<<@wolvesboy87a92 says : Australians are suffering from an identity crisis. Being taught to be ashamed of their past and to become hateful towards white Australians and the Monarchy. Every country in the world has a chapter in history that they're not proud of and yet you see the Brit's mourning their queen of almost 70 years with unadulterated pride and joy! Yes, Australia might become a republic in the future, yes, we should listen to the first nations voices, but NO Australia and its people should not be ashamed of the achievements they've made as a country!>> <<@michaelandrews583 says : "The surest way to corrupt youth, is to instruct them to hold in high esteem those who think alike, than those who think differently.">> <<@graemeschubert6162 says : Not many like an ugly truth do they>> <<@desking8065 says : Are those matters in the curriculum of teaching or is it teachers idea only.>> <<@stevearcus2963 says : Ditto in New Zealand. Rewritten History is eliminating all the shameful things done by NZ's `only' indigenous natives to the multiple cultures that `never' existed before the Maori came to NZ. All the evidence of such is being disposed of, bulldozed or seized and to the next generation didn't actually exist and were some old peoples conspiracy theories.>> <<@Ziggaty3690 says : And they want to give 16-year-olds the vote. These left-wing woke educators must be rubbing their hands with glee at the very thought of it.>> <<@brucefairweather9059 says : The downfall of Australian education started with the election of of the Whitlam Govt back in the early 70's, from preschool to university this was all planned before they came to power, it is the education system which brings a country down, same in America and Britain, and it takes about 50 years, Karl Marx was the instigator , Australia and America have well and truly arrived.>> <<@aaronperry5138 says : Same story in America of course... as well as every other white country no doubt. I'll tell you this concerning our precarious situation... When you welcome your enemies with open arms, cater to them, give them special statuses and privileges, and even allow them to take part in controlling your most important institutions, you without fail will wake up one day in your own land to find out that YOU... are now the enemy.>> <<@remaincalm2 says : Same in the UK. Globalists are at work to destroy western society, our history, our achievements, our ingenuity, and our future. It's much harder to control a proud, well educated nation, so they're dumbing down education and installing self loathing and doubt into our children to make them easier to control and introduce WEF style marxism. The writing's been on the wall for years and now we're seeing our great countries being underhandedly prepared for it to happen.>> <<@hixiegirl says : Welcome to our world! USA! Sounds like CRT is leaking into OZ.>> <<@bookertee3057 says : Soros money reaching Australia 🇦🇺.>> <<@setoredan says : Really sorry that Australia has fallen into nonsense too. What is wrong with people who hate their countries? Just leave the country you hate.>> <<@raphaelsaint2130 says : Australia is dying a woke death,...just like Canada under Trudeau where they have "Peoplekind"....instead of..."mankind".>> <<@NemesisDawn says : If you can't see by now that there's a intentional, orchestrated and consolidated effort to take down Western Civilization then you aren't paying attention or you're just content with that outcome.>> <<@SA-nv5tc says : I agree 100% with the teachers. Our history is a national shame. If we had done things better these stupid teachers wouldn’t be in this country preaching BS to our kids.>> <<@dwaynejoyce1357 says : Why can't the curriculum incorporate all Australian history warts and all including Aboriginal culture and teaching in equal measure for a real world view that's balanced. Negative education is counter productive and simply creates division. This is probably the end game unfortunately.>> <<@anndoig2459 says : They use and abuse our history to give their barbarity a respectable intellectual veneer.>> <<@infidel202 says : Enough of this woke shit>> <<@jenni0278 says : Look at the US and how many of the younger generation have no idea about our history and have absolutely no patriotism. Hell they can't even read an analog clock I'm not sure what the hell they are going to school for except ideological indoctrination at this point>> <<@Mistry9741 says : There been taught to hate>> <<@PumpernickelBread25 says : Every national border is drawn in blood, not just Australia's.>> <<@mikejames8031 says : Cause all the losers let it happen!!!! Not one person alive is to blame for 150 years ago. When kids or adults say dumb thing you need to forcefully correct and embarrass them with their stupidity!!! The current situation is much more embarrassing!!!!>> <<@raineedaytinyfilms says : Same in the USA>> <<@barefootbandit1 says : When I went to school our teachers didn't fill our minds with bullshit. They just did their job>> <<@getlooseradio says : You are a people of no achievements , you destroyed everything you touched. so spare us the BS. You are racist bunch of rejects that had a short lived middle class life style at the expense of indigenous people and thats coming to a close . did you thing you would not have to answer for your fathers crimes against the planet and its people that you slaughtered in their millions . There is no statute of limitations on genocide>> <<@grabbag3307 says : In AUS, anyone from a non-white ethnicity is encouraged to ack and cherish that heritage, whether they be Chinese-Australian, Egyptian-Australian, Somali-Australian, whatever. But "Australian" culture is increasingly being redefined to be only Indigenous culture because the Anglo aspects of it must be erased due to the links with colonisation. So for white Australians who are born here and do not identify as English or Scottish etc, what heritage are they meant to identify with? Their "Australian" culture is being taken away from them because they aren't Indigenous, and they don't identify with any other country. So they are now the ONLY racial group in this country who cannot ack and cherish their heritage. Yet apparently they are the racial supremacists!!!