<<@LisaMoon-ke2si says : She was never pregnant.>> <<@Carpenterdane says : Don't feel bad Samantha, NutMeg lied about many things during that interview. We all are on to NutMeg now, and so is the royal family.>> <<@thatonethisone5904 says : Sam lost hahahaha>> <<@Mairi.. says : Anyone defamed by them should sue them.>> <<@foxie5502 says : Consider her siblings are 14 and 16 years older than her, and that she is only a half sibling. She moved in with her father at the age of 9 (siblings would be 23 and 25) would mean she was in fact raised as a only child.>> <<@LydiaHJR says : Normal not to remember things from birth up to the age 5 or more even>> <<@taquitocruz9398 says : Lying she got married 3 days before ? Where is the marriage certificate ? Unbelievable false statement . What a liar !>> <<@kathleenlogan5641 says : If that freak MM uses anymore highlighter, they'll see her from space. She cakes it on - so gross. By the way, I love Daisy's retro look. She looks like a beautiful pin-up from the 40s. Gorgeous. Beautiful skin.>> <<@user-ix9wx6ms9v says : Not much good to have a voice that tells lies after lies.>> <<@dam6351 says : Getting a taste of her own medicine>> <<@luzoo3540 says : Sicko who got a platform. Meghan the destroyer>> <<@ASeedSower234 says : I think you are not understanding in this case, her siblings were years older, more like parents than siblings, you are being unfair, she is meaning correctly that she had no siblings close to her age to play and relate with, be fair, be just if you are going to judge someone. I speak of only this one particular instance in which I think she is being unfairly judged.>> <<@cayea4076 says : Meghan lied about cooperating with the writers of Finding Freedom, and tried to get the writers to write very humiliating slut-shaming things about her sister.>> <<@Anaz575 says : Copra is not professional at all.she was biased.she never ask wallis simpson anything about her family.>> <<@joyceaubert6359 says : Only thing I know is the picture that you show of Archie it’s a little boy light skin with dark brown hair. Now he’s years old and it’s his bright bright red how is that and he has freckles???>> <<@Yetti0 says : Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!>> <<@Dwightinho56 says : Jesusssss, all the lies!!!!>> <<@ma.esther9637 says : MEagan is Narcissistic and LIAR😫😫>> <<@mischa6688 says : Idk. But Markle seemed to have become full of herself after marrying Harry.>> <<@kidrockjr says : Maa chod di 😂😂>> <<@denysunshine9752 says : Maybe Megan didn’t feel like she had siblings. Bloo>> <<@denysunshine9752 says : Her sister is jealous of her and it’s just really sad!!!>> <<@om-nj2hw says : Oprah is a fake, she was just interested in the story, and furthering the white people are racist agenda, so facts couldn't be bothered with. I used to watch her on TV back in the day, I wonder if this was always who she was, or if this is a recent thing. All her gurus turned out to be crazy,or scammers...Dr Phil, Oz, Orman etc>> <<@murphysmom1387 says : American s are sick of Markle>> <<@agapantum says : OMG! YES she has no siblings...half siblings aren't siblings specially when you have half siblings as Megan Markle. Megan's mum only had one pregnancy. I do not understand what us the fuss about.>> <<@normaforde5474 says : Her sister id very jealous of her she is wicked and did her best to destroy her from the time she heard thst shr was datond Harry ..she all about making money .Her brother did the same thing .Her father also did the same thing .These are suppose to be white people .If i was Megan i would fotgey that they were my family..To me she was raised with her father and mother. She said thst She dpent a lot of time with him onthe movies set Where was Samantha and her brothet .I think she meant that She was raised most of her life by Her mum and dad>> <<@paulag7635 says : Half is not the same as having a sibling from the same parent's you should go report something that actual bring change to the world and stop trolling>> <<@oreopumpkin5002 says : Money is all that half wants....>> <<@Totcali says : MM avid fan of suing people! And always winning! What’s her secret? Amazing Liar?!>> <<@Totcali says : When a person lied, she will always be a liar!>> <<@MissTurk says : That sister needs to back off she doesn’t know you as her sister and now suing her because she says she felt like an only child?>> <<@MissTurk says : Omg her sister is only after attention and money>> <<@theyclosechannelsthatspeak428 says : Master manipulator.>> <<@hmmminteresting7675 says : Just when we thought that we are finally done with Amber Turd and Johnny Depp, here comes yet another one... Defamation claims seems the be the next in thing!