<<@patricelauverjon2856 says : Ping pong games distract us away from real issues: take as an example the Russian Collusion in the US that has distracted US Citizens for years away from main issues while unjustified. More than ever Australia can learn from what goes in in America! THE OPEN SECRET  Just as well as it is not easy individually to reach our goals without detours, it gets so much harder when what stands at the back of decision making is not considered. The secret in interacting is to use 'fesh ingredients' and use Cultural aspects as references, prioritising the actual effects they have on individuals and communities. Change do occur, and those willing to set things in concrete do actually favour opposite reactions. If there is a trend that requires fingers on the pulse to be felt, it cannot be imposed, and those intending to fashion fully the NWO need to wake up to that. Waking up is WOking out. It appears necessary to repeat that Aboriginal Culture, without entering the Sacred aspects of Spirituality, offers the extreme aspects of a naked life exposed to nature. Colonialism has exposed extreme ways of Governing: withdrawing from the 'most different' available options, the best balanced decisions can be made at all levels. When using the same genuine references,  chances to interact are increased but cannot be fully specified, and only happen within respectful parametres. Each of us can be an actor, and create virtual associations with what appears to be very different, and work our realities in between: doing it for ourself makes our VOICE more audible! The higher level we reach, in association with our conscience, the higher our wisdom in sharing, and the better understanding we get, via genuine matching actions, from those less capable in express themselves.>> <<@fransutherland4174 says : He has an arts degree in politics, they gave him a doctorate for writing a thesis on Paul Keating, no formal training in economics or finance, completely out of his depth.>> <<@archielea1200 says : Economic mismanagement to the Australian people of each way Albo Labor party and greens and Independent greens on there watch Inflation Says IAM who Iam Amen and amen>> <<@archielea1200 says : Wrong on their watch each way Albo Labor party and greens and Independent greens since the election interests rates have gone up and petrol prices and food prices rise up and electricity prices rise and water bills and so on Each way Albo Labor party and greens and Independent greens and people smugglers are on their way and companies are going broke small business and unemployment is happening now economically mismanagement Says IAM who Iam Amen and amen And deficit is going up Says IAM who Iam Amen and amen>> <<@seanmccallum1210 says : How about Sue lines stay outside when they do the lords prayer.>> <<@VICTOR-jg4vv says : welcome to country is just a complete joke and AUSTRALIANS are sick of it>> <<@fabianpatrizio2865 says : for 'as long as he can'........which means for the next 3 friggin years.....>> <<@derekmoore2779 says : History of labour governments are more spending and public debt>> <<@rissole7229 says : Interesting, but not surprising to hear the leftist lamestream media cheer squad trying to elevate the credentials of this FLOG by referring to him as DOCTOR Charmers. This dimwit has no economics or financial experience at all let alone a degree. He has a phd in political science and no plan to fix the economy at all. All you will see and hear from labor for the next 3 years is the blame game while they quietly trash the economy in pursuit of their woke social engineering agenda.>> <<@infidel202 says : Why are these idiots trying to change things that don't actually help run the country,is it all about virtue signals, extra flags, stopping the prayer thing, I'm an atheist and don't care what religion someone is,so these woke politically correct boofheads stop the prayer and bring in a smoking ceremony, how is that running the country, wounder what they are smoking before they make these stupid decisions>> <<@gregrobins5615 says : So Jim, do you blame the former government for low interest rates, low inflation, low unemployment, a strong economy, tax offsets, lower taxes and lower electricity prices too ?>> <<@paulwilson7622 says : Biden is clearly a weak weak man. The presidency is different to the government, he can advise but should not order. I suspect a lot of this is the creeping cancerous feat he has over his inability to do anything. Pelosi, not that I like her must now go to Taiwan no matter if she is personally scared, and Biden must shut up. He is no doubt scared about how this will affect the income of his son & therefore himself if the media is to be believed, also he might have to grow a pair & push back against the CCP>> <<@billybobb7252 says : Don't stress fellow Aussies. Its all going to plan .!.>> <<@sibellakingston52 says : Wow, imagine if Pelosi went to Taiwan and China did something to wipe her out.....>> <<@judyadams8178 says : Like who didn't know that, Labor doesn't know a thing the only thing their good at is the blame game just a useless, woke party 3 yrs of hell>> <<@JohnSmith-it9eh says : Why not Abbot and Morrison blamed Rudd and Gillard for almost a decade the difference is Labor have a genuine case those morons have left us with a trillion dollars of debt due to their incompetents rorts and waste does 5.5 billion dollars blown on subs we will never see ring a bell and that's just for starters!!!!>> <<@colleenjackson9259 says : Ms Lyon's you need to keep your beliefs to yourself You are not there for the first time is that right?? So you go up a bit and now think you can change things for everyone else You are not God so the Prayer will stay there You just worry about what you have to do Oh you can't do that So give your job to someone who can Get Linda Thorpe she can do better job??