<<@serverlan763 says : Yes but most of the main stream media are still telling people that they are better off under Labor and lets face it, people are dumb and beleive what they are told.>> <<@patricelauverjon2856 says : INDOCTRINATION Outside parents what can be mentioned as having the strongest influence on people? Very probably education. This is saying that, no matter what happens on Political and Financial grounds, the fact that globally what is called the Left has a strong grip on education is known to be very present in the psyche of Nations. The education systems follow up people as they grow up, and can play a selective role as to who qualifiés to do what, and most have not escaped that route. If there is a strong reason for that grip on populations, this goes further when changes of orientation are required to gain more control. Many tax payers lately, mainly in America, have a common VOICE in opposing the WOKE directions given by Government's radicalism.  It is hard to really figure out what happens at the back stage of politics and finance, even harder what is told to kids in schools. On the top of that it is well known that teaching is a good way to learn, so when this type of expertise becomes corrupt, it can easily spread beyond the academic fields and strongly affect the media. Corrupt expertise is exposed when common-sense is affected as is the case today.>> <<@tomhicks1009 says : Peta you are a Partisan flog>> <<@daniilkeen6178 says : Once Inflation over 7% its hard to stop. Look what happening around the world>> <<@daniilkeen6178 says : Liers liers liers>> <<@bones8961 says : Your a breath of fresh air Peta, you do a fabulous job. It's very concerning - we are a low income working family, both working, with a mortgage and it's tough.>> <<@richardfox6595 says : I don't think so. Australians vote Labor to punish the LNP for incompetence. Then they vote Labor to reward them for incompetence, keep an eye on Victoris re-electing Andrews in a landslide.>> <<@johnhome5872 says : The Green Labor government we had to have 🤮>> <<@jarrodpage6279 says : Labor is a joke>> <<@stenkarasin2091 says : No economic plan Labour can come up with, will overcome the energy shortages that it policies and fanatical clinging to their renewables, and anti-mining of coal and gas cult, is bringing down on us.>> <<@deansal9222 says : Much better Government than Liberal!>> <<@osocool1too says : Maybe...however they have another 2 years and 7 months for us to forget about their failed promises. 🥴🤪🫣😵‍💫😬>> <<@disclosedascunardian2328 says : Peta I love your assessment, keep it up my friend, keep it up>> <<@felixdekatt3650 says : i say its time aussies gathered and physically removed these traitors and hang them all from the nearest tree im sick of these vile scum destroying our country our freedoms and out way of life just so they can get rich>> <<@pauleasther says : “Making things worse?” take a look at VIC, that was like a POW camp under Andrews during Covid…..but they love him and will put him in again! Please explain that phenomenon?>> <<@BlueTJay says : Labor gets oin and destroys the country! Liberals get back in and have 4 years of cleaning up, only to give the parliament back to Labor to destroy. Been the same for 5o years, as long as I can remember! In the mean time the poor people get hit the hardest!>> <<@TasmanAbo says : Ha Ha ha so things were left bad and labour is going to make it worse ha ha how pathetic>> <<@loveudon6972 says : Big Pat on the back to all the Di¢kheadz that voted Labor in. Thanks now and in advance for the pain that these witless stooges for the global elite are going to put this country through.>> <<@andrewmc679 says : Australian people voted for him enjoy>> <<@cassidy4235 says : Pay rise for housekeeping and cleaners without them you have no hotel to stay.>> <<@karinabrampt1556 says : Go Peta! Tell it like it is!!>> <<@aaranjackson8654 says : Peta Credlin or a horse Tough choice.>> <<@GosWardHen98 says : It looked & felt good especially after the covid lockdown because everyone wanted normality with sensibility. If ever there was s time in history, a socialist government will hyper spend other peoples money which you repay back on higher taxes, rates, interest & no end in sight policy. Sometimes boring is best & all your recent memories are clouded. By the time Labor finishes Australia will be changed beyond what we see now. All they gold up north could be wasted & China are ready when the word is broadcast... Good luck Albe, you'll need it & a brass neck!>> <<@markdoolan7282 says : But isn’t Albanese super popular regardless? Frankly the dopey Australian public who never learn deserve what they voted for. Sco Mo wasn’t this bad given the out of left field dramas he had to contend with. First time in my voting lifetime Labor hasn’t inherited a government that the out voted Libs left with money in the bank after years of sensible economic management only to be rewarded by getting voted out and leaving the coffers full for economically illiterate Labor to go and blow. Its a cycle but not this time sucko.>> <<@hooky613 says : I cant believe people voted these idiots in again.>> <<@mareerogers2277 says : All the masked people in the background says it all for me. “Followers have nothing to say.”>> <<@routmaster38 says : Why do Ausies keep voting in these dangerous commies?>> <<@shaneclarence6696 says : Typical government nonesene more lies and more drama.... no longer working for the people as opposed to the new world order. Time to vote them all out. 30 off % of the primary vote should be a massive amount of wake up to the government. This is nothing but overreach>> <<@zwieseler says : Yes, the economic reality after the last ten years… I wonder how that happened 🙄>> <<@annerimmer6805 says : Promise to maintain wages for themselves but not for us 🤬🤬🤬🤬>> <<@jeanabercrombie5065 says : They have always lied. They have always made promises that they had no intentions of honouring, they always blame their incompetence, on the previous government for leaving them with a non existent mess. They just never have and never will take responsibility for their inability to run the country. MIA Albo, the man who couldn't run a chook raffle down his local pub on Friday night. The artful dodger, dodging questions and passing them onto someone else just as incompetent as he is, to answered for him. Mr. climate change, everything revolves around climate change, national security, that depends on climate change, the economy, depends on climate change. One lost count how many times he used climate change in this campaign bullshit speaches. His voice grated on my nerves, he is a pathetic fool, he would have to be the weakest labour PM, to date. He is surrounded by in competent fools as well. JMPO>> <<@joywilliams8444 says : Labor is in rents have blown out of proportion people have been forced onto the streets. People are now losing their homes. All Powe will cease except electricity . Ou choices are bei g removed f us in a rapid fashion.why are people lining up to forego their rights. Banks are closing branches every. Rudd and Gillard the nbn we can no longer use our phone without electricity. What's going on when the bad things happen we can't contact each other. No petrol for cars. Taken. No power taken. No banks open taken. No teller Machines no MO ey taken. This gov is hand I hand with China . We are not a lucky country wecare a pathetic country who will not stand up for itself. Throw this albenese fool out and his band of witches.>> <<@joywilliams8444 says : Well I never voted labor and havnt for 30 odd yrs. I will never vote lab they are an underhanded gov and look so far its typical lab bitch bitch bitch and then bit h some more>> <<@tonyhanley9458 says : Doesn’t matter if it’s libs or labor, they all working for the WHO, all this crazy green crap. No coal by 2030- looks like it will be candlepower cos solar isn’t viable - doesn’t put enough power into the grid, wind turbines are the same. Pandering to the WHO & WEF ,once again.>> <<@ianwillans2126 says : The LABOR party is useless crap.>> <<@ianwillans2126 says : Albanese new name is SPUDDLE. That is his nick name.>> <<@matthewwren2877 says : Why do we aim for 80% power from renewable energy, other countries are waking up to this that it doesn’t work, wind/solar can’t sustain the same grid and remove coal/gas power stations, yet we still hold a 0 nuclear option, and no this doesn’t mean any form of a nuclear weapon, as we have our own medical nuclear reactor in Lucas height.>> <<@matthewwren2877 says : Good work Credlin keep exposing them and the lies they seed, we ain’t stupid and punishment as you’ve said will come.>> <<@soma4u289 says : You better believe it sure will.>> <<@amandac.451 says : Labor blaming everyone and everything else but themselves. 🤬 Labor & the 💩 Greens with all their " Woke " trash. LABOR & GREENS DO NOT CARE FOR AUSTRALIA.>> <<@trevorfitzgerald4996 says : They could have gotten the money the LNP wasted on the subs we have to to order and won't get till after ww3>> <<@rayjohnson7881 says : Schwab's WEF communist agenda in full swing. It reads like a book. Please read and get rid of them. As the minor parties spelt out before the election.>> <<@jimmyriddle5246 says : Voters are STUPID! They'll vote for however promises to give them more with a simple wafting of a magic wand.>> <<@geoffreytoomey682 says : Yes, Carbon dioxide (CO2) is also an important greenhouse gas. It has a long lifetime in Earth's atmosphere. Carbon dioxide strongly absorbs energy with a wavelength of 15 μm (micrometers). This makes carbon dioxide a good absorber of wavelengths falling in the infrared radiation region of the spectrum. Because CO2 is a saturated molecule, it requires a doubling of the amount of radiation, that means, today with CO2 at 420 ppm in our atmosphere, the amount of CO2 must double each time for it to absorb more inferred radiation, 420 ppm today plus 840 ppm, so CO2 in our atmosphere must be at 1,260 ppm give us warming of 1degree C, that’s about the same level of CO2 that builds up in the air during an hour lecture in a popular subject at University, just from our exhaled breath, amazing. WOW, imagine the plant growth with that much CO2 in our air, Global famines would be totally eliminated, rainforests would flourish again creating seasonal wet seasons, and abundant water combined with CO2 in the air, at half what the Glasshouse farmers have to pump into their crops today, our planet would be Green and blue again. No more brown areas. But CO2 is not the issue at all, global control of all human activity has been the intention of the WEF Globalists instrument the United Nations from before178 country governments agreed to implement the UN agenda 21 way back 30 years ago, sure I was 42 then and didn’t care at all about our Governments Labor and LNP betrayal to a bunch of Bureaucrats who are just puppets themselves, being controlled by the World Economic Forum of Billionaire megalomaniacs, but just 7 years ago the United Nations Australian Governments again betrayed us agreeing to implement UN agenda 2030, pushing Climate Change as their main weapon of indoctrination of young minds, calling Carbon Dioxide a pollutant, their secondary weapon is Sustainability, most people have no idea about theWEFs UN agendas to achieve Global control of all human activity by 2030,>> <<@briansandford614 says : Stop blaming the unemployed! Besides last I heard the unemployment rate was at an all time low. It a cowardly low blow to always blame those who are least able to fight back. It’s like saying labor cost are to high, blaming the lowest paid who actually do the work to earn money for their nation. But never the highly paid. People like yourself. What do you produce that we can export to earn money for this nation? Nothing ! Somethings you said were true though Labour Government’s federal and state and I dare say council’s to, have in past 50 years never ran an economy in the black. Only ever into the ground ! Hasn’t anybody noticed not even BOAT people want to come here anymore ! And I long to leave ! This is not anymore, the good country I grow up in ! ! Witnessing a global COUP and government’s around the world creating war as a side show and harming 💉the human race, has caused me to cry many tears in the last few years !>> <<@duncanbaynton7138 says : All government is corrupt everything government touches it corrupts fact>> <<@nigelmorgan3449 says : Albo you lied Charmers you have no plan you lied to Bowen your a career politician and labor should of sacked you with Rudd and Shorten you lied to It blame blame blame that’s all we hear you have no plan and Albo living of the public purse for the whole of your life and all you do is give what’s left of the money that Morrison hasn’t spent to some wacko island your no leader>> <<@littletony1764 says : Unfortunately things are still going to get a lot worse as the cost of living soar under Labor. Chaos is just around the corner as crime will hit an all time high and fresh food will only be available for the rich, as taxes will rise and rise so that Labor can fund their warped policies that will only bring about more disaster and pain for hardworking aussies!>> <<@trik1pony says : Looking forward to My Plan! Vote These ALP Muppets OUT !!!!!>> <<@joepearce3033 says : Gregg Phillips has made available documents that prove our elections go through CCP in a Chinese University..>>