>> <<@chichiveloz7002 says : Meghan has a Narcissistic personality disorder , a master manipulator , compulsive liar ,her mental condition is swollen inflated sense of her own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for anyone 🧷Blind date that never googled Harry or the Royal Family before she married him during the engagement interview she said she didn’t know who Harry was….and asked only ‘is he kind’. ( oh please when she was the one that set everything to have that blind date with him ) wearing Princess Diana’s perfume … She went on to say she knew nothing about the Royal Family ; It later transpired she read every book about Diana ever written, had visited Buckingham Palace, and had cried all the way through Diana’s funeral. but obsessed since she was a child , holding Kate’s magazines , Diana’s books , trips to the door of the queens 🧷Pretending to becomes friends with people to use them to later trash them when no longer needing them ; trashing family members, bullying staff , bullying children, manipulating the press and mases That she’s a Humanitarian when she can even start at HOMe with her own family unforgiven human lady when so many people has to forgive her for so much harm . like that trip to Africa she took close before she meet harry while she was planing her blind manipulative strategies to harry believe that she was just like her mom Diana, and went ahead taking cute pictures with pour kids to publish them she should go do some real humanitarian job not only on Africa at places in the world were is missing So many resources like woman government birth centers were at this moments many woman are dying due to missing resources and help with a few real volunteers humanitarian supporting a few doctors on field caring for hundreds of patients and new borns . HOW can she compare her self with princes Diana ? 🧷That they were driven from the royal family because of racism. Ungrateful lady when the queen right away took her under her arms , and prince Charles supported her taking her dads place when he got sick which later one she will stop talking to her own dad she’s the racist unloving one here stating that they didn’t want Archie to be a prince or a princess when it was her that manipulated HARRY to fled the royal life—and Harry’s home country—to live in a more private setting in Southern California. ( yea right .. so she can be able to walk at red carpets modeling ) when they accept it her and made so many changes from the start at her wedding , meanwhile Meghan breaking traditions like if she was better than everyone else and better than the whole United Kingdom 🇬🇧 to later wanting to take over and become president of the usa 🇺🇸 to never have to curtsy to future Queen Kate. Ans had the courage to be complaining about needing to curtsy to the Queen ( like does she feels better than the queen also ) well she’s a narcissist what not to expect .. 🧷That Kate made her cry and then give her roses to apologize.. since when you even heard a story that Kate had hurt peoples feelings ? Meanwhile she’s LYING she was the one that made Kate cry during her postpartum at her fake wedding bullying princes charlotte comparing her to a fat baby , bugging about her and then Kate after tears was the bigger person to give her roses as any human being should an act of forgiveness for narcissist Meghan trash the roses on a garbage can and shut the door at Kate ..! Then to go as she claims her self Little mermaid at Oprah’s show blaming Kate for making her cry switching the the story ( omg ) 🧷that she loves harry and she rescue him. Really ? A woman that loves her husband and children would want to see him happy and if she thinks harry will be able for ever to stay kidnapped from the love he and his brother had she’s evil as she can be. A narcissist like her will have competition with her own kids .. she wears designer experience clothes and ported the first picture of Lilibet wearing a $5 Amazon headband , Archie wearing a white $8 dollars onesie. She hides the children more than virgen Mary hide Baby Jesus when the faraón was looking to finish him during his masacre of babies smh , lying that is to protects them , but those children in the future will demand answers from her , if for example her dad dies and they were denied by her to never meet him . 🧷That she was suicidal.. people tend to forget she’s an actress , if she was that suicidal ? what was she doing a few weeks later with all Colgate smiles at red carpets acting cute to received what it seems she’s missing on her self steam from her blind followers that poorly also only cares about looks & how beautiful this American fake princess is, and walking her miss universe walk like nothing happened graving harry with her leech ( her hand ✋) like a poppy 🧷That she felt like Litle mermaid that lost her voice , well the voices she wanted to use was her lies when she could of had use her influence and with unity with princes Kate and William make wonders and amazing accomplishments like they were willing to do 🧷lying about her father and sister , of course of not convenient for her to Have anyone that truly knows her near harry so she wouldn’t get expose , no mercy no matter what as humans we need to forgive to be forgiven specially her . And Samantha her sister is the only one supporting her dad meanwhile Meghan is busy planing her next lies and smiling at cámaras 🧷Meghan had said she and Harry got married in secret three days before their televised wedding - but the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has denied it was a legal ceremony 🧷Anyone who is or ever was a parent know the heartache when your child says hurtful things about their upbringing. Thomas Markle sacrificed everything thing for her including private school and her college tuition. She spoke at a university in South Africa where she lied and told the students and staff in the audience that she used the work study program to pay her way through. Any parent would be heartbroken by this type of lie because it's betrayal. Mr. Markle isn't perfect but he is her father. 