issue, not a political issue, he is really saying he wants opposition arguments silenced.>> <<@positivepawpaw7564 says : MORE THAN 11,000 SCIENTIFIC STUDIES DEBUNK THE MAN-MADE GLOBAL WARMING / CLIMATE CHANGE HOAX. EVEN THE CSIRO HAS NO EVIDENCE TO PROVE IT. MSM REFUSES TO AIR ANY OPPOSITION TO THE INSANE CLIMATE CULT.>> <<@prescientselector3784 says : “How do we get the capital to support this transition “. Hang onto your wallets folks.>> <<@johnbundy3819 says : Every one knows it's a lie>> <<@user-rc4nw6xy5p says : Wont make an ounce of difference to the weather. It will still get hot - get cold - flood and have bush fires. And under these idiots you wont have electricity. And you wont be able to keep cool in summer - keep warm in winter. They don't know how to build dams to divert flood water. Or cut fire breaks and build dams for fire truck to have water to fight bush fires with. All in all the idiots are in Australian politics. Open mind = Mouth open - no brains. Let's see how open everyone's mind is, when your electricity bill rises 100% - 300% just to pay for green energy. And it only works during the day with solar panels. You know politicians are people who simply float with opinions. That is what you have here. No real admission that the proposed green electricity grid needs a lot more solar panels - wind farms and solar batteries. And solar panels only work when there is sunlight - wind farms when it's windy - and solar batteries you might get a few hours out of them - not a whole night to run a major capitol city. Apparently going backwards is how it goes now. Politicians are that dumb that rather then admit they are wrong - we must go backwards to satisfy them egos.>> <<@laosmick5899 says : This Lnp guy is a goose !! Alp Greens Teals + Lnp left wing need get off 🚬 ice , Alp / Greens 1 term Government and all independents will be wiped out Next election My Climate Prediction " Vote One Nation + LDP " Go Nuclear ASAP>> <<@dominicpelle7841 says : The last Senate Inquiry was about the foreign owned media News Corps influence on our democracy. With the recommendation for a Royal Commision into News Corps. dominance with 70% of print media.>> <<@nobody6056 says : Let me translate: “Culture War” is any policy debate where I disagree with you (and it’s implied that you must be an idiot to disagree with me.)>> <<@TheRealBobSmith. says : An exporter of clean energy . Please explain ? further , Australia have installed more solar then all other countries . Why have we the highest power prices ?>> <<@TheRealBobSmith. says : Roy orbison called he wants his glasses back>> <<@kellysouter4381 says : Does Mr. Bragg know he sounds a bit weaselly?>> <<@luciferblack7764 says : In short.. Irrespective of how many times Murdoch's 🦟🦟🦟 asked the same question, the minimum of 43% carbon emissions reduction by 2030 will be legislated into 🇦🇺 law. 👍 Progress. 🌏>> <<@catholicfaithofmine2664 says : This is the 2nd day in a row that my area has declared a flood warning and then the sun came out and no rain. I just think it's mind F*ck at this point.>> <<@TheRealBobSmith. says : Andrew Bragg go join the Greens or Labor. You are fake beyond belief .>> <<@user-oi9to7ux7k says : He's wearing a green tie. That says it all.>> <<@Design_no says : I predict the analysis will show devastation for Australia.>> <<@coilnchamberlain6506 says : The absolute gullibility of people lied to by Governments and the press accepting that mankind with a minuscule 3 percent of Global Co2 emissions can control the climate.>> <<@oldnutta7611 says : ALP aren't setting a target, they are making it LAW.>> <<@JoshOsRocks says : Get rid of this moron>> <<@ghostinameatsuit4654 says : Create the poison, offer the 'antidote'. Just another attempt to lock us into a fearful, easily controlled mob mentality, rushing to hand over our freedoms. Climate change will be the next covid: it will be used to attempt to lock the world down once more. Stay aware of their lies>> <<@petergouvignon8048 says : they key question is will we end up with energy security or when the wind doesn't blow or the sun isn't shining blackouts the only energy you can export is gas, oil, petrol, coal>> <<@jasonsworld333 says : Lol I like how this headline is an ultimatum.>> <<@fakenewssucks211 says : real climate change spring,summer,autumn and winter>> <<@adrianjohn. says : them: transitions me: get back in da closet>> <<@ItIsGonnaGetWayWorse says : Here is an interesting train of thought: In the past few years, how many trains suddenly crashed/derailed? Of those trains, how many were carrying fertiliser? Now, what are the farmers all over the world protesting? Finally, what do your global leaders suddenly want a reduction of?>> <<@tlb2970 says : Government can’t change CLIMATE CHANGE because the climate changes all on its own and have for million of years, this narrative has gone for way too long and nothing different has happened, so let the climate excuse go, cause we don’t believe a word of it. Government should stick to government issues such as inflation etc.>> <<@pale_saint says : Climate bs is essential part of Commies culture war>>