<<@marthaiyengar8322 says : Cute couple>> <<@michellesgarden5695 says : Thats what you get when you let prisoners out to rape and pillage!>> <<@stewartlinden7111 says : Couple of corrupt pawns that has sold out their country and people, should be dragged out by the mob and hung up by their heels Mussolini style>> <<@420kushmaster says : would be nice to see his asked about his cocaine use>> <<@mechengineer4894 says : You're gonna lose a lot of subs if you keep pushing this sh!t.>> <<@annettajensen6751 says : Zelenski is in cahoots with Biden>> <<@lispyDribbler says : Arn't there "children of war" in every war.>> <<@dopermeen2432 says : Your full of s..t and blow Zelensky.>> <<@delawarecop says : Ukraine made Russia endure 8 years of mindless slaughtering of legal Russian Residents of Ukraine. Now the table has turned and suddenly Zrlensky eants Minsk 3? What, so he can continue the slaughtering of Russians? What kind of human forbids its legal citizens the right to speak their native language? Why dis Zelensky ban the Russian language in Ukraine? What kind of fool does such a pathetic thing? Its inhumane...>> <<@jimjr6919 says : START REPORTING THESE VIDEOS AS HATEFUL CONTENT, THESE PROPAGANDA PIECES MUST STOP!! AND THUMBS DOWN 👎>> <<@olenaakimova816 says : Whole interview is total BS!>> <<@peteram9527 says : We are all meant to support fascism now, that the side Morgan and much of the media have taken, the opposite to all our previous values. Morgan is the new Lord Haw Haw.>> <<@jennyjenny4501 says : They don’t give a shit about the children of Ukraine. Lol!>> <<@LabelsAreMeaningless says : I suggest people stop watching Sky. They clearly have an agenda to push a war and don't care about the reality or consequences to people, or the world. They are being utterly irresponsible and today apparently they've decided it's a full day of fake news spam. Anything to push blind hate and attempt to manufacture consent. Do not fall for it, they're using you.>> <<@jackieperese3185 says : What a load!!!>> <<@materliliorum says : Is it equivalent to admitting that war has been going on for most or all of those children's lives?>> <<@imantifeminism556 says : What a fascist Trio, Just utter & pure fascist criminals>> <<@bambitremblay3752 says : Always wearing cloths like a SCOUT boys this clowm of Selenski>> <<@fyourhandlegoogle says : Didn't recognise him without shaking klaus schwab's hand>> <<@selfhelpchampion9664 says : Never, Never, Never, Never Give in. Zelensky, you are our Hero. Hope our politicians learn from you. I wish you all the best🙏🙏>> <<@mattgloyn3928 says : What about Yemen, what about Palestine ?>> <<@chippyboy35 says : Hey Melania .>> <<@jamiesiple7703 says : does this propaganda work or are regular people just turning it off war propaganda been going on sincere the civil war or even before that, too>> <<@paulveenings6861 says : Should I name all the countries that America has invaded who have children of war , probably grandchildren of war .>> <<@axiom21 says : What about the children from the East part of Ukraine? The part shelled by Ukraine starting with 2014.>> <<@seandelap8587 says : Why not interview Putin as well to get his side of the story what happened to balanced reporting.>> <<@free_icecream76 says : Did they send their 18yo to fight 🤔>> <<@Shadie187 says : What lies these actors spread!! Putin told ya's that them biological labs had to go, they targeted us all with genetic material and you are calling Russia the enemy?? Seriously, wake the F@K up, our own governments been tricking and also forcing their own citizens to take clot shots the give them A.D.E.!! Enough is ENOUGH holy sweet sh!t>> <<@thedropbear574 says : Quick commit to war that has nothing to do with you or send us millions of dollars & weapons>> <<@chairmandan1794 says : Mrs ZelenSKY arrange a fresh shirt for your husband!!!>> <<@SD._ says : Give it up Skyjab. No one cares about Ukr . Australia has other things to worry about like high inflation and raising cost of living. Why does this influential, unelected globalist entity really exist? February 27, 2022 Much more light must be shed on the World Economic Forum’s agenda and its string-pullers When Canadian parliamentarian, Colin Carrie, of the Conservative Party, asked Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government this week how many Canadian ministers were actually “on board with the World Economic Forum agenda” — before his connection “broke up” in the videoconference — he and the Canadians he represents deserved an honest response rather than accusations of spreading “disinformation”, as left-leaning New Democratic Party MP Charlie Angus did.   The World Economic Forum (WEF), colloquially known as “Davos”, for those familiar with the annual pilgrimage by the international elite to the eponymous town in Switzerland, has been on the tips of many tongues over the past two years — notably within the context of the Covid-19 crisis. Just before the Covid pandemic, on October 15, 2019, the organization announced that it was holding a “live simulation exercise to prepare public and private leaders for pandemic response.” If that sounds oddly coincidental, buckle up, because it only gets weirder. Then in August 2021, Dutch MP Gideon van Meijeren asked Prime Minister Mark Rutte about a letter he wrote to WEF Founder Klaus Schwab in which he said that Schwab’s book, “Covid-19: The Great Reset,” published on July 9, 2020, within the first few months of the pandemic, “inspired him to build back better.” The phrase also happens to be the name of US President Joe Biden’s legislative agenda, which includes increased wealth transfer into the murky black hole of climate change and “social spending.”  It would be easy to chalk it all up to creepy rhetorical coincidence if there wasn’t an actual link between Schwab, Davos, and elected officials like Rutte and Trudeau. It’s a link about which even Schwab himself has bragged. In 2017, he told an audience at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government: “What we are very proud of is the young generation, like Prime Minister Trudeau… We penetrate the cabinets.”   No citizen in any country actually voted to adopt the Davos agenda. And it’s debatable whether a sufficient number actually would. According to its own website, the WEF agenda includes increased digital integration and digitization, “urgent” climate change response, and a vision of a “Fourth Industrial Revolution” that is “characterized by a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds, impacting all disciplines, economies and industries, and even challenging ideas about what it means to be human.” The organization is also exploring the notion of “human enhancement”.  And those are just the aspects that are public. It all sounds like it has the potential to give rise to a dystopian reality, particularly coupled with the previously unimaginable measures taken by democratic governments under a sanitary pretext over the past two years. And who, or what, influences the organization itself? A massive list of multinational entities with fiduciary obligations to increase shareholder wealth, according to the organization’s website. The WEF would like for the average citizen to believe that everything it does is for our own interests. But it’s difficult to imagine what the organization’s backers actually gain by empowering average citizens rather than maintaining control over them. Much more light deserves to be shed on this supranational entity, its string-pullers, and the extent to which their agenda trickles down into our daily lives.... ....>> <<@kabc says : Aww, her cheeks hurt. Lucky that's all that hurts.>> <<@joemassepoes7842 says : Putin stole my bike and sold it to Hitler.>> <<@ManFromRussia09 says : As a Russian, I am deeply worried about the unreliability of our own military equipments. Being the second most powerful military on this planet, we cannot even occupy the capital of Ukraine right next to us even after 5 months due to superior American and British technologies. The USA came and stayed in Kabul for twenty years which is 6915 miles away from them (they even brought bacon) and went John Rambo all over Iraq which is 7388 miles away. But thank God I have the support of unintelligent billion fanboys in India and China who can't afford or create American technology.>>