🧷She said she had no help from the family regarding Royal etiquette but was given 6 months protocol training. How could she forget that Samantha Cohen worked with her on this for six months?. 🧷Passport taken away. Proof - it’s protocol for Royal passports to be kept in a safe location until needed and/or requested. She travelled internationally on private trips to Italy, New York, Ibiza, and Amsterdam among other places when she wished without the palace trying to stop her. Another lie: she got a standing ovation for her UN speech. Video shows people politely clapping in their seats. 🧷That the Royal Family refused to help Meghan with her mental health. Are you serious ? When she’s the harm on Harry’s mental health using Princess Diana’s tragedy to have him manipulated because she knows his weakness and guilts that he grew up feeling that he couldn’t help his mom therefore he has to be this super hero and rescue his wife ! Never that he knows she’s a compulsive manipulative Liar . I pray 🙏 Harry can wake up and help his kids from the traumas she’s causing on them 🧷Is a disgrace how Meghan has harry kidnapped mentality manipulated to the point of losing contact with his niece and nephews and what’s worse Harry’s kids haven’t spend any time with them , I’m telling you dealing with a narcissist like Meghan is very harmful for a family , well what can you expect ? Her values are really messed up very inhuman I lost all respect for her>> <<@chichiveloz7002 says : OPRAH was manipulated by MegHan>> <<@luiserenner7147 says : STOP. Half sisters that live in a different household are not legitimate siblings and she was raised as an only child. What do we learn when some malicious half-sibling is trying to get to your money for questionig such statement!? THIS SHOW IS DISGUSTING AND YOU ARE MOBBING GOOD PEOPLE INTO DESPAIR, POT. SUICIDE>> <<@anniebertolone4106 says : Any excuse will do 😜>> <<@katiacomk says : This is not funny. As a person with several half siblings from other mothers I understand what she says. If they are not close to you, it feels like they are strangers. Your mother upbringing/ living in the same house is what connects you to your siblings.>> <<@sandravilosky7817 says : Maybe they weren’t around at the time she was growing up. People always make assumptions! Why not just ask Meghan what she meant.>> <<@senka2578 says : Bad karma bites the duchess in the ass. We were waiting for this moment where she showed the public who she is.>> <<@lebzozoable2928 says : People are so obsessed with Meghan. Imagine your own half sister so hungry for fame and fortune to sue you over such ridiculous thing. There is better things to report>> <<@perryrice4149 says : I'm a black woman living in the US she did not tell a lie. she is the only child of her mother's. she did not grow up with this woman. and she did not have to include her .in her interview she did not want to. this is so stupid the father and this sister had nothing else to do. obvious they're so jealous if this black woman. is now rubbing shoulders with the rich and elite that they wish they could have. her baby is a part of the royal family and they cannot take it. because. they too look at her as a black woman. like America society does one black drop rule here in the US. and I just cannot take it that she don't want to be bothered. so they're going to sue her over this just stupid. they should get a life and everybody else in the UK that hates her she get a life. sorry white women she won y'all lost. apparently he has a preference and it's not white women. 🤷🏽‍♀️😔🤣🤣>> <<@Sultana1881 says : People have been trying to destroy Megan since her beautiful wedding; especially you Brits. Your hate and prejudice shine through. Megan, I send you the Love and Protection of our Creator Mother. May all of your detractors reap their reward.>> <<@elvialopez8426 says : 🤪Meghan is a 🤥>> <<@bandotza says : Again this fake nigga syndrom>> <<@jonuisfe5684 says : She probably wasn’t close to them, where she barely knew them enough and didn’t consider them siblings? I have half siblings and Idk them at all I have one brother from both of my parents and I often forget or don’t consider my half siblings as mine. I’ve met them a few times and that’s it. I tell people all the time it was just me and my brother. All I’m saying is that this wouldn’t be the worse thing to say especially since I know other people who have done the same and I get shocked when I see that they had siblings but to them they might as well not even exist because they didn’t even know each other. Ive said this before and I’m sorry if it sounds heartless but if my siblings died I wouldn’t even cry. How can I love people I don’t even know to the extent that I forget they exist blood or not?>> <<@40597 says : Jump on it>> <<@fc4660 says : What a ridiculous thing to do. People say things all the time in interviews that are not true. She doesn’t seem to want to be her sister so why the fuss?!>> <<@cinthiavirgen6710 says : Well sibilings around her age to grow up around with , I mean you can see the huge difference on age between her and her so call half sister>>