<<@justvisitingterra6459 says : WHAT WAGE'S ?, THEY HAVE KILLED ALL THE JOB'S, IT APPEARS THEY WANT THE WHOLE OF AUSTRALIA TO BE SUBSERVIENT AND ON WELFARE , SO THEY CAN JUST BORROW MORE MONEY FROM OVERSEAS BANK'S AND GOVERNMENT'S . MAXXAUS.>> <<@arroeducarlion4990 says : inflating wages doesnt inflate prices.....>> <<@user-rl5nd3ys8p says : Disaster recovery would mean having public servants supervise TradesMen repairing infrastructure.>> <<@buildmotosykletist1987 says : I hope Tony Sheldon cracks down on the corruption within local councils during disaster recovery.>> <<@buildmotosykletist1987 says : Wages have not stagnated ! They have risen but have not kept up with the cost of living. Minimum Wage rate under the Gillard Gov't was $15.51 per hour. Minimum Wage in 2022 is $21.38 per hour. That's about 45% increase. *_Not stagnant_*>> <<@samcordero9129 says : >> <<@conchitadesousa365 says : This reminds me the said which states this: " who was the first the egg or the hen", as good economists they put in place the rise of wages but the inflation came first and they will continue with the game but the hen and her egg are too tired!!!....>> <<@jasonseng5463 says : Business wants low wages. They've always wanted a low paid, disposable workforce.>> <<@seanhassett4516 says : So is the previous government in power, because that's all he talks about>> <<@bruno6115 says : They've still got no 🤬 idea.>> <<@BUD8302 says : It truly is a war problem. I saw a post the other day that said "would you flip burgers for 250k a year? You would? Maybe it's not a worker shortage then>> <<@simondee3886 says : All masked up, quite laughable.>> <<@luciferblack7764 says : 🥚 writes a book.. My successful assumptions guesses and predictions.....🥚 The End. 😆😆😆😆>> <<@saltyaussie7702 says : I see the purple rose party! When will the victimisation & domestic violence of male victims especially father's is going to be addressed? It's disgusting! If domestic violence is truly going to be defeated then it needs to be on all fronts!>> <<@helengormlie966 says : What has labour ever been sensible and practical>> <<@trill4907 says : Anything Labor is sledging to pass the buck gets a 👎>> <<@helengormlie966 says : Labour have no idea. They will destroy small business>> <<@Design_no says : The alp has institutional as well as intellectual problems.>> <<@peterjones5254 says : The problem is, these pollies never experience economic hardship. Freeze the pollies salaries until we're back in the black and no pensions, only super when they reach the retirement age. Like everybody else.>> <<@peterburke8650 says : Who are these frigen losers in parliament with a mask.what a bunch of low iq muppets.>> <<@TheRealBobSmith. says : Tony please explain why you took Union members cash and put it into a personal slush fund in 2014?>> <<@TheRealBobSmith. says : Oh look it's Tont Sheldon the unionist hack .>>