<<@tangels says : Black out Bozzo Bowen you are a massif problem.>> <<@harrysoothsayer5086 says : What about a couple of hundred billion on government employees who create nothing>> <<@harrysoothsayer5086 says : They cannot influence cost of living>> <<@patricelauverjon2856 says : 99% of us are unable to associate Legal and Political aspects with Spirituality, because so it should be: added to this is the repulsive attitude of Public education about topics such a Jungian Psychology. The huge paradox we face is that Mr and Mrs Doe and their dog want to be part of a debate empty of foundations. Those, at the forefront, deny the existance of a Universal Balance, but intend to play that role starting with Climate change. It would appear that one of the best regulation in ruling is to figure out when not to, and this obviously is not the case when the intentions are to control and tax everything. A capacity is reached to satisfy believers and atheists in a Secular manner but this has not been a priority: the Compaq disk which wants to rule the hard drive is lost in space. Those huge formal ruling and weaponised congregations have not got 1% of the wisdom of a monk isolated in a cave in the Himalayas.>> <<@clintclintonforshortbonser736 says : Yeh, you just blame putin and the previous government for everything. May as well blame Trump while your at it. Clueless, absolutely clueless. Cost of living is what Aussies care about. Not the voice or the climate fraud.>> <<@infidel202 says : Come on Jimmy, labor will get worse before it gets worse>> <<@rossrobinson6092 says : But they were going to save us all not all they done is send more and more>> <<@stenkarasin2091 says : Apparently the Govt. doesn't feel any need to act on the matter, but what am I saying, they are Labor after all.>> <<@patriot77185 says : I hope Albo is watching what is happening in Europe without power this winter for following the climate cult. Do not spend any money on useless panels or turbines !!!!! It does not work at the moment.>> <<@Kevin-lz7fj says : Charlmers tool>> <<@margaretslater1354 says : Total bunch of clowns who have absolutely no idea what they are meant to do.>> <<@taufuilehauli5488 says : The Labor government has been worried more about the climate change than the inflation. People will suffer from starvation and the crime will increase. The street unsafe and everyone started to lose their home and lively hood thanks to today's government.>> <<@taufuilehauli5488 says : Do something about it and stop saying that.>> <<@altaylor3988 says : The constant references to Inflation etc etc by this miserable Labour excuse for a Government.. is because they have NO PLAN and are led by a Fumbling, Bumbling, Waffling Albanese ...BUT Australians chose him because he patted dogs>> <<@LDU2U says : Well, here is a wakeup call, Mark Twain said it best - "If voting made any difference, they wouldn't let us do it". How true is that?>> <<@kerouacist says : The Libs did FA in 11 years,that's why every sector is striking . You just look like you've woke up Paul, clean up your act.>> <<@notsofatmike1 says : It will get worse before it gets better - 'it' being the recession we have to have. Sound familiar?>> <<@narsreenjohnson4966 says : I thought the oppersition shpould be saying something where are they?this is just theatre with Scomo.they all have made deals with WEF.they sold us>> <<@aldonabagusauskas4956 says : Albo and his travelling circus are divorced from reality! I can't believe voted for this bunch of buffoons! Albo won't be the salvo the ignorant hoped for!>> <<@wyattfamily8997 says : Germany is Recommissioning coal fired power stations to ensure base load supply, meanwhile our "leaders" plan to shut our remaining 9 C.F.P.S. to add to the cost and unreliability of Australias power needs.>> <<@garymeadows1771 says : Not surprising Watch them stuff it up.>> <<@Ernst12 says : It appears that the Labor government is very good at complaining about others but when it comes to there own performance, the government has no idea as to what to do. One should teach Labor to adopt a work ethic that says "don't tell us our problems unless you also have the solutions to fix things">> <<@jeanabercrombie5065 says : This country is being run by a bunch of incompetent nincumpoops. They have no clue, none of them could run a chook raffle at the local pub on a Friday night. And they will always blame the previous government for leaving them with a non existent mess. They will never take responsibility for their inability to run the country.>> <<@colinquigley3231 says : The. Polls say different we love them ! 😂>> <<@nigelmorgan3449 says : Charmers We the public are getting fed up with your whinging and winning about the>> <<@romangindis9552 says : CCP very pleased. Ausies voted for it.>> <<@archielea1200 says : To the Australian people first chance you get vote them out Says IAM who Iam Amen and amen>> <<@greenhealer7136 says : What can I say....Labor up to their own tricks! They lie to get in...they are believed by the insanely ignorant and the unintelligent....because ONLY the ignorant and the unintelligent would repeatedly believe their lies! ....then they get into government, then this country goes down the tubes big time! Then it takes the Liberals to clean up Labor's mess -while they then sit by and criticise how tough Liberal is forced to be in order to reclaim the EXTREME DESTRUCTION left behind by EXTREME INCOMPETENCE by the precious government...aka LABOR! ...same pattern over and over again>> <<@e210dall3 says : I read all the comments below and agree with nearly all of them. Trouble is the people who voted for these D/Heads believe Labor can fix the climate with smoking ceremonies and gay pride marches. The same people that voted labor in are the first to put their hands out for assistance when it all turns to shyte. Interesting times ahead.