>> <<@alibarber57 says : This treasurer like all the rest is clueless>> <<@richardtravers8772 says : There is just so much crap about welcome to Country, it was invented in 1976, when entertainers Ernie Dingo and Richard Walley developed a ceremony to welcome a group of Māori artists who were participating in the Perth International Arts Festival. The welcome, extended on behalf of the Noongar people, was intended to mirror the visitors' own traditions, while incorporating elements of Aboriginal culture. Walley recalled: Māori performers were uncomfortable performing their cultural act without having been acknowledged or welcomed by the people of the land. I asked the good spirits of my ancestors and the good spirits of the ancestors of the land to watch over us and keep our guests safe while they’re in our Country. And then I talked to the spirits of their ancestors, saying that we’re looking after them here and we will send them back to their Country. Another interesting fact, a Welcome to Country can only be undertaken by an elder, formally recognised traditional owner or custodian to welcome visitors to their traditional country. I get the distinct impression that Jim like Airbus is finding the job beyond the normal balancing theTea Money for the Party.>> <<@danmakintosh7002 says : turn up the volume>> <<@JP-se3ti says : They have all blamed the previous government for the promises they can't or don't keep for as long as I can remember and I'm 72. Just hopeless, our governments are ruining this once great country, selling us out at every turn to overseas interests and minority groups, the main body of tax payers always ignored until election time and then after the election comes the blame game, regular as clockwork.>> <<@graemekeeley4497 says : Jim Chalmers attempting to level with the people Seriously ....................... Chalmers hasn't much choice, blaming the last Government has run out of puff Inflation and prices increasing those struggling to cope with increasing hardships are going to run right over him Once he brings down the budget and Australians find the Labor promises to win the election was just a mirage, Chalmers will find it hard to explain to a very pissed of Nation of voters Banging on about Climate Change and Native inclusion schemes is just not going to cover up voter fury>> <<@robertnicholson1409 says : It's early days yet.Albanese will be tested as time goes on and I am sure the contradictions, hypocrisies and lies will be there for all to see....it's just a question of time !>> <<@kenhubbard7355 says : How can you give your credit card to the liberal then when its overdrawn BLAME THE CREDIT CARD COMPANY , HOW LONG HAVE THE LIBS HAD THE CREDIT CARD , A LOT LONGER THAN LABORS HAD TO PAY IT OFF,, YOU RIGHTWINGNUTS STALL ON CLIMATE CHANGE AND EVEN DENIE IT EVEN EXISTS ,THEN WHEN THERES A DROIGHT OR BUSH FIRES ITS ALL OF A SUDDEN LABORS FAULT ITS TIME 4. U 2 STOP BEING RIGHT WINGNUTS AND START BEING CONSTRUCTIVE SORRY PACK A MONGRELS>> <<@weekendwithbevoblog2171 says : I thought Chalmers had a plan! He talked about a plan before the election. Seems like silly Dumbo lied.>> <<@Stikibits says : Yeah...because it's the LNP's fault, you irrational arse clowns.>> <<@user-gk1nt6sm2z says : Blame the opposition for the incoming major economic disaster Yep, Airbus albo strategy flights are paying big dividends.>> <<@birgittabirgersdatter8082 says : People generally rise to the level of their incompetence. Looks like Chalmers has reached his level.>> <<@travismcclain4837 says : That really does seem to be the mantra of all governments right now. Most newly elected or installed governments are blaming previous ones. The problem? Everything was better then. 😣>> <<@nigelmorgan3449 says : He’s not a treasurer boot lace glue brain>> <<@eb2505 says : Chalmers and Co. really just haven't woken up yet to the fact most Australians have lost patience with them on this point. He'll have to learn the hard way.>> <<@peternut358 says : Until he gets a plan 😏>> <<@tlb2970 says : Labor, no plans that’s why they keep referring to the previous government, all blah blah>> <<@lupcokotevski2907 says : Jimbo is already visibly aging. His nervous smile while giving bad news is an unconscious defence mechanism - he's knows he has no idea.>> <<@svensshed1564 says : Im a conservative atheist but if its part of the tradition of parliament then it needs to stay>> <<@joanelizabeth9322 says : Darn you Aussies got real lucky with the gaggle of idiots. I especially like Adam Bandt.>> <<@daveo3122 says : And here I thought it was said "The grown ups are back in control". Seems more like 6 year old behaviour to me>> <<@davmac6148 says : MAKE NO MISTAKE, IF THE POWER OF DEMOCRACY IS NOT ALLOWED TO RISE ABOVE THE MONEY POWERS MANKIND IS DOOMED TO FAIL. Wars, terrorism, bankruptcy, inflation, poverty are all effects cause by the Privatization of money compound, with interests. All means of exchange – be they coin, bank-notes or credit, largely passed on by cheques – by private firms as an interest-bearing debt against the public should cease forthwith; that the Sovereign power and duty of issuing money in all forms should be returned to Governments, then to be put into circulation free of all debt and interest obligations. We should be opposing all those provisions placing any currency and credit systems in private hands. History tells as all, that money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance. NOW WE TALKING , NUCLEAR AND BIOLOGICAL WAR, THE BOTH WON'T DISTINGUISH BETWEEN RICH AND POOR. BILLIONS OF DEATHS AND MISERY COULD BE THE NEW NORMAL IN THE 21TH CENTURY.>> <<@dimitzvonmelbourne7886 says : What about 2007, Budget in surplus and no federal debt. Labor was silent then. They are in power and blaming Coalition continuously is not very professional. NBN and NDIS are Labor projects are not funded and need urgent attention in addition to inflation control and balancing the budget.>> <<@zinny999 says : As he should...>> <<@luciferblack7764 says : He has every right to blame those responsible as did Australians, hence firing the LNP at the first opportunity. 👍>> <<@johnmurray8267 says : Hey Jim, you asked for the job suck it up.🤣🤣🤣>> <<@TheRealBobSmith. says : Dr Chalmers (Doctorate in Political Science ) along with the entire Labor party are out of their depth they really are . This is dangerous stuff it really is.>> <<@Aaronwhatnow says : The last government did the same thing 🤦🏼 and the one before and the one before that and the one before that🤦🏼😅>>