>> <<@barefootbandit1 says : It's a clear message that the education department and universities need to be Torn Apart>> <<@avaraxxblack5918 says : Why the f### are all those children wearing ritualistic shame mussles still? The indoctrination never ends. Those kids are going to be thoroughly conditioned to enjoy the "new normal".>> <<@getlooseradio says : you are pissed off because the narrative of your BS history is being re-written and replaced by More cherry picked BS, however it not written by black folks its written and rubber stamped by Left wing nut jobs of your own hue in order to push their new agenda . as usual , black people are being used by your people . But what is really taking place is the demise of your sick society under a mountain of its own lies and genocides . your self inflicted wounds ill continue until you wipe yourselves off the earth . KARMA>> <<@selwyn500 says : It's vitally important that our collective history is taught otherwise we risk losing the truth of who we are and where we have come from.>> <<@fabianpatrizio2865 says : teach kids "what to think, not how to think"....Left wing all the way :)>> <<@arroeducarlion4990 says : marxists hate unity>> <<@davannaleah says : When children are being taught to be ashamed of their country we are witnessing it's unfolding destruction.>> <<@kenhubbard7355 says : The way you treated the aborigines is much worse than the CATHOLIC RESIDENTIAL SCHOOLS IN CANADA did and we teach the truth and it hasnt divided us exactly the oposite , YOUR STILL YEARS AWAY FROM BEING CIVIL TO THE INDIGENOUS PEOPLES OF AUSTRALIA CASE IN POINT THE. NORTHERN TERRITORY SOMETHING LIKE 92% OF THE PRISON POPULATION ARE ABORIGINES SORRY SORRY SITUATION AND NOTHING WILL IMPROVE UNTILL YOUR CONSERVATIVE ATTITUDE DOES , YOU LIBERALS ARE WHATS SHAMEFUL SPEAK THE TRUTH AND IT WILL SET AUSTRALIA FREE IM VERY PLEASED THAT VOTERGOT RID OF YOU WINGNUTS STOP BEING CONSERVATIVE IN THE EXTREME AND START BEING CONSTRUCTIVE>> <<@steveclifford1239 says : Woke=sick in the head freaks.>> <<@onepom63 says : Cultural Marxism indoctrination camps.>> <<@goosecouple says : Folks, you don't have to be clueless about how the Leftists play. They go by the Marxist playbook. The Marxist playbook was exposed by a 1958 book "The Naked Communist".>> <<@dalejames8576 says : Same in the US. Why don't we call it what it truly is. Marxism!>> <<@dancinguy99 says : Our country is being destroyed by undemocratic liars indoctrinating the masses with the Marxism destruction of our corrupted media>> <<@marilynshepherd6480 says : God you people over at SKY are relentlessly racist.>> <<@brettmitchell6431 says : Purge the Marxists from all levels of academia.>> <<@daniellebcooper7160 says : Left-wing socialists are behind this. They want to brainwash kids into thinking that western culture is evil, so they'll be easier to manipulate when they get older. Social Marxism.>> <<@leithmark959 says : The education system has been crappy for decades... I home schooled my kids nearly all the way through. I made the choice when Queensland’s education professionals failed to notice that my son had Aspergers and was falling way behind, that he was being bullied to the point where he talked about killing himself, in primary school, and the school tried accusing me of swearing at kids on the grounds when I raised these issues.>> <<@FireBrandWilliams says : I don't understand why white people, whether they're in America, Europe, or Australia....have such a problem with their own history....you guys like to celebrate all the parts of history that makes you look good, your "successes", but when it comes to what you guys REALLY did...you don't want anyone, especially the descendants of the races you committed atrocities against, to speak on it, now it's being used a weapon? It's your freaking history for God sakes...own it and stop whining about it...your ancestors were brutal, merciless, godless people, face it...and many of you carry those same hateful traits and characteristics to this day or you know someone white who does I'm considered a "black" American, but I am an indigenous American Indian....I don't mind talking about my ancestors being enslaved, beaten, r@ped and robbed and their land stolen by white men..it's apart of my history whether I like it or not...it's a reality I can't change, I'd love to see white ppl go back to their own land and give back what they stole but, we all know they're not that kind of people..so I leave it in God's hands to punish these ppl for what they've done, and karma is coming...it is what it is, I understand how and why white people are in the countries they're in, and how they gained political and economic power, by theft, war, and enslavement...that's HISTORY And please stop with the "none of us were alive back then" argument...that doesn't matter when the things taking place today are because of actions taken in the past...many of you weren't alive for the Jewish holocaust but you don't mind honoring the victims when the time comes around right? You can't expect everyone else to ignore history because it makes u feel bad 😂 that's your own fault you live in your lily white bubble protected from the truth .....white folks are the only ones who walk around cherrying picking what parts of history to pay attention to...stop being ashamed of what your ancestors did...own up to it>> <<@rushelm8101 says : Marxism crosses borders Lies cross borders.>> <<@robertnicholson1409 says : Brain washing of Australian children at school by leftist Teachers should be viewed on the same level as paedophilia !>> <<@maxdavies5776 says : In a proper class room both sides of history are debated & assessed & a general consensus on political science is usually concluded as to our societies direction & why.>> <<@DOWNUNDER. says : I have a sure fire defence that gives me immunity against woke shaming , it's I DONT GIVE A RATS ASS 🖕🖕🖕>> <<@CalBart42 says : of course Sky News would rather spin than truth... no matter how shameful it was TRUTH will set us free.. acknowledgement of what went down is why we march every year on the 25th of April... LEAST WE FORGET and make the same mistakes again>> <<@carbonite1999 says : So they fear what we once were ! A lesson learned then that maybe that fear should be felt today!>>