<<@mariarahelvarnhagen2729 says : The Cordubensis Manuscript Forgery Of Mr Powell's At The Vatican Hasn't Fully Come Into His The Rock-National City-Esque You're Welcome Play Yet, Wells Fargo Men #That'sMyJam>> <<@robertdavie1221 says : China is the major part of the global supply chain and so when they restrict that supply, using Covid-19 as an excuse, they squeeze Western economies and cause inflation to rise. It was our mistake to off-shore our industries and jobs to China in past decades.>> <<@paradox104 says : And the economy is slowly and deliberately imploding. We are so screwed! Lucky some are prepared!>> <<@SaltyPatriot12 says : Actually we are! It’s a fact & changing the definition doesn’t change that FACT that we’re in a recession.>> <<@user-gk1nt6sm2z says : If you believe Powell then you probably believed faucci and Gates. I feel sorry for you.>> <<@windsong233wong5 says : Don’t sell stocks…..they will DEFINITELY REBOUND …..the end of the year. JP MORGAN says so.>> <<@fastwheels195 says : Nothing to see here, the Titanic is not sinking. That's fake news>> <<@sadwingsraging3044 says : Jumping through their own arses to protect the Cathedral.>> <<@KrispyCrem3 says : The crossing your fingers and wishing on rainbows approach.>> <<@aaroncincotta6305 says : Yeah sure, just like I am flying in the air right now! End The Fed Abolish The RBA The Bank of Canada.>> <<@NoName-rl3fh says : White house promotes propaganda. It tries to redefine words when they don't suit them. Heck, they nominate supreme court judges who don't even know what a woman is.>> <<@NoName-rl3fh says : Couldn't worded that title better. BTW, not Only *Is* it, but they're so in denial that we've actually already been in it about 9 whole months.>> <<@saltyreesescup3104 says : Oh Really.... dipshit...>> <<@carlosdanger6129 says : MY 401K IS IN DEPRESSION.. FJB>> <<@jillellis62 says : Liar liar pants on fire 🔥 Keep telling sheep this- but 2 quarters like we’ve had do equal a recession. NEXT, another Great Depression. BUT, that’s the plan, right Schwab?>> <<@lappo253 says : Technically he's correct... they're absolutely fuked.>> <<@dittogonzalez8790 says : dont piss on my leg and tell me its raining because thats just a bold face lie>> <<@swirlingbrain says : Powell: We are clearly up on stage so we are not in a recession. What, not that kind? oh.>> <<@Randyluck1 says : We aren't. We are in a borderline depression.>> <<@howardolney116 says : US not in recession since changing the definition of recession>> <<@azov6768 says : ❗️🇷🇺🇺🇦 Highlights of Russian Military Operation in Ukraine on July 27, 2022 ▪️ In the morning, AFU shelled Belgorod. Russian air defence repelled all the attacks. ▪️ Russian Armed Forces launched missile and artillery strikes on AFU facilities in the Industrial and Novobavar districts of Kharkiv and other settlements of the region. ▪️ Near Borshchova, Petrivka and Sosnivka, Russian special units conducted a successful raid on the positions of the 92th Mechanized Brigade. ▪️ In the forests west of Izyum, Russian Armed Forces discovered and ambushed a sabotage and reconnaissance group of the Ukrainian 81st Airmobile Brigade. The group suffered losses and retreated ▪️ On the outskirts of Sivers'k, AFU prepare for Russian Armed Forces' advance. In Nahirne and Yakovlivka, the engineering units of the 54th Mechanized Brigade set up minefields. ▪️ Russian Armed Forces and DPR People's Militia units completely liberated Novoluhans'ke. ▪️ Wagner's PMC units successfully repelled a Ukrainian counterattack in Pokrovs'ke. ▪️Ukrainian Command prepares for defence in Soledar and its outskirts. A composite battalion of the 10th Mountain Assault Brigade, consisting of 450 servicemen, is deployed in the city. ▪️AFU shelled Dontesk and other DPR settlements. A civilian killed in