>> <<@danielkneebone4412 says : Many Australians voted ‘em in. Be careful what you wish for.....>> <<@marktreweek1988 says : They are not saying how they plain to fix it or they have no idea>> <<@KW-K985 says : they should have had the solution ready before elected.>> <<@Lourens551 says : The people who voted them in will be the ones who feel inflation the worst, ironic isn't it. But they deserve it for being naive to vote them in...>> <<@waynebarrett7663 says : Federal government is controlled by W E F. THEY WONT TO MAKE ALL BEGGERS.>> <<@philjohnston7920 says : the 6.1% inflation figure equates to 30% at the checkout. these morons are just so out of touch it's simply disgusting and shows they do not represent the wishes of the people. companies like coles and woolies are ripping the puplic off blind. There needs to be a consumer revolt and boycot these Duopoly of companies and others like them. We are sick of being ripped a new one every time we go to the shops or the bowser or pay a bill and at the end of August there will be a 22c/litre hike in fuel because Albo doesen't give a flying fuck about you!. Just the touchy feely bullshit to distract you from the real issues facing you in your daily life.>> <<@jim-hm3eg says : This what happens when main stream media is working for the government it's happening all over the world it's become a joke more and more spin do your job maybe it will get better get rid of this green nonsense it will ruin our economy and ruin our lives wake up>> <<@dplant8961 says : Hi, Folks. Inflation is caused by supply and demand issues, too much money trying to buy too little supply leading to people being willing to pay more to get what they want. As I understand it, there are two ways to work to solve this problem: 1. Raise interest rates to make borrowing money more expensive to try to decrease demand for the limited supply. 2. DE-regulate industry to help them to produce more to meet the existing demand. Have you EVER heard any government propose that industry be de-regulated to help reduce inflation?????????????????????????????????? That said though, dopey Australians voted for this mob. Now let 'em wear it and - hopefully - LEARN from it. Labour has NEVER been good economy managers. Just my 0.02. You all have a wonderful day. Best wishes. Deas Plant.>> <<@3_too_won says : Labors plan blame Sco Mo and the Liberal's EXCELLENT POLICIYS.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣>> <<@jamesyoung2090 says : Here in England we have a similar problem. Too much false money being printed during unnecessary lock downs. And unrealistic targets for the environment. The effectiveness of which is highly questionable. The green agenda here is adding at least 25% on our energy bills. We still have a pandemic plan in place which would have dealt with the latest virus from China (that's at least three in ten years) and did not involve lock downs or useless mass mask wearing. It advocated a targeted approach which would have saved far more people. But everybody seemed to want to follow what the ethnically cleansing Communist Government of China was doing. What's happening now is the inevitable result of what happened over the last couple of years. Incompetent governments of course don't help.>> <<@kkimstat111 says : Well we are heading for financial devastation we are spending too much and what is the first thing the Labour Party does, give themselves a pay rise and Albo only just got the job and spent the majority of the first 6 week on ego trip overseas and then goes on holidays. If they were fair dinkum and they really wanted to make a difference why didn’t they make a statement and take a pay cut. He cares as much about Australia as his salary. The majority of Australians have just given a bunch of union trained holiday makers the greatest holiday of all time. It would be great to have politicians that understand common sense and can implement it.>> <<@scottiedog4236 says : Unelected powers of the WEF .. ESG EU POWERS ARE GREAT AREN’T THEY Australia 🇦🇺 Welcome to the New World ORDER>> <<@trill4907 says : Is his ears stuck on where's Noddy oh yeah he's on holidays>> <<@trill4907 says : No they're in charge but the previous government is still responsible to run the country>> <<@AAAA-vu7fp says : He loves saying the same thing all over again.I think that is the only line he can remember>> <<@brucemackinnon6707 says : Treasurer: "Duh.">> <<@raymondbrown3385 says : This government will get worse before it gets better thats if it ever gets better>> <<@carlosalves4444 says : Let's not pretend this the global elites lockstep plan. It's not just Australia, it's everywhere. They are deliberately implementing the NWO , great reset agenda and it's unfolding right before you're very eyes, wake up, only collectively can we change this. Time to stop sitting on the fence and get your voice heard.>> <<@carlosalves4444 says : Everyones patience is wearing thin. Polies and the voting system is a show to condition the masses. Woke agendas running rampant, people being squeezed to the point of becoming homeless and food shortages coming on a global scale. Revolution is only around the corner. When people loose everything, they loose it. Guess who they think the people will come after?>> <<@linoapruzzese5341 says : What gets me is we are in crisis and chair man albo is on holiday we are in trouble the more time in power the worse it's going to get he is destroying this country What a disgrace remove Labor and the greens now before it's too late>> <<@Mercmad says : It's 1990's all over again. His thesis was on ... ..Paul Keating.😢>>