Yasynuvata. ▪️During the night, Ukrainian HIMARS MLRS shelled Antonivsʹkyy Bridge in Kherson. The road deck is severely damaged and the traffic is blocked. ▪️ Russian Airborne Troops' units, supported by aviation and artillery, knocked out Ukrainian formations from Andriivka and forced them to retreat behind Inhulets'. ▪️ In Kryvyi Rih direction, AFU continues to prepare for an offensive by re-manning the infantry brigade losses and deploying the technical means of the 138th Anti-Aircraft Missile Brigade in Kryvyi Rih and Apostolove. #digest #Russia #Ukraine #video @rybar *Support us: 0x4739352b67Da6F4064757627D92A08EaDd3fb6b6 (ETH) | 33i1BwMuzeYTAUNtiLa6CjvaHtTVYNJfnp (BTC)>> <<@charleswiggins6684 says : That's what Biden told him to say and he's sticking with it. Bringing the interest rate up , after it's been down next to nothing for years, is a good move. Won't really help things, because everthing else is totally screwed , but it will help my saving account a little bit.>> <<@arekingi says : "We're not trying to have a recession, AND WE DON'T THINK WE HAVE TO" lol what the fuck>> <<@Taty6260 says : Two months in. Sorry that guy is wrong.>> <<@janettporter6795 says : What planet is he on? That's the dumbest thing. However not the dumbest thing I've heard come out of theses idiots 🙄.>> <<@thelegendofmikehunt9573 says : The Left struggle with the meaning of words. ‘Woman’ for instance.>> <<@Openeyesopenheart42 says : If Trump was still president, it would be called the second Great Depression!!>> <<@AI_Karen says : 😂>> <<@swirlingbrain says : Everyone knows we're in a recession except for the elites in DC who aren't feeling it.>> <<@jaqalenabrooks8499 says : Now if it were Trumps economy with 2 negative quarters, then it would absolutely be called a recession. But given its Joe's economy now, the WH just changes the definition... Nothing to see here 😀>> <<@jeffmushaney9951 says : Another old politician that needs to go!>> <<@unclebuck8558 says : 2 quarters of negative growth says otherwise>> <<@tracypolselli1464 says : It’s sick how many people cover for this piece of crap “President”.>> <<@jerrymiller9039 says : They lie and are well aware that we are in a recession.>> <<@ewtwetrwerwteet says : WOMAN'S FURY OVER SHRINKING TIM TAMS.>> <<@lukeh321 says : The Biden administration lie and the media carry their water.>> <<@dravidterra3461 says : I don't understand economics... Why don't they rein in the big companies not the people?>> <<@monkymonk6 says : The Fed has created every boom/bust cycle since their inception in the early 1900s. They say they are trying to avoid a recession, but my money's on the opposite. And with all the food shortages and whatnot coming down the pike, we haven't seen anything yet.>> <<@evolassunglasses4673 says : The new jobs are people taking second jobs to survive.>> <<@evolassunglasses4673 says : Money printer goes brrrrrrrrh>> <<@limeaid23 says : Well, they haven't been right one time yet. ON ANYTHING!!!!!!! NOT ONE TIME!!!!!!>> <<@barriewhiteley1692 says : Bet the figures are a lie just watch>> <<@vivrowe2763 says : The USA is in recession, Biden changed the meaning of Recession. We will end there very soon.>> <<@evolassunglasses4673 says : 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@laosmick5899 says : 🤣😂😆>> <<@rave400v6 says : Gee, another lying pos. Go figure.>> <<@MsSparklesNGlitter says : He does not "think" the US is in a recession ? You either are or you are not and the US is in a Biden recession.>> <<@drewsale7288 says : So Powell is saying the US is in recession lite? We'll see.>> <<@tonyneville4425 says : Pretty easy to say it when you literally just make shit up and change the definition of what a rescession is.>> <<@marid1580 says : Powell & yelled screwed up & we are paying the dues for their